Hr 3962 passes!

No Chris let me tell you why I find this whole thing completely wrong. Frist, I don't think you would find many that would disagree that bringing down the costs of healthcare so that those that NEED it and those that WANT it can have access to it. However, the right to make that choice belongs in your hands and mine not in the Govts. hands. To look upon a citizen as a mere commodity much the same as an automobile or perhaps make them pay for the right to be born in this nation violates every principle of this nation. So that is why many disagree with legislation that would force people to purchase insurance all in the name trying to bring coverage to the so called 45 million or is it 32 or is it 51 I forget because the number changes depending on who is using it. One other issue you have here is this, our nation is in financial trouble and as we continue to borrow money at an alarming rate from China and run our debt to such a degree that we become a severe credit risk all this talk of providing healthcare for people will become mute because the money to pay for it will be non-existant. I have no problem with any of those who wish to purchase Govt. insurance actually, in fact I've given this a lot of thought, and think that everyAmerican should have the opportunity to purcahse insurance WHEREVER they wish. It doesn't take though the construction of an entire new insurance program and 100 plus new departments to accomplish this, just lower the age requirements on Medicare to zero and require those that want to purchase it do so at competitive environment, just DON'T force my daughter or my family to purchase healthcare as a requirement for being a citizen.

We disagree.

I think only the government can represent the people in this equation.

Certainly the insurance companies will NOT.

Their goal is to provide as little healthcare as possible for the most amount of money, and they have succeeded magnificently.

So you disagree that if healthcare costs were affordable let's say at a rate much like what you pay for a cell phone each month that thats a bad thing? You disagree that lowering the age limit on Medicare which by the way is a Govt. program to allow those who wish to purchase it is a bad thing? You think it's bad thing that a family or a person should be allowed to shop for insurance and get the best for the lowest price no matter where that Insurance is sold? Let me explain Chris, if you assume that mandating Insurance is a good thing and is constitutional which it clearly is not, then why would congress pass a "cash for clunkers" program, why not just pass a law that mandates everyone buy a GM, or perhaps mandate that you have to have a GE oven in your house. Perhaps it's because these kinds of things don't work. As I said earlier, I have no issue with those that want Insurance and healthcare at a low cost and tell you something else Chris, if you make the environment competetive, guess what? those evil Insurance companies may finally get some comepetetion from unexpected places like the Doctors themselves.

When she heard that her family physician, Dr. Joel Warshaw, was scaling back the size of his medical practice to provide better service, Mary Cindrich was immediately interested.

Beginning Jan. 1, he is starting the area's first "concierge" internal medical practice for adults and older children. A local pediatrician, Dr. Scott Serbin, established a similar practice for young people in 2004.

Patients will be able to call Dr. Warshaw directly, even on weekends and holidays. If necessary, he'll meet them in the emergency room or make house calls. And he promises same-day or next-day appointments, even for nonemergencies.

The service comes with a price: $1,000 to $1,500 per year for most adults, with discounts for couples and older children. But to Mrs. Cindrich and her husband, Ralph -- an attorney who represents Steelers linebacker James Farrior and other NFL players -- the combined $2,250 fee is worth it.

"We have a very busy, hectic lifestyle," she said, noting they just sold their home in Mt. Lebanon and plan to move to a new Downtown waterfront development, 151 First Side, early next year. They also have a home in California.

Doctor eschews insurance, launches concierge practice

Point is Chris, there are many ideas out there to accomplish the goal here and it need not take losing 5 million more jobs and spending 1.2 Trillion dollars to do it.
This was the right vote at the right time by the right electors for the right interest of the right people: all of the U.S. citizens.

I am so thankful that the cold-hearted sons of guns who have made the poor and laboring classes bleed for the wealthy's greed, that the latter are going to have to pay their fair share.

This is what the hard right (the Judas Iscariots of the American Dream) would do if they could to anyone making them participate in the social compact.

YouTube - Jesus Christ - Woody Guthrie

Again.. what gives you the right to force others to pay for your personal well being, your personal responsibilities, and your personal upkeep???

You have the right to have the open access that anyone else has to any product or service... not to have it given to you because you want it or because it makes you feel good to give it to someone else.. it's real easy to be generous with someone else's money and assets
In my opinion, H.R. 3962 is not congruent with the enumerated powers of Congress. I do not support it, much less the Republican counter to it.

We have been down this road many times. Thomas Paine summed it up perfectly, in my opinion.

"THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right (not only to TAX) but "to BIND us in ALL CASES WHATSOEVER," and if being bound in that manner, is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth. Even the expression is impious; for so unlimited a power can belong only to God.

Whether the independence of the continent was declared too soon, or delayed too long, I will not now enter into as an argument; my own simple opinion is, that had it been eight months earlier, it would have been much better. We did not make a proper use of last winter, neither could we, while we were in a dependent state. However, the fault, if it were one, was all our own*; we have none to blame but ourselves. But no great deal is lost yet. All that Howe has been doing for this month past, is rather a ravage than a conquest, which the spirit of the Jerseys, a year ago, would have quickly repulsed, and which time and a little resolution will soon recover."

Snipped from "The American Crisis.
I think that majority of the people don't support this bill. How can they possibly support something that they have no idea what all is in it? Those who do support it are partisans who are buying the soundbites being furnished them by the Democrat leadership. They are so focused on the Democrats "getting a win" that they have not even concerned themselves with how it will be paid for. The costs this will add to our deficit (despite the claim it doesn't), or all the other flaws in it.

BTW, how many times CBO was right with their estimate?
I am sad to see more of the American dream bashed on the shores of the Obamaborg ... shattered to a million pieces and soon to be washed away like so many other freedoms.

I, on the other hand, am vastly amused at all the wing-nuts losing their heads, and running around screaming, "the sky is falling, they're gonna take our kidneys, OH MY GOD, we might actually HAVE to get health insurance, the INJUSTICE of it all, OMG, it's the END OF AMERICA" :cuckoo:

LMAO, no wonder you people lost the last couple of elections, you're a bunch of whining ninnies. You're exactly the same kind of ninnies that cried when Social Security was first enacted a 70 years ago, and when Medicare was done in the 1960s. You act like this is some "marxist plot" to destroy America, instead of an overhaul of an over-priced health-care system that leaves 40 million people without access to preventive medicine.

By all means, keep up the hysterics, it's funny as hell! :lol: :lol:

who the fuck wants social security? If would opt out of it in a second
Ame®icano;1696066 said:
I think that majority of the people don't support this bill. How can they possibly support something that they have no idea what all is in it? Those who do support it are partisans who are buying the soundbites being furnished them by the Democrat leadership. They are so focused on the Democrats "getting a win" that they have not even concerned themselves with how it will be paid for. The costs this will add to our deficit (despite the claim it doesn't), or all the other flaws in it.

BTW, how many times CBO was right with their estimate?

this is hilarious. and the people against it are just beck/hannity parrots.
Ame®icano;1696066 said:
I think that majority of the people don't support this bill. How can they possibly support something that they have no idea what all is in it? Those who do support it are partisans who are buying the soundbites being furnished them by the Democrat leadership. They are so focused on the Democrats "getting a win" that they have not even concerned themselves with how it will be paid for. The costs this will add to our deficit (despite the claim it doesn't), or all the other flaws in it.

BTW, how many times CBO was right with their estimate?

this is hilarious. and the people against it are just beck/hannity parrots.

People against it are those who aren't looking for government handouts.

What group are you?
Ame®icano;1696066 said:
I think that majority of the people don't support this bill. How can they possibly support something that they have no idea what all is in it? Those who do support it are partisans who are buying the soundbites being furnished them by the Democrat leadership. They are so focused on the Democrats "getting a win" that they have not even concerned themselves with how it will be paid for. The costs this will add to our deficit (despite the claim it doesn't), or all the other flaws in it.

BTW, how many times CBO was right with their estimate?

this is hilarious. and the people against it are just beck/hannity parrots.

Project much do you? And IF you'd pay attention Hannity/Beck/Limbaugh/Boortz/Ingraham/Levin CITE their disagreements with fact.

But don't let that disuade you from looking foolish. Which site sent you? DU? KOS? HuffPo?
You hard right losers have lost. It does not matter what you think. This is over.
Ame®icano;1696137 said:
Ame®icano;1696066 said:
I think that majority of the people don't support this bill. How can they possibly support something that they have no idea what all is in it? Those who do support it are partisans who are buying the soundbites being furnished them by the Democrat leadership. They are so focused on the Democrats "getting a win" that they have not even concerned themselves with how it will be paid for. The costs this will add to our deficit (despite the claim it doesn't), or all the other flaws in it.

BTW, how many times CBO was right with their estimate?

this is hilarious. and the people against it are just beck/hannity parrots.

People against it are those who aren't looking for government handouts.

What group are you?

Didn't the poster tell you that you're too stupid to know what you want? You'd rather be here being an avian.

So *I* will in the poster's STEAD... ;)

Just sayin'... ;)
You hard right losers have lost. It does not matter what you think. This is over.

wow youve already got your hand stuck in peoples pockets huh?

is there anything you dont fucking beg for, or try to steal?

do you hang out behind stores waiting for them to throw out half rotton food as well so you can bring it home and stick it in a stew?
I am sad to see more of the American dream bashed on the shores of the Obamaborg ... shattered to a million pieces and soon to be washed away like so many other freedoms.

I, on the other hand, am vastly amused at all the wing-nuts losing their heads, and running around screaming, "the sky is falling, they're gonna take our kidneys, OH MY GOD, we might actually HAVE to get health insurance, the INJUSTICE of it all, OMG, it's the END OF AMERICA" :cuckoo:

LMAO, no wonder you people lost the last couple of elections, you're a bunch of whining ninnies. You're exactly the same kind of ninnies that cried when Social Security was first enacted a 70 years ago, and when Medicare was done in the 1960s. You act like this is some "marxist plot" to destroy America, instead of an overhaul of an over-priced health-care system that leaves 40 million people without access to preventive medicine.

By all means, keep up the hysterics, it's funny as hell! :lol: :lol:

who the fuck wants social security? If would opt out of it in a second

careful what you wish for
You hard right losers have lost. It does not matter what you think. This is over.

wow youve already got your hand stuck in peoples pockets huh?

is there anything you dont fucking beg for, or try to steal?

do you hang out behind stores waiting for them to throw out half rotton food as well so you can bring it home and stick it in a stew?
Dumpster diver? Tell me ain't so?
You hard right losers have lost. It does not matter what you think. This is over.

It hasn't gone through the Senate yet.
That means it isn't over.
Try and engage your brain before typing.
Astounding isn't it? And IT will be met with a Court challange due to the Bill's Contents making it a FELONY for NOT complying. Can a citizen be compelled to exercise commerce when they choose NOT to?

This is a question of Liberty.

YOUNG people should PAY particuliar attention to this one since they are usually the ones that opt OUT of Healhcare in their young lives.
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You hard right losers have lost. It does not matter what you think. This is over.

wow youve already got your hand stuck in peoples pockets huh?

is there anything you dont fucking beg for, or try to steal?

do you hang out behind stores waiting for them to throw out half rotton food as well so you can bring it home and stick it in a stew?

Some people are content to beg, borrow and steal rather than take take care of themselves. Personally, I won't beg for the scraps from somebodies table, nor tell them they have to feed me. That's what dogs do.
You hard right losers have lost. It does not matter what you think. This is over.

It hasn't gone through the Senate yet.
That means it isn't over.
Try and engage your brain before typing.
Astounding isn't it? And IT will be met with a Court challange due to the Bill's Contents making it a FELONY for NOT complying. Can a citizen be compelled to exercise commerce when they choose NOT to?

This is a question of Liberty.

YOUNG people should PAY particuliar attention to this one since they are usually the ones that opt OUT of Healhcare in their young lives.

Anything that is given can also be with held. It is astounding that some don't realize that as they squeal for the scraps from the government table.

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