How much money has Obama Given Terrorists


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
WASHINGTON — In the spring of 2010, Afghan officials struck a deal to free an Afghan diplomat held hostage by Al Qaeda. But the price was steep — $5 million — and senior security officials were scrambling to come up with the money.
The C.I.A.’s contribution to Qaeda’s bottom line, though, was no well-laid trap. It was just another in a long list of examples of how the United States, largely because of poor oversight and loose financial controls, has sometimes inadvertently financed the very militants it is fighting.
10 yrs into this and we haven't mastered this yet.......Libya being handed over was a virtual gold mine ...its as if we dont want to win
WASHINGTON — In the spring of 2010, Afghan officials struck a deal to free an Afghan diplomat held hostage by Al Qaeda. But the price was steep — $5 million — and senior security officials were scrambling to come up with the money.
The C.I.A.’s contribution to Qaeda’s bottom line, though, was no well-laid trap. It was just another in a long list of examples of how the United States, largely because of poor oversight and loose financial controls, has sometimes inadvertently financed the very militants it is fighting.
10 yrs into this and we haven't mastered this yet.......Libya being handed over was a virtual gold mine ...its as if we dont want to win
All administrations, past and present, give, or have given, toooooooooooo much money away, period. We're broke because we borrow money to give away. Meanwhile, we have old rundown infrastructure, a poor and dependent citizenry, and health and education needs, just to name a few things that we could better spend the money for.
WASHINGTON — In the spring of 2010, Afghan officials struck a deal to free an Afghan diplomat held hostage by Al Qaeda. But the price was steep — $5 million — and senior security officials were scrambling to come up with the money.
The C.I.A.’s contribution to Qaeda’s bottom line, though, was no well-laid trap. It was just another in a long list of examples of how the United States, largely because of poor oversight and loose financial controls, has sometimes inadvertently financed the very militants it is fighting.
10 yrs into this and we haven't mastered this yet.......Libya being handed over was a virtual gold mine ...its as if we dont want to win
All administrations, past and present, give, or have given, toooooooooooo much money away, period. We're broke because we borrow money to give away. Meanwhile, we have old rundown infrastructure, a poor and dependent citizenry, and health and education needs, just to name a few things that we could better spend the money for.

Agreed. It is worth noting that at the end of Bush's last term foreign aid was down to ~11 billion. Under Obama it has now grown to nearly DOUBLE that figure with 2/3 thirds of the foreign aid budget going to Muslim countries. Now how well do you suppose that money is monitored once it gets over there?

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