I am curious as to the ages of posters here.

In bed? I was in class. 6th grade I think it was.
I'm a baby then, I was in first grade.

since then, I have been intrigued with JFK's death. That started my desire to know the truth. At seven years old, as the investigation went on, I questioned my parents constantly with what if's. I was stuck watching the news then. The development of this country has been altered twice after that one, first Lincoln and his vision and then JFK and his vision. Taken out by those who disagreed. Then they attempted Reagan and now Trump. The pattern I learned now is that the people who are right, get shot at.
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I also collapsed with that shot but didn't pass out.
When I came to I saw about every fifth guy fall to the floor! Remember the three "gun" injections or didn't they use those yet in '63?
The two-story barracks were indeed wooden, with the shower on the first floor.
Yep, you're right. And C-1-3 was near the mess hall if I remember correctly. My drill seargeant was a wirey old guy from Alabama or Tennesee or some place like that. Funny, I can't remember his name. I do remember a couple of the other's: Sgt. Bechtold and Sgt Barbie.
I remember helping to drag a Jewish guy down the stairs, threatening him with a "G.I." bath with scrub brushes. He wouldn't bathe and stunk like hell.
We had one like that in Vietnam and the guys in his tent gave him the treatment with a wire brush. He and his clothes were filty and his teeth were green! I'll think of his name in a minute.
I'm a baby then, I was in first grade.

since then, I have been intrigued with JFK's death. That started my desire to know the truth. At seven years old, as the investigation went on, I questioned my parents constantly with what if's. I was stuck watching the news then. The development of this country has been altered twice after that one, first Lincoln and his vision and then JFK and his vision. Taken out by those who disagreed. Then they attempted Reagan and now Trump. The pattern I learned now is that the people who are right, get shot at.
I agree with you but if we start talking about it we'll never stop.
I agree with you but if we start talking about it we'll never stop.
agreed as well. it is the never ending story demofks still don't get. they just repeat Ozwald, not thinking about why Ozwald needed to die as well. Like Trump's assassination attempt dude. It's called EXPOSURE!! That's what I learned at age seven.
True. The world began to go to hell in earnest after Buddy Holly's death.
Bye Bye Miss America Pie

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When I came to I saw about every fifth guy fall to the floor! Remember the three "gun" injections or didn't they use those yet in '63?

Yep, you're right. And C-1-3 was near the mess hall if I remember correctly. My drill seargeant was a wirey old guy from Alabama or Tennesee or some place like that. Funny, I can't remember his name. I do remember a couple of the other's: Sgt. Bechtold and Sgt Barbie.

We had one like that in Vietnam and the guys in his tent gave him the treatment with a wire brush. He and his clothes were filty and his teeth were green! I'll think of his name in a minute.
I do recall the 'guns'. I don't recall names but I can look them up in my Basic Training "yearbook". Did you keep yours?Basic yearbook-1.JPGBasic yearbook-2.JPG
The main things I remember from my early child hood were people talking about President Kennedys death and Winston Churchill s funeral and the news report of finding the bodies of civil rights workers in a a earthen dam.

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