How Staged Was This?

Yeah but you cant prove anything you just said. Its all a logical fallacy.

Choose whom you want to believe if it gives you the warm fuzzies of being "P.C". Stand and applaud the use of a 9 year old (that hasn't gone through puberty yet) being used as a prop by a leftard queer. I, on the other hand, find it repulsive and disgusting.
Well I believe myself and what I have seen with my own two eyes. I know kids that grew up with my kids that were gay and I knew it when they were in kindergarten.

Why would you even make that type of pre-judgement being that they were so young? That's kinda creepy in of itself. Did you encourage them? Take them aside and say "Now, you don't know this yet, but you are going to grow up sucking dick and just want you to know that I support you"?
Easy. They were interested in putting on makeup and playing with dolls. Why would I encourage them? Its none of my business if they suck dicks or not.

Oh? So they were trans-gendered that were attracted to males? Then isn't there just a smidgen of heterosexuality lurking in there somewhere? Because according to the P.C crowd, if one merely thinks of it's self as a man/woman even though they have the equipment that defines gender? Then genitalia is merely a social construct used to keep them from being their true, inner-self?
I never asked them what flavor of gay they were. I just know one guy in particular liked guys and had a sex change. He even played on the girls volleyball team.

(I mean she)
…I predicted 20 years ago that if homosexuality was brought into the mainstream that the next step would be the acceptance of pedophilia and they are doing that by wanting to lower the age of consent.

They haven't recently been openly going after age of consent, though they have in the past, and you know they will again when they think they can get away with it. For now, they're sneaking it in sideways, by way of the homosexual/transgender agenda being taught openly in public schools, and promoted at and about children in other ways. Pete Buttplug's exploitation of a “gay” nine-year-old is a perfect example. They're grooming the public to accept thinking of children in sexual terms, as a means of eventually getting us to accept more direct sexual activity involving children.
Why would you even make that type of pre-judgement being that they were so young? That's kinda creepy in of itself. Did you encourage them? Take them aside and say "Now, you don't know this yet, but you are going to grow up sucking dick and just want you to know that I support you"?

The answer is rather obvious, of course,but it'd be against the rules of this forum to come out and say it.

There is only one reason why a grown-up would be so obsessed with thinking of and describing children in sexual terms.
…I predicted 20 years ago that if homosexuality was brought into the mainstream that the next step would be the acceptance of pedophilia and they are doing that by wanting to lower the age of consent.

They haven't recently been openly going after age of consent, though they have in the past, and you know they will again when they think they can get away with it. For now, they're sneaking it in sideways, by way of the homosexual/transgender agenda being taught openly in public schools, and promoted at and about children in other ways. Pete Buttplug's exploitation of a “gay” nine-year-old is a perfect example. They're grooming the public to accept thinking of children in sexual terms, as a means of eventually getting us to accept more direct sexual activity involving children.

It has to be done in slow, incremental steps and in the UK, the uber-leftists have even pushed the legalization of child porn as long as it doesn't contain content suggesting that the child was harmed. Salon.Com even gave a pedophile his own platform so he could explain that he "isn't a monster" but simply misunderstood.
It has been the "conservatives" who have actively opposed efforts to raise the age of consent, which has been spearheaded by organizations attempting to eliminate child marriage. It has been the "conservatives" who have been sexualizing little girls, talking to them about sex, holding "purity balls" that involve these kids' own fathers, and trolling them at malls. Some "conservative" "holy men" have even gone so far as to advocate publicly that grown men go after teenage girls, but they would flip out if a man behaved the same way toward a boy of the same age. This all indicates a desire among many, not all, heterosexual men to create a pipeline that allows them access to girls who have not yet matured into women.

I don't put any faith in data on those imprisoned for pedophilia, as heterosexual men have not been prosecuted for seeking to groom and victimize girls. They are rarely, if ever, called out for it. There is an active double standard at work here.

The laws against pedophilia are designed to protect children from predators regardless of gender and allow them to grow up and freely choose what they think is right for them. The most important thing to do is to set firm age limits. First thing. This will be tricky to define, given the reality that teens are prone to explore with persons of similar age as a part of the process of growing up, but it must be done.

For those of you in a uproar about what Buttigieg said, remember that he made no mention of whether or not this kid should have sex or not have sex. He did not offer any advice about sexual activity, and the boy's parents were there with him.

Pete Buttigieg Gives Advice to a Prepubescent
9-Year-Old Boy About How To Come Out As Gay


Pete Buttigieg Gives Advice to a Prepubescent 9-Year-Old Boy About How To Come Out As Gay
We live in a sick fuckin world.

Yes a world where Leftists have deliberately sexualised young children.

I can go that far to agree with you... But a lot of what you type on this is just hatred eating your brain...

My comments on this heinous topic are purely organic, I would think there is no other topic so heinous as to produce a result of organic hatred than the one about the evil degenerates who deliberately sexualise and groom young children to become sex toys for paedophiles, why else would they be sexualising and grooming young children in this way if not for sex purposes? We should hate, they deserve hate and also destruction both of themselves and their Agenda.
Choose whom you want to believe if it gives you the warm fuzzies of being "P.C". Stand and applaud the use of a 9 year old (that hasn't gone through puberty yet) being used as a prop by a leftard queer. I, on the other hand, find it repulsive and disgusting.
Well I believe myself and what I have seen with my own two eyes. I know kids that grew up with my kids that were gay and I knew it when they were in kindergarten.

Why would you even make that type of pre-judgement being that they were so young? That's kinda creepy in of itself. Did you encourage them? Take them aside and say "Now, you don't know this yet, but you are going to grow up sucking dick and just want you to know that I support you"?
Easy. They were interested in putting on makeup and playing with dolls. Why would I encourage them? Its none of my business if they suck dicks or not.

Oh? So they were trans-gendered that were attracted to males? Then isn't there just a smidgen of heterosexuality lurking in there somewhere? Because according to the P.C crowd, if one merely thinks of it's self as a man/woman even though they have the equipment that defines gender? Then genitalia is merely a social construct used to keep them from being their true, inner-self?
I never asked them what flavor of gay they were. I just know one guy in particular liked guys and had a sex change. He even played on the girls volleyball team.

(I mean she)

You almost fucked that up, Ace...even in cyberville you would have been properly scolded by your angry and disgusting leftard pals.

A nine-year-old? Puh-leeeze.

Denver, Colorado (CNN)Pete Buttigieg shared an emotional moment with a young supporter in Denver on Saturday night.

"Thank you for being so brave," the boy, later identified as 9-year-old Zachary Ro, wrote in a question submitted via fishbowl during the presidential hopeful's Saturday rally, "Would you help me tell the world I'm gay, too? I want to be brave like you."

'I want to be brave like you': 9-year-old asks Pete Buttigieg to help him tell the world he's gay - CNNPolitics
I worked my first campaign when I was 12
/——/ Me too, but I was 9. I handed out flyers at a JFK campaign office.
It has been the "conservatives" who have actively opposed efforts to raise the age of consent, which has been spearheaded by organizations attempting to eliminate child marriage. It has been the "conservatives" who have been sexualizing little girls, talking to them about sex, holding "purity balls" that involve these kids' own fathers, and trolling them at malls. Some "conservative" "holy men" have even gone so far as to advocate publicly that grown men go after teenage girls, but they would flip out if a man behaved the same way toward a boy of the same age. This all indicates a desire among many, not all, heterosexual men to create a pipeline that allows them access to girls who have not yet matured into women.

I don't put any faith in data on those imprisoned for pedophilia, as heterosexual men have not been prosecuted for seeking to groom and victimize girls. They are rarely, if ever, called out for it. There is an active double standard at work here.

The laws against pedophilia are designed to protect children from predators regardless of gender and allow them to grow up and freely choose what they think is right for them. The most important thing to do is to set firm age limits. First thing. This will be tricky to define, given the reality that teens are prone to explore with persons of similar age as a part of the process of growing up, but it must be done.

For those of you in a uproar about what Buttigieg said, remember that he made no mention of whether or not this kid should have sex or not have sex. He did not offer any advice about sexual activity, and the boy's parents were there with him.

You are hysterically funny and I pictured you frothing at the mouth with indignant anger because not everyone is on board with the queer agenda....too fucking bad.
Leftists sure do like to sexualize and exploit children.


Who did that?
The child's parents and Mayor Pete. Are you simply not paying attention?

Damn, that took forever to get an answer. Now that we got one --- where did they do that?

I'll check back in March.
I know this will shock and anger you, but the world doesn't revolve around you. will damage his psyche....


Pete Buttigieg Gives Advice to a Prepubescent
9-Year-Old Boy About How To Come Out As Gay


Pete Buttigieg Gives Advice to a Prepubescent 9-Year-Old Boy About How To Come Out As Gay
We live in a sick fuckin world.

Yes a world where Leftists have deliberately sexualised young children.

I can go that far to agree with you... But a lot of what you type on this is just hatred eating your brain...

My comments on this heinous topic are purely organic, I would think there is no other topic so heinous as to produce a result of organic hatred than the one about the evil degenerates who deliberately sexualise and groom young children to become sex toys for paedophiles, why else would they be sexualising and grooming young children in this way if not for sex purposes? We should hate, they deserve hate and also destruction both of themselves and their Agenda.

More sickening P.C bullshit and the conditioning of children.

Leftists sure do like to sexualize and exploit children.


Who did that?
The child's parents and Mayor Pete. Are you simply not paying attention?

Damn, that took forever to get an answer. Now that we got one --- where did they do that?

I'll check back in March.
I know this will shock and anger you, but the world doesn't revolve around you.

Your call is very important to us and we will pass your message along to the White House.
And be sure to tune in to Tweeter at 3:42am for the President's response.
When I was 9, i dont [sic] think too many of us had even heard of gay.

Back then, the media wasn't shoving it at us, as they do, now. I faintly remember, as a young child, coming across the word “gay” as an insult but not really understanding much beyond that what it was supposed to mean.
I didnt know what "gay" was when I was a kid but I for damn sure knew when a boy wasnt acting like the other boys.

You mean like focusing on academics and exploring the world of knowledge??? Guess I was gay back then...

A nine-year-old? Puh-leeeze.

Denver, Colorado (CNN)Pete Buttigieg shared an emotional moment with a young supporter in Denver on Saturday night.

"Thank you for being so brave," the boy, later identified as 9-year-old Zachary Ro, wrote in a question submitted via fishbowl during the presidential hopeful's Saturday rally, "Would you help me tell the world I'm gay, too? I want to be brave like you."

'I want to be brave like you': 9-year-old asks Pete Buttigieg to help him tell the world he's gay - CNNPolitics

Jealous much? :itsok:

I am a member of the LGBT community. Bisexual and proud.

But even I thought that was bullshit, Pogo.

C'mon mate.

Kid's not even old enough to vote, let alone decide his sexual preference. I had transgender tendencies at his age. I grew out of them. It took me until my 30th birthday to understand my interest in both sexes. You don't make this decision immediately, you don't suddenly say "oh I'm gay" and you're gay. You don't say you're gay because your parents think you are. That's not for them to decide. Moreover, you aren't gay because a majority of people around you think you are. Children are gullible. And for that reason, they should not be used as guinea pigs for social experiments.

Question is, who convinced the kid that he was gay? Hmm?
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Pete Buttigieg Gives Advice to a Prepubescent
9-Year-Old Boy About How To Come Out As Gay


Pete Buttigieg Gives Advice to a Prepubescent 9-Year-Old Boy About How To Come Out As Gay
We live in a sick fuckin world.

Yes a world where Leftists have deliberately sexualised young children.

I can go that far to agree with you... But a lot of what you type on this is just hatred eating your brain...

My comments on this heinous topic are purely organic, I would think there is no other topic so heinous as to produce a result of organic hatred than the one about the evil degenerates who deliberately sexualise and groom young children to become sex toys for paedophiles, why else would they be sexualising and grooming young children in this way if not for sex purposes? We should hate, they deserve hate and also destruction both of themselves and their Agenda.

Parents make decisions about "levels of interference" into things we can only second guess. They just ACCEPT that their male child is ADHD or "low spectrum" autistic without looking at the consequences of TREATING those things..

I've always wondered WHO brings their kids to Gay Pride parades or Tranny Story time... When I went to pick a Tranny library reading, I saw one with SEVERAL PARENTS stating that they were there with their kids BECAUSE --- they just LOVE tranny entertainment.. And that's OK... Personally, in the right venue, I can be entertained as well...

But there it is... Parenting is complex.. And to be FAIR about it, you probably should SUPPRESS a bunch of those "fetishes" rather than subject a developing "information sponge" to stuff that they can not put in context or fully understand.. I could be just belligerent and claim if you want your kids to love tranny entertainment as much as you do -- BE FAIR and show them some R rating hetero entertainment as well... :banana:

The Transvestites that PUSH this movement ADMIT -- it's not JUST about literacy or reading -- it's about messaging on inclusion, acceptance, etc... I'd BUY that argument IF -- those trannies were not the ONLY trannies that this child is likely to see for another 12 or 20 years...

Both the PARENTS AND the activist trannies should WAIT until the kids are 14 or 18 and then EVERYONE can TRY to enjoy that inclusion and acceptance... And MAKE RATIONAL context and judgements about it...
Just please cut out the personal taunting in this thread.. If you want to poke someone because of their OPINIONS or comments on the topic --- go right ahead.. But if it's just personal crap, the 3 wonderful taunting forums are yearning for your comical flaming...

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