How Sneaky Bill, Crooked Hillary, & Supercilious Chelsea profited from the suffering of the Haitians


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
less than a month after the earthquake hit, US Ambassador Kenneth Merten sent a cable from Port Au Prince to the State Department titled "THE GOLD RUSH IS ON"

A flood of businessmen were rushing to Haiti looking to get government contracts.

securing contracts and business apparently required knowing the right people, simply, you needed access to the Clintons.

a south Florida company named Innovida comes into play. their CEO Claudio Osorio was a big fundraiser for Crooked Hillary in the 2008 campaign and had contributed to the Clinton foundation.

his company had little track record of building homes.

yet the company saw its project fast-tracked by the Haitian government and the State Department. Innovida received a 10 million dollar loan from the US government to build 500 houses.

the houses were never built. not a one was built, not a one.

in 2012, Osorio was convicted of financial fraud. prosecutors accused Osorio, who drove a Maserati and lived in a Miami Beach mansion, of using the money intended for relief victims to "repay investors and for his personal benefit to further the fraud scheme"...he was sentenced to 12 years in jail. Innovida collapsed.

there are plenty more examples. on and on and on the Clinton corruption goes...
as president in 94, Clinton sent troops to Haiti to return to power Jean Bertrand Aristide, the president who was forced out in a coop. a special deal was granted to a small US-based company called Fusion Communications.

The Haitian government-owned telecom company, Teleco, granted Fusion long-distance minutes from the US to Haiti at a deeply discounted price. with a large number of Haitians living in the US and calling home, this was a big market.

the contract gave Fusion access to the Haitian phone network at a rate of 12 cents/minute, even though the FCC rate was 50 cents. in short, it was a sweetheart deal. it was a sweetheart deal, folks. that's the Clintons for ya
as president in 94, Clinton sent troops to Haiti to return to power Jean Bertrand Aristide, the president who was forced out in a coop. a special deal was granted to a small US-based company called Fusion Communications.

The Haitian government-owned telecom company, Teleco, granted Fusion long-distance minutes from the US to Haiti at a deeply discounted price. with a large number of Haitians living in the US and calling home, this was a big market.

the contract gave Fusion access to the Haitian phone network at a rate of 12 cents/minute, even though the FCC rate was 50 cents. in short, it was a sweetheart deal. it was a sweetheart deal, folks. that's the Clintons for ya

What did they do with the chickens?
Digicel, a phone company owned by Irish billionaire Dennis O'Brien got a contract from the Haiti Mobile Money Iniative. Digicel received millions in US taxpayer money for its TchoTcho Mobile system (TchoTcho means "pocket money" in Creole.)

When Haitians used the system, they paid Digicell millions in fees.

O'Brien arranged at least 3 lucrative speeches in Ireland, for which Horny Bill was paid $200,000 a piece, as well as a speech in Jamaica. O'Brien was a major contributor to the Clinton Foundation, pouring $5million into it in 2011.

On December 2, 2011, USAID paid the 1st installment of what eventually would be more than $2million of taxpayer money into the Digicell Foundation.
as president in 94, Clinton sent troops to Haiti to return to power Jean Bertrand Aristide, the president who was forced out in a coop. a special deal was granted to a small US-based company called Fusion Communications.

The Haitian government-owned telecom company, Teleco, granted Fusion long-distance minutes from the US to Haiti at a deeply discounted price. with a large number of Haitians living in the US and calling home, this was a big market.

the contract gave Fusion access to the Haitian phone network at a rate of 12 cents/minute, even though the FCC rate was 50 cents. in short, it was a sweetheart deal. it was a sweetheart deal, folks. that's the Clintons for ya

What did they do with the chickens?

as president in 94, Clinton sent troops to Haiti to return to power Jean Bertrand Aristide, the president who was forced out in a coop. a special deal was granted to a small US-based company called Fusion Communications.

The Haitian government-owned telecom company, Teleco, granted Fusion long-distance minutes from the US to Haiti at a deeply discounted price. with a large number of Haitians living in the US and calling home, this was a big market.

the contract gave Fusion access to the Haitian phone network at a rate of 12 cents/minute, even though the FCC rate was 50 cents. in short, it was a sweetheart deal. it was a sweetheart deal, folks. that's the Clintons for ya

What did they do with the chickens?


Do you know why a chicken coop can only have 2 doors?

If they had four doors, they would be a chicken sedan.
Trump called Haiti a shit whatever.

Obama and his cronies fucked over Haiti after the Earthquake.

Which is worse? Let’s have a moral comparison.

Is it worse to say shithole, or steal millions of dollars intended to help victims of the Haitian Eathquake.

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