Hyper loop: Chicago to Cleveland, why????

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Why would anyone spend billions of dollars to build a hyper loop between Chicago and Cleveland? Name me one average Chicago guy who would want to go to Cleveland freely ? And not forced to go ..

The latest Hyperloop feasibility study aims to connect Cleveland and Chicago – Ars Technica

The latest Hyperloop feasibility study aims to connect Cleveland and Chicago
  • megan-geuss2-sq.jpg
    Megan Geuss
  • 04/23/2018 5:45 pm
  • Categories:Cars
  • View non-AMP version at arstechnica.com

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies
The drive between Chicago and Cleveland can take about five hours. Taking the train is a little longer—six to seven hours, depending on how many stops the train makes. It's easy to see why people would be interested in bringing a faster type of transportation to the corridor.

Enter Hyperloop, of course. The brainchild of Elon Musk, a Hyperloop is a system of transportation envisioned to carry cargo or passengers at speeds above 700 mph through low-pressure tubes. The train pods would hover above the track, using either magnetic levitation or air-bearings. Stretch a tube across the 344 miles between Chicago and Cleveland and simple math suggests you could cover the distance in half an hour, give or take.
Why would anyone spend billions of dollars to build a hyper loop between Chicago and Cleveland? Name me one average Chicago guy who would want to go to Cleveland freely ? And not forced to go ..

The latest Hyperloop feasibility study aims to connect Cleveland and Chicago – Ars Technica

The latest Hyperloop feasibility study aims to connect Cleveland and Chicago

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies
The drive between Chicago and Cleveland can take about five hours. Taking the train is a little longer—six to seven hours, depending on how many stops the train makes. It's easy to see why people would be interested in bringing a faster type of transportation to the corridor.

Enter Hyperloop, of course. The brainchild of Elon Musk, a Hyperloop is a system of transportation envisioned to carry cargo or passengers at speeds above 700 mph through low-pressure tubes. The train pods would hover above the track, using either magnetic levitation or air-bearings. Stretch a tube across the 344 miles between Chicago and Cleveland and simple math suggests you could cover the distance in half an hour, give or take.
That's faster than a Jet!
Why would anyone spend billions of dollars to build a hyper loop between Chicago and Cleveland? Name me one average Chicago guy who would want to go to Cleveland freely ? And not forced to go ..

The latest Hyperloop feasibility study aims to connect Cleveland and Chicago – Ars Technica

The latest Hyperloop feasibility study aims to connect Cleveland and Chicago

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies
The drive between Chicago and Cleveland can take about five hours. Taking the train is a little longer—six to seven hours, depending on how many stops the train makes. It's easy to see why people would be interested in bringing a faster type of transportation to the corridor.

Enter Hyperloop, of course. The brainchild of Elon Musk, a Hyperloop is a system of transportation envisioned to carry cargo or passengers at speeds above 700 mph through low-pressure tubes. The train pods would hover above the track, using either magnetic levitation or air-bearings. Stretch a tube across the 344 miles between Chicago and Cleveland and simple math suggests you could cover the distance in half an hour, give or take.
700 mph?
what could go wrong....

I suggest that if business wants this, they pony up the money to build and maintain it.

doubt it would get much, if any, use outside of commerce.
At least, theoretically. No Hyperloop system has (publicly) broken a rail-speed barrier yet, and Hyperloop startups have generally focused on announcing new investments or miles-per-hour achievements rather than describing how safety would work in such a system if a pod were to break down and passengers needed to escape a vacuum-sealed tube.
Why would anyone spend billions of dollars to build a hyper loop between Chicago and Cleveland? Name me one average Chicago guy who would want to go to Cleveland freely ? And not forced to go ..

The latest Hyperloop feasibility study aims to connect Cleveland and Chicago – Ars Technica

The latest Hyperloop feasibility study aims to connect Cleveland and Chicago

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies
The drive between Chicago and Cleveland can take about five hours. Taking the train is a little longer—six to seven hours, depending on how many stops the train makes. It's easy to see why people would be interested in bringing a faster type of transportation to the corridor.

Enter Hyperloop, of course. The brainchild of Elon Musk, a Hyperloop is a system of transportation envisioned to carry cargo or passengers at speeds above 700 mph through low-pressure tubes. The train pods would hover above the track, using either magnetic levitation or air-bearings. Stretch a tube across the 344 miles between Chicago and Cleveland and simple math suggests you could cover the distance in half an hour, give or take.
Yah, get a horse, you silly bastard, what do you think this is, anyway? The 21st Century? LOL If it doesn't smell like horseshit, Bear cannot stand it.
California high-speed rail cost may approach $100 billion

it's more than doubled in cost, and that tube is untested, untested to the point that none exist.

I know Il is run by leftist morons, so they will plunge gleefully deeper into debt, but OH should have more sense.
Please look at a map and also take some economic courses. If you can not see why one would want such a thing you are not very bright! Also please look at traffic studies for the future and you will start to understand that the status quo is not viable in the future! Is this the answer to our problems, IDK. We had better be trying some thing new and soon though!
If it goes one way to Cleveland it would help people avoid bullets. When Cleveland is an improvement, you have a problem.
There are not that many bullets to avoid in Ohio. I own, fix, trade, appraise and sell investment properties. I walk in and out of the worst neighborhoods in all of Ohio very commonly and have yet to get shot at. I was attacked for the first time just a couple of weeks ago. I am normally armed when in these areas especially if I am in them on fridays I am normally paying my subs and have large amounts of cash on me. I was not armed the one time I got attacked. Thankfully the assailent was only armed with an orange hose fillled with some thing. A quick and decisive response was given catrching the criminal off guard and I was able to inflict enough damage in a short period to escape any further complications. Cleveland and Chicago are huge port cities and there is an astronomical amount of goods and services tranferred betwen these two cities vast amounts of wealth could be created sednig these goods and services at 700 mph. There may even be a larger econmomic advantage by taking the vehicles off the road that currently are hauling this freight. Future traffic studies are alarming at best, please veiw these studies to see why we are going to need a transportation over haul and soon. We could again find our selves moving at horse and buggy speed in the very near future due to congestion. Trump may have some issues with the truth, how ever he was not lying when he was discussing the state of our infrastructre. If any thing it is much worse than he has let on. I am currently trying to remove myself from all local and state planning commities because the problems we are facing in the very near future are unsolvable when considering the budget. If you think you do not like your local governemt now, the future is much darker. I do not want to be associated with what is to come in the future. I find myself very comfortable with the fact that due to my age I will likely not have to deal with what is coming. Go find the people who are responsible for your roads, bridges, water treatment, and sewage and ask them about what needs to be done and what they have the money for while looking into thier eyes. No matter what their mouth sais their eyes will tell you the truth. You will see the eyes of a person that knows he can not do what is expected of his job. Health,safety, and economics are going to suffer in the near future and it will be noticable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe a first tier country can do this first. Some of them may be getting bored with their bullet trains.
If it goes one way to Cleveland it would help people avoid bullets. When Cleveland is an improvement, you have a problem.
There are not that many bullets to avoid in Ohio. I own, fix, trade, appraise and sell investment properties. I walk in and out of the worst neighborhoods in all of Ohio very commonly and have yet to get shot at. I was attacked for the first time just a couple of weeks ago. I am normally armed when in these areas especially if I am in them on fridays I am normally paying my subs and have large amounts of cash on me. I was not armed the one time I got attacked. Thankfully the assailent was only armed with an orange hose fillled with some thing. A quick and decisive response was given catrching the criminal off guard and I was able to inflict enough damage in a short period to escape any further complications. Cleveland and Chicago are huge port cities and there is an astronomical amount of goods and services tranferred betwen these two cities vast amounts of wealth could be created sednig these goods and services at 700 mph. There may even be a larger econmomic advantage by taking the vehicles off the road that currently are hauling this freight. Future traffic studies are alarming at best, please veiw these studies to see why we are going to need a transportation over haul and soon. We could again find our selves moving at horse and buggy speed in the very near future due to congestion. Trump may have some issues with the truth, how ever he was not lying when he was discussing the state of our infrastructre. If any thing it is much worse than he has let on. I am currently trying to remove myself from all local and state planning commities because the problems we are facing in the very near future are unsolvable when considering the budget. If you think you do not like your local governemt now, the future is much darker. I do not want to be associated with what is to come in the future. I find myself very comfortable with the fact that due to my age I will likely not have to deal with what is coming. Go find the people who are responsible for your roads, bridges, water treatment, and sewage and ask them about what needs to be done and what they have the money for while looking into thier eyes. No matter what their mouth sais their eyes will tell you the truth. You will see the eyes of a person that knows he can not do what is expected of his job. Health,safety, and economics are going to suffer in the near future and it will be noticable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was referring to bullets in Chicago.
If it goes one way to Cleveland it would help people avoid bullets. When Cleveland is an improvement, you have a problem.
There are not that many bullets to avoid in Ohio. I own, fix, trade, appraise and sell investment properties. I walk in and out of the worst neighborhoods in all of Ohio very commonly and have yet to get shot at. I was attacked for the first time just a couple of weeks ago. I am normally armed when in these areas especially if I am in them on fridays I am normally paying my subs and have large amounts of cash on me. I was not armed the one time I got attacked. Thankfully the assailent was only armed with an orange hose fillled with some thing. A quick and decisive response was given catrching the criminal off guard and I was able to inflict enough damage in a short period to escape any further complications. Cleveland and Chicago are huge port cities and there is an astronomical amount of goods and services tranferred betwen these two cities vast amounts of wealth could be created sednig these goods and services at 700 mph. There may even be a larger econmomic advantage by taking the vehicles off the road that currently are hauling this freight. Future traffic studies are alarming at best, please veiw these studies to see why we are going to need a transportation over haul and soon. We could again find our selves moving at horse and buggy speed in the very near future due to congestion. Trump may have some issues with the truth, how ever he was not lying when he was discussing the state of our infrastructre. If any thing it is much worse than he has let on. I am currently trying to remove myself from all local and state planning commities because the problems we are facing in the very near future are unsolvable when considering the budget. If you think you do not like your local governemt now, the future is much darker. I do not want to be associated with what is to come in the future. I find myself very comfortable with the fact that due to my age I will likely not have to deal with what is coming. Go find the people who are responsible for your roads, bridges, water treatment, and sewage and ask them about what needs to be done and what they have the money for while looking into thier eyes. No matter what their mouth sais their eyes will tell you the truth. You will see the eyes of a person that knows he can not do what is expected of his job. Health,safety, and economics are going to suffer in the near future and it will be noticable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was referring to bullets in Chicago.
Chi town is not so bad! Gary is where the real issue is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I run around chicago some, you can avoid the bullets with common sense! Stay the fuck out of Gary though, the whole thing is a shit hole! I will say this my group that plays in Chicago are some of the biggest and well armed farm boys you have ever seen. That may help me aviod issues in the area! I am almost always in a large group when in Chicago so I may feel safer than the typical tourist there. My experience may be slanted due to feeling pretty safe with my group! Cleveland I have experienced both in large groups and also on my own and have never experienced any thing scary in any way!
Why would anyone spend billions of dollars to build a hyper loop between Chicago and Cleveland? Name me one average Chicago guy who would want to go to Cleveland freely ? And not forced to go ..

The latest Hyperloop feasibility study aims to connect Cleveland and Chicago – Ars Technica

The latest Hyperloop feasibility study aims to connect Cleveland and Chicago

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies
The drive between Chicago and Cleveland can take about five hours. Taking the train is a little longer—six to seven hours, depending on how many stops the train makes. It's easy to see why people would be interested in bringing a faster type of transportation to the corridor.

Enter Hyperloop, of course. The brainchild of Elon Musk, a Hyperloop is a system of transportation envisioned to carry cargo or passengers at speeds above 700 mph through low-pressure tubes. The train pods would hover above the track, using either magnetic levitation or air-bearings. Stretch a tube across the 344 miles between Chicago and Cleveland and simple math suggests you could cover the distance in half an hour, give or take.
This is truly great, now all criminals, thugs, and gangbangers from the Leftist-run shooting capital of the US aka Chicago can travel back and forth to Cleveland at hyper-speeds. Looks like Cleveland is eyeing the number 2 spot when it comes to gun violence deaths.
Why would anyone spend billions of dollars to build a hyper loop between Chicago and Cleveland? Name me one average Chicago guy who would want to go to Cleveland freely ? And not forced to go ..

The latest Hyperloop feasibility study aims to connect Cleveland and Chicago – Ars Technica

The latest Hyperloop feasibility study aims to connect Cleveland and Chicago

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies
The drive between Chicago and Cleveland can take about five hours. Taking the train is a little longer—six to seven hours, depending on how many stops the train makes. It's easy to see why people would be interested in bringing a faster type of transportation to the corridor.

Enter Hyperloop, of course. The brainchild of Elon Musk, a Hyperloop is a system of transportation envisioned to carry cargo or passengers at speeds above 700 mph through low-pressure tubes. The train pods would hover above the track, using either magnetic levitation or air-bearings. Stretch a tube across the 344 miles between Chicago and Cleveland and simple math suggests you could cover the distance in half an hour, give or take.
This is truly great, now all criminals, thugs, and gangbangers from the Leftist-run shooting capital of the US aka Chicago can travel back and forth to Cleveland at hyper-speeds. Looks like Cleveland is eyeing the number 2 spot when it comes to gun violence deaths.
A good perentage of the people that do the shootings and killings never travel outside of the county they live in! By and large the people that will use this type of service are more likely to be unpwardly mobile! SO ya I am not to worried about that issue!
Why would anyone spend billions of dollars to build a hyper loop between Chicago and Cleveland? Name me one average Chicago guy who would want to go to Cleveland freely ? And not forced to go ..

The latest Hyperloop feasibility study aims to connect Cleveland and Chicago – Ars Technica

The latest Hyperloop feasibility study aims to connect Cleveland and Chicago

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies
The drive between Chicago and Cleveland can take about five hours. Taking the train is a little longer—six to seven hours, depending on how many stops the train makes. It's easy to see why people would be interested in bringing a faster type of transportation to the corridor.

Enter Hyperloop, of course. The brainchild of Elon Musk, a Hyperloop is a system of transportation envisioned to carry cargo or passengers at speeds above 700 mph through low-pressure tubes. The train pods would hover above the track, using either magnetic levitation or air-bearings. Stretch a tube across the 344 miles between Chicago and Cleveland and simple math suggests you could cover the distance in half an hour, give or take.
This is truly great, now all criminals, thugs, and gangbangers from the Leftist-run shooting capital of the US aka Chicago can travel back and forth to Cleveland at hyper-speeds. Looks like Cleveland is eyeing the number 2 spot when it comes to gun violence deaths.
A good perentage of the people that do the shootings and killings never travel outside of the county they live in! By and large the people that will use this type of service are more likely to be unpwardly mobile! SO ya I am not to worried about that issue!
Dufus thinks this is going to be used by the rich only. Ha ha ha! Ya gotta love the delusion.
If it goes one way to Cleveland it would help people avoid bullets. When Cleveland is an improvement, you have a problem.
There are not that many bullets to avoid in Ohio. I own, fix, trade, appraise and sell investment properties. I walk in and out of the worst neighborhoods in all of Ohio very commonly and have yet to get shot at. I was attacked for the first time just a couple of weeks ago. I am normally armed when in these areas especially if I am in them on fridays I am normally paying my subs and have large amounts of cash on me. I was not armed the one time I got attacked. Thankfully the assailent was only armed with an orange hose fillled with some thing. A quick and decisive response was given catrching the criminal off guard and I was able to inflict enough damage in a short period to escape any further complications. Cleveland and Chicago are huge port cities and there is an astronomical amount of goods and services tranferred betwen these two cities vast amounts of wealth could be created sednig these goods and services at 700 mph. There may even be a larger econmomic advantage by taking the vehicles off the road that currently are hauling this freight. Future traffic studies are alarming at best, please veiw these studies to see why we are going to need a transportation over haul and soon. We could again find our selves moving at horse and buggy speed in the very near future due to congestion. Trump may have some issues with the truth, how ever he was not lying when he was discussing the state of our infrastructre. If any thing it is much worse than he has let on. I am currently trying to remove myself from all local and state planning commities because the problems we are facing in the very near future are unsolvable when considering the budget. If you think you do not like your local governemt now, the future is much darker. I do not want to be associated with what is to come in the future. I find myself very comfortable with the fact that due to my age I will likely not have to deal with what is coming. Go find the people who are responsible for your roads, bridges, water treatment, and sewage and ask them about what needs to be done and what they have the money for while looking into thier eyes. No matter what their mouth sais their eyes will tell you the truth. You will see the eyes of a person that knows he can not do what is expected of his job. Health,safety, and economics are going to suffer in the near future and it will be noticable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was referring to bullets in Chicago.
Chi town is not so bad! Gary is where the real issue is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I run around chicago some, you can avoid the bullets with common sense! Stay the fuck out of Gary though, the whole thing is a shit hole! I will say this my group that plays in Chicago are some of the biggest and well armed farm boys you have ever seen. That may help me aviod issues in the area! I am almost always in a large group when in Chicago so I may feel safer than the typical tourist there. My experience may be slanted due to feeling pretty safe with my group! Cleveland I have experienced both in large groups and also on my own and have never experienced any thing scary in any way!
I’ve been through Gary recently. It’s a ghost town. The only operating businesses are chicken restaurants.

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