HUD and the 90M SCAM! Guess who? YEP, Sean Hannity. Sec. Carson up'd his access!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
Sean Hannity linked to shell companies that spent $90M on property: report
Fox News host who said Trump’s fixer ‘knows real estate’ has a portfolio that includes support from Department of Housing and Urban Development, a fact he did not mention when interviewing secretary Ben Carson last year

Sean Hannity is linked to a group of shell companies that have spent $90 million buying hundreds of homes across the U.S through the help of foreclosures and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Late last month, Hannity’s mortgages were replaced with loans for $22.9m that were rewritten with Carson’s Hud and a new bank.

Secretary Ben Carson’s department recently increased Hannity’s original $17.9 million mortgage for purchases in Georgia by an additional $5 million, records obtained by the Guardian show.
Hannity did not disclose his cooperation with HUD when he had Carson on his show last June
, the Guardian noted.

Hannity’s real estate attorney Christopher Reeve said his client’s property holdings were “highly confidential” and not relevant for the public.

“I doubt you would find it very surprising that most people prefer to keep their legal and personal financial issues private,” Reeve told the newspaper.

(I see why the Great Douche FRAUD is doing the same)

:1peleas:Seem this is a SCAM? His Other Real Estate Atty. seems to be better at this.
He never disclosed this when PIMPING Carson for HUD Deals! oops Steals!
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l wonder what Sean will Spew? After servicing the Great Douche in Florida over the weekend?


Is Sean and the Great DrumpF LLC Douche running a Real Estate Scam on America?
With Scambag Cohen as the intermediary. Using Sec. Carson as access?

I can see why having a real Atty. Client contract protect Sean and the Great Douche
from be responsible for the criminal acts by Cohen.

And btw FYI:

"The host, however, has criticized former President Obama in the past for the rate of US foreclosures, saying in 2016 there were “millions more Americans suffering under this president.”
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Most every Trump bag on here will go "meh." And accuse YOU of being a problem for noticing there's a problem.

Sooooo predictable.

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