I am curious as to the ages of posters here.

We went there to buy liquor. Went into a Mexican bar there. It was like Mexico's version of "Deliverance". Real characters that looked like they came right out of central casting. We downed our tequila and got the hell out of there. :omg:
I had a similar experience in a rauncy cantina in Saltillo.
It's not the age that is the problem here.
What makes he place so crappy is the lack of moderation.
This place wants page views (and $'s) to the exclusion of everything else.

These (80% RW) rejects from other boards land here because they can Bash "Libs" and high-five each other with impunity/Not content.
You can post pure insults and one-word/line harassment except perhaps having 1/1% of them removed if reported... but come back the next day and do it again.. for YEARS.
There are No days off for repeat offenders, No thread bans, and No section bans.

Truly mentally disturbed people like EMH get thrown off every board.. but here he's just prolific and popular lunatic who generates lots of page views.

Also, and crucially, there is No real block-poster function as on, ie, FB. Not only won't the mods protect you, one can't do it for one's self. You can only Blind yourself while getting mocked and funny feedbacks from the person who is harassing/Trolling you.
I tried to change this, but despite some minor support Flacalteen was not about to cut 20% of the page view$.

That's the problem.
You're the biggest trash talking troll here. STFU.

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