How to be effectively ...


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Efficacious on a dimestore budget.Or in producing
a vaccine.Knowing what Aldous Huxley done thunk.
" the medicine is efficacious in stopping a cold."
Good thing Aldous came late to the Spanish Flu
But Human beings are not nor were intended to
be like Groundhogs or Bears come spring.They prefer
to hibernate.Like how Americans and human worldwide were
intended upon to stay home.Like some martial law directive.
Where we { even as kiddies in Kintergarten } got a lesson
about Mother Nature.It is not good to fool mother nature.
So why is it or should it be good to fool grown adults.
I dunno ... Maybe Franz Kafka got around to explaining this
perverse mindset used to exploit the populace by world
dictators." Our world is merely a practical joke of God. "
I doubt highly that great men like Saint Thomas Acquinas
hold stock in that view. " Good can exist without evil,whereas
evil cannot exist without good. "
Think about it.But then in todays world ... thinking is not
efficacious.Or even taught.It is twisted and displaced to
fit a certain mindset.Therefore Man is no longer free.
Metaphysics calls upon the understanding that good and evil
which are the objects of the will ,are in things,but Truth
and Error which are the objects of the intellect,are in the mind. "
Therfore don't act like THING form - The Addams Family - { 1964-66 }
who played { Itself } and instead act with Truth and the American
way.The way Walt Disney did.Even though a chain smoker.
His Efficaciousness was legendary and very productive for
helping cure and cope with Society's taxing daily routines.
Do Not be a Fuddy Duddy.You are not those things
are you.
Donald Trump is the last American standing who does not
cotton being crotchety.He proves it all throughout the week.
And then some.
Of course why on Planet Earth would mere mortals
think such things.Knowing let alone NOT knowing,lest
of which caring about what once was.Or the very normalized
and caring decade of the 50's.Where Citizens were treated with
more respect and dignity than ever.
And yes,the proof is IN The Pudding.Those very normal
Family TV series.Even good 50's Sci-fi managed to make a
deal about being normal.
Forget all that today.
Everything is backwards and displaced.
Which seems to delight one Party.Them Democrats.
Please explain /// The gods are awaiting.!

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