Humane Final Solution to the Jewish Problem

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
My solution to the centuries old Jewish problem.

Would be to round up all Jews world wide, and find an island to quarantine them on.

There are several small islands in the world that could easily contain the 14 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of without interference, or neighbors wanting to attack them.

Several international gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any members of the Tribe from trying to escape their Hebrew island paradise.

This way the Jews would be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus an equitable Win = Win solution for both Jews and Gentiles. ..... :thup:
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People have tried to solve the ‘Jewish Problem’ before. It didn’t end well for them.


Best not to mess with powers beyond your understanding.
My solution to the centuries old Jewish problem.

Would be to round up all Jews world wide, and find an island to quarantine them on.

There are several small islands in the world that could easily contain the 14 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of without interference, or neighbors wanting to attack them.

Several international gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape their Hebrew island paradise.

This way the Jews would be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus an equitable Win = Win solution for both Jews and Gentiles. ..... :thup:
There has been many times throughout history the Jewish people have been forcefully expelled from various countries.

Only to set up shop in another host country and start their same predatory behavior again and again.

That is why I'm suggesting the world's Hebrews be expelled to an isolated guarded island.

Sounds like a fair and reasonable solution to everyone involved. ..... :cool:
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My solution to the centuries old Jewish problem.

Would be to round up all Jews world wide, and find an island to quarantine them on.

There are several small islands in the world that could easily contain the 14 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of without interference, or neighbors wanting to attack them.

Several international gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any members of the Tribe from trying to escape their Hebrew island paradise.

This way the Jews would be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus an equitable Win = Win solution for both Jews and Gentiles. ..... :thup:

Saudi Arabia has a huge empty desert, along with the Sahara in Africa. Why don't we just put all Muslims there? Your people seemed quite adept at living in a sand box. We'll just arm both sides and that way you can have a final battle and kill each other off. Problem solved. Everyone will be happy.
There has been several times throughout history that the Jewish people have been forcefully expelled from various countries.

Only to set up shop in another host country and start their same predatory behavior again and again.

That is why I'm suggesting the world's Hebrews be expelled to an isolated guarded island.

Sounds fair and reasonable to me. ..... :cool:
Spain managed to expel your tribe. Yet you keep coming back. I have a working solution to the Arab problem, but first we have to deal with our own white lib problem.
There has been several times throughout history that the Jewish people have been forcefully expelled from various countries.

Only to set up shop in another host country and start their same predatory behavior again and again.

That is why I'm suggesting the world's Hebrews be expelled to an isolated guarded island.

Sounds fair and reasonable to me. ..... :cool:
Spain managed to expel your tribe. Yet you keep coming back. I have a working solution to the Arab problem, but first we have to deal with our own white lib problem.
He's a Berber?
There has been several times throughout history that the Jewish people have been forcefully expelled from various countries.

Only to set up shop in another host country and start their same predatory behavior again and again.

That is why I'm suggesting the world's Hebrews be expelled to an isolated guarded island.

Sounds fair and reasonable to me. ..... :cool:
Spain managed to expel your tribe. Yet you keep coming back. I have a working solution to the Arab problem, but first we have to deal with our own white lib problem.
He's a Berber?

I don't think he cuts hair for a living. :D

Then again, he might be a type of carpet!
I'm just trying to offer an equitable and peaceful final solution to the centuries old Jewish problem.

One that doesn't require violence or war. ...... :cool:
I'm just trying to offer an equitable final solution to the centuries old Jewish problem.

One that doesn't require violence or war. ...... :cool:

I'd say our Muslim problem is just a little bigger and more important right now, because it does require violence and war.
There has been several times throughout history that the Jewish people have been forcefully expelled from various countries.

Only to set up shop in another host country and start their same predatory behavior again and again.

That is why I'm suggesting the world's Hebrews be expelled to an isolated guarded island.

Sounds fair and reasonable to me. ..... :cool:
Spain managed to expel your tribe. Yet you keep coming back. I have a working solution to the Arab problem, but first we have to deal with our own white lib problem.
He's a Berber?

I don't think he cuts hair for a living. :D

Then again, he might be a type of carpet!
Berbers, not Morons...
I'm just trying to offer an equitable and peaceful final solution to the centuries old Jewish problem.

One that doesn't require violence or war. ...... :cool:
Why do muslims so hate Jews? After all, mohammed rode a flying donkey all the way to heaven just to ask their advice on how to begin his new religion.
There has been several times throughout history that the Jewish people have been forcefully expelled from various countries.

Only to set up shop in another host country and start their same predatory behavior again and again.

That is why I'm suggesting the world's Hebrews be expelled to an isolated guarded island.

Sounds fair and reasonable to me. ..... :cool:
Spain managed to expel your tribe. Yet you keep coming back. I have a working solution to the Arab problem, but first we have to deal with our own white lib problem.
He's a Berber?

I don't think he cuts hair for a living. :D

Then again, he might be a type of carpet!
Berbers, not Morons...

I think he is a carpet because he lies like a rug! :D
There are 1.5 billion muslims world wide, and only 14 million Jews.

So obviously the logistics of relocating the Hebrews to an island would make more sense. ..... :cool:

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