How the Republican War on Women Extends to Voting Rights

The problem isn't the 19th Amendment, it's the 15th.


And Federal law already prohibits noncitizens from voting.

This meritless, bad faith legislation is nothing but partisan political theater – an effort by Republicans to frighten and enflame their racist base driving them to the polls.
It also prohibits voter fraud, yet we saw exactly that in 2020.

And Federal law already prohibits noncitizens from voting.

This meritless, bad faith legislation is nothing but partisan political theater – an effort by Republicans to frighten and enflame their racist base driving them to the polls.

Then what's the harm in proving you are a citizen? You can turn off the gaslights now commie. No one is buying your propaganda.

despite the fact we've been reading about it for years here....... :rolleyes: ~S~

Yep, they're running a get out the vote commercial saying 60 elections have been decided or tied by ONE vote. That proves it only takes ONE illegal vote to sway an election. And you can bet there's been way more than ONE. I personally know of an election here in TX where 5 illegal votes changed elections, fortunately they got caught, prosecuted and jailed.


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