I believe...


I love Andrea & April
Mar 7, 2007
Islam should be banned in the united states, and we should not take any more muslims.

I believe if we dont do this, we will continue down our spiral of turning into a islamic state with sharia law, like europe

anyone with 1 eye and half a brain knows the real warlike history of islam. It has nothing to do with peace, it has to do with war, lies, and conquest.

Dont believe me, look it up!
Id rather amend the constitution, then risk becoming europe

but thanks for playing :lol:
You'd have to get rid of that pesky ol' Constitution first.

Someone will come in here and say that Obama admin and all the libturds don't pay attention to the Constitution anyways.

Someone else will say that Islam is an international crime syndicate, so it's not a protected religion under the First anyways.

And then someone else will say that the Constitution is not a suicide pact.

The constitution is not set in stone, it can and should be amended when neccesary.

Im sorry, If I see what europe is becoming, and what the muzzies are trying to do to the 9/11 families, and would not like to let them take our our country.
Islam should be banned in the united states, and we should not take any more muslims.

I believe if we dont do this, we will continue down our spiral of turning into a islamic state with sharia law, like europe

anyone with 1 eye and half a brain knows the real warlike history of islam. It has nothing to do with peace, it has to do with war, lies, and conquest.

Dont believe me, look it up!
I agree. Let's ban it and see what happens.
The constitution is not set in stone, it can and should be amended when neccesary.

Im sorry, If I see what europe is becoming, and what the muzzies are trying to do to the 9/11 families, and would not like to let them take our our country.

I'd be more worried about someone amending the Constitution to eliminate First Amendment guarantees than what you're worried about.
The constitution, should not be a suicide pact, that is right.

We should not allow others to call anything a religion when if you look at its history, not its revisionist history, but its real history.

You have only one logical conclusion to come to: if you are honest with yourself. And that is that islam is a blood thirsty , war ravaging, suicide cult

It is as much a religion as nazism

radical, fundamental, and cowardly

I dont care what names I am called, the truth doesnt care how much some lie, the truth is the truth

You'd have to get rid of that pesky ol' Constitution first.

Someone will come in here and say that Obama admin and all the libturds don't pay attention to the Constitution anyways.

Someone else will say that Islam is an international crime syndicate, so it's not a protected religion under the First anyways.

And then someone else will say that the Constitution is not a suicide pact.

so steer.

two scenarios are in place

#1 we make sure we dont become like europe, eurostan.

#2 the other, we get the warm and fuzzies and allow islam to take us over

which do u prefer

I prefer changing laws and rules, when neccesary.

After all, id rather be alive and be wrong, then dead and right

its too bad you obviously dont know or choose to give islam a pass on its history, or what it really is, so you can give yourself a hug, and convince yourself your tolerant, just hope you can do that when their putting the knife to your throat, or converting. As a jew, i dont get that choice, I just get the knife, and im not willing to lie down to appease anyone.

The constitution is not set in stone, it can and should be amended when neccesary.

Im sorry, If I see what europe is becoming, and what the muzzies are trying to do to the 9/11 families, and would not like to let them take our our country.

I'd be more worried about someone amending the Constitution to eliminate First Amendment guarantees than what you're worried about.
your history if you honestly looked at it is filled with nothing but war, and trying to conquest the world.

Your book, until the nearly 150-200 death like verses are taken out, cannot and will not be respected by me.

You may be a nice person, but you cannot be a good muslim according to your book, unless you take up jihad against us.

Islam should be banned in the united states, and we should not take any more muslims.

I believe if we dont do this, we will continue down our spiral of turning into a islamic state with sharia law, like europe

anyone with 1 eye and half a brain knows the real warlike history of islam. It has nothing to do with peace, it has to do with war, lies, and conquest.

Dont believe me, look it up!
I agree. Let's ban it and see what happens.
so steer.

two scenarios are in place

#1 we make sure we dont become like europe, eurostan.

#2 the other, we get the warm and fuzzies and allow islam to take us over

which do u prefer

I prefer changing laws and rules, when neccesary.

It's a false dichotomy. We either amend the Constitution to ban Islam or #2 happens? Nonsense.
Let's get rid of all the illegal aliens first. Then after we catch our breath, we'll ask them to leave nicely. If they don't leave we can pray them out of the country.
If the United States banned muslims, we wouldn't be the United States. We may as well let them take over because it's going to be the same result: Oppression, tyranny, and religious persecution of anyone who doesn't walk the party line.

If you do that, I'm starting a secession campaign to create an independent nation that actually follows the Constitution.
Id rather amend the constitution, then risk becoming europe

but thanks for playing :lol:

If you alter the 1st Amendment, you open up the possibility that the 2nd Amendment be altered.

And before you know it, we'll be quartering soldier in our homes without our consent in peacetime!

If it's the female soldiers.... ;)

That's another story.

And if it was a black female soldier, I could just have them as my slave. Luckily they wouldn't be able to vote.
funny how your photo shows a sword.

islam is not about self defense either, its history clearly shows a pattern of agression, like africanized killer bees.

if we ban islam, we might have a chance.

And anyone supporting palestinian homicide bombers, and palestinian terrorists, should be deported, and/or jailed.

Islam should be banned in the united states, and we should not take any more muslims.

I believe if we dont do this, we will continue down our spiral of turning into a islamic state with sharia law, like europe

anyone with 1 eye and half a brain knows the real warlike history of islam. It has nothing to do with peace, it has to do with war, lies, and conquest.

Dont believe me, look it up!
I agree. Let's ban it and see what happens.
I would alter any law or rule in the constitution, if someone or something is trying to destroy us.

Id rather amend the constitution, then risk becoming europe

but thanks for playing :lol:

If you alter the 1st Amendment, you open up the possibility that the 2nd Amendment be altered.

And before you know it, we'll be quartering soldier in our homes without our consent in peacetime!

If we altered the Constitution to get rid of the first amendment, you'd be sent to a reeducation camp and wouldn't be let out until you were thinking correctly.

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