Huck-Sanders scours SOTU address to remove any remaining facts


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Gotta love her! :cool-45:

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, is proofreading the text of tonight’s State of the Union address one last time to remove any remaining facts, Sanders confirmed on Tuesday.

While a team of wordsmiths led by the senior adviser Stephen Miller has attempted to craft an entirely fact-free address, “It’s good to have a fresh set of eyes to root out any stray accuracies that might have crept in,” Sanders said.

The press secretary said that, for example, while purging the speech of truths, she noticed a reference to the African-American unemployment rate standing at 6.8 per cent, a statistic that she deemed “unacceptably correct.”

“I read that and my deft Sanders Senses started tingling,” she said.

Taking her blue pencil to the text, Sanders changed the number to a “better-sounding” 2.3 per cent. “That may seem like a tiny detail, but it’s stuff like that that separates the professional liars from the mere amateurs,” she said.

Once Sanders is confident that she has obliterated any lingering traces of reality from the script, she will forward it to Donald J. Trump, who will insert misspellings. “It makes him more comfortable reading it on the teleprompter if things are spelled his way,” she said.

The prospect of delivering tonight’s speech appears to have energized Trump, who tweeted early Tuesday morning that he was “very much looking forward to the Steak of the Onion.”

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Proofreads State of the Union One Last Time to Remove Any Remaining Facts
They really are this stupid folks.

Weapons Grade Stupid.

Every last one of these parasites.

Sarahuckee always looks like she just swallowed an onion when she was expecting ice cream.

She's got the same facial expression the nuns did in Catholic school while they were walking around whacking people.


It's a good choice actually if you want your public image to be that of a condescending asshole.
The days of the decorum of a Robert Gibbs or a Tony Snow become but a distant memory --- bak when America had respect....
Sarah's face always look like you just asked her if she has sexy time with her Roomba.

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