I am curious as to the ages of posters here.

I am between the ages of 50 and 70.

I would like to keep my age private, since I live a private and retired life. Age is just a number to me. It's how you feel in the morning when you wake up, that keeps me going. That's all you all need to know.
When I came to I saw about every fifth guy fall to the floor! Remember the three "gun" injections or didn't they use those yet in '63?

Yep, you're right. And C-1-3 was near the mess hall if I remember correctly. My drill seargeant was a wirey old guy from Alabama or Tennesee or some place like that. Funny, I can't remember his name. I do remember a couple of the other's: Sgt. Bechtold and Sgt Barbie.

We had one like that in Vietnam and the guys in his tent gave him the treatment with a wire brush. He and his clothes were filty and his teeth were green! I'll think of his name in a minute.
I missed out on the fun in Vietnam, too short to go with my unit. What was your M.O.S? I wound up as an artillery surveyor, a "153.00"
I saw Chicago and Leon Russell in Albuquerque around that time. I didn't really want to see Leon Russell but there was this girl ..... you know?
While stationed at Ft. Bliss, TX we went to an American owned club in Mexico, about 40 miles south, and saw Lena Horne singing with a small band. A really nice place but there was hardly anyone else there. Strange.
it was a plane crash..Waylon Jennings was suppose to be on that flight but gave his seat up to the big booper
A tragic and ignominious end to a superstar, and the end of a musical and social era. Enter the Beatles, screaming instead of singing, and drugs. :omg:
I saw Chicago and Leon Russell in Albuquerque around that time. I didn't really want to see Leon Russell but there was this girl ..... you know?
I took a gf to see Blackmore's Rainbow first US tour at Beacon Theater in NY, loudest concert Ive ever attended, still not sure how the Beacon Theater withstood it. Agreed not to take her to anymore concerts after that
I was stationed at Sandia Base ("consolidated", that doesn't exist by that name any more) in Albuquerque. I've been to Juarez many, many times.

Very strange.
I was a weeknight. The place would likely be crowded on the weekends. Drinks were also cheap, but would likely not be on the weekends.
I was stationed at Sandia Base ("consolidated", that doesn't exist by that name any more) in Albuquerque. I've been to Juarez many, many times.

Very strange.
We went there to buy liquor. Went into a Mexican bar there. It was like Mexico's version of "Deliverance". Real characters that looked like they came right out of central casting. We downed our tequila and got the hell out of there. :omg:

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