Hungary Orders Rothschild’s IMF To Vacate The Country: Now Issuing Debt-Free Money!


Feb 6, 2010
Already in 2011, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán promised to serve justice on his socialist predecessors, who sold the nation’s people into unending debt slavery under the lash of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the terrorist state of Israel. Those earlier administrations were riddled with Israelis in high places, to the fury of the masses, who finally elected Orbán’s Fidesz party in response.

According to a report on the German-language website “National Journal,” Orbán has now moved to unseat the usurers from their throne. The popular, nationalistic prime minister told the IMF that Hungary neither wants nor needs further “assistance” from that proxy of the Rothschild-owned Federal Reserve Bank. No longer will Hungarians be forced to pay usurious interest to private, unaccountable central bankers

Instead, the Hungarian government has assumed sovereignty over its own currency and now issues money debt free, as it is needed. The results have been nothing short of remarkable. The nation’s economy, formerly staggering under deep indebtedness, has recovered rapidly and by means not seen since National Socialist Germany.
Hungary Orders Rothschild?s IMF To Vacate The Country: Now Issuing Debt-Free Money! | Political Vel Craft
should America go down the same route?
Already in 2011, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán promised to serve justice on his socialist predecessors, who sold the nation’s people into unending debt slavery under the lash of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the terrorist state of Israel.

You do know that the Hungarian government is neo-fascist, has dismantled the constitution, runs a one-party state, and will probably get thrown out of the EU?
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Already in 2011, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán promised to serve justice on his socialist predecessors, who sold the nation’s people into unending debt slavery under the lash of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the terrorist state of Israel.

You do know that the Hungarian government is neo-fascist, has dismantled the constitution, runs a one-party state, and will probably get thrown out of the EU?

Thrown out of the EU ?? OMG no....
You do know that the Hungarian government is neo-fascist, has dismantled the constitution, runs a one-party state, and will probably get thrown out of the EU?

Thrown out of the EU ?? OMG no....

Kim Lane Scheppele
Saturday, 8 June 2013

Hungary’s foreign minister, János Martonyi, Friday offered to make peace with Europe. He explained in a press conference that the Hungarian government would propose two new constitutional amendments to address European grievances.


The Hungarian government desperately wants to avoid sanctions from Europe. It will therefore appear to tinker endlessly with its laws in order to give the impression that it is still in a “dialogue” with European bodies. But by now, Europe should see what the Hungarian government is doing. The government has made small adjustments to the laws before, attempting to fool Europe again and again into thinking that Hungary is a reasonable partner that shares European values. But appearances are deceiving. Fidesz knows that if it can just stay a step ahead of Europe by proposing one legal change after another, triggering one more earnest European evaluation after another, it can avoid the day of reckoning.
Thrown out of the EU ?? OMG no....

Kim Lane Scheppele
Saturday, 8 June 2013

Hungary’s foreign minister, János Martonyi, Friday offered to make peace with Europe. He explained in a press conference that the Hungarian government would propose two new constitutional amendments to address European grievances.


The Hungarian government desperately wants to avoid sanctions from Europe. It will therefore appear to tinker endlessly with its laws in order to give the impression that it is still in a “dialogue” with European bodies. But by now, Europe should see what the Hungarian government is doing. The government has made small adjustments to the laws before, attempting to fool Europe again and again into thinking that Hungary is a reasonable partner that shares European values. But appearances are deceiving. Fidesz knows that if it can just stay a step ahead of Europe by proposing one legal change after another, triggering one more earnest European evaluation after another, it can avoid the day of reckoning.

I like little countries who fight bullies.
I like little countries who fight bullies.

You said a lot about yourself when you characterize European efforts to stop a one-party dictatorship from dismantling human and political rights as bullying.
Maybe not a reunion. Can't be more than a couple left. But maybe a new group, same name.

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