I envy you folks who are older. Because you got to grow up in a much better country.

I grew up in the 80's, and while there was violence, it was nowhere near the level it is today. I think crime has steadily gotten worse each decade. There is an obvious societal decay.

The 80s had a higher murder rate. It started with the all time peak of 10.2 murders per 100,000 in 1980. The lowest point was 1984, with 7.9 murders per 100,000. With the murder rate back up to near its all time high by the 1991, with 9.8 murders per 100,000.


The murder rate in was 7.8 per 100,000 in 2021 (the most current year the CDC has numbers for). Lower than the lowest point of the 1980s. And significantly lower than the averages of the 1980s.


Your perception of the 1980s as significantly safer is flawed. The 1980s and early 90s represented the PEAK of murder in the United States.

Your perception of the danger you face today is also flawed. With our murder rates lower than the lowest rates in the 80s. And significantly lower than both the 1980s averages and the 1980s to 90s peaks.

I would suggest that right wing media is designed to inflate your sense of anxiety and imminent harm.....as fear and anxiety sells.
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Contrary to the theory of evolution, for generations we have been strongly rewarding bad behavior and punishing good behavior.

I'm older than dirt. I believe I have lived in the finest years of our country and that we are reaching our tipping point.

Several quotes come to mind.

"The average age of empires, according to a specialist on the subject, the late Sir John Bagot Glubb, is 250 years. After that, empires always die, often slowly but overwhelmingly from overreaching in the search for power. The America of 1776 will reach its 250th year in 2026."

Seems pretty accurate. We cannot exist much longer with the Biden administration.



Contrary to the theory of evolution, for generations we have been strongly rewarding bad behavior and punishing good behavior.

I'm older than dirt. I believe I have lived in the finest years of our country and that we are reaching our tipping point.

Several quotes come to mind.

"The average age of empires, according to a specialist on the subject, the late Sir John Bagot Glubb, is 250 years. After that, empires always die, often slowly but overwhelmingly from overreaching in the search for power. The America of 1776 will reach its 250th year in 2026."

Seems pretty accurate. We cannot exist much longer with the Biden administration.




And what was the 'finest year/s' that you lived in?
I’m in my mid 30s and I just wanted to first of all thank every American in this country who is a senior citizen. Thanks for making this country one of the greatest countries in the world. No matter what the far left or the neoconservatives do …. because of you people no matter what happens thousands of years from now the world will look back at a country called the United States of America ….and they will see throughout the 20th century it was the United States that saved the free world. We all remember World War II. It was the Americans, the Soviets, the British who liberated concentration camps where human beings were being exterminated. Nobody can ever take this incredible feat away from the American people and our allies.

We don’t have a middle class today. We really don’t have morals in America, we do have materialism and greed on steroids. We got a divorce rate that’s out of control, we have massive numbers of young men and young women who are single in this country. We have big problems today because of the negative aspects of social media and more drugs in our country, along with Republicans and Democrats incorrectly claiming that America has a “systemically racist” history

Folks I envy you senior citizens of America. I admire you but also have some I guess you can call it envy. The USA is a much more difficult country to have success in today compared to say the 1950s or the 1980s. It is because of the great Americans of history that we will always have hope for the future. And that’s why I stay hopeful, because of the great American history.
Reminds of a cartoon or just a video where a bum from a dump says that he lives in the greatest country on earth.
Why would we have monuments to traitors to the United States who murdered tens of thousands of US servicemen to preserve tyranny?

We do you want next, a statue honoring Benedict Arnold? Tim McVeigh?
If you were from Georgia you fought for the south, etc. Why did Germans fight for Hitler? Italians for Mussolini? They were defending their home.
If you were from Georgia you fought for the south, etc. Why did Germans fight for Hitler? Italians for Mussolini? They were defending their home.

Read the secession documents. The reason for secession was to due to hostility to slavery.

To preserve infants as *property*. Child slavery. Brutal mutilation, Torture. Castration. Amputation. A lifetime of rape. The most brutal oppression and most vile tyranny of the most evil institution our nation has ever participated in.

And they murdered American servicemen by the 10s of thousands to *preserve* and perpetuate this. They betrayed their oaths, they betrayed their country, they were traitors to a man.

Why would we *ever* build monuments to traitors who murdered US servicemen in a vain attempt to preserve evil?

What, do you want a monument to the suicide bomber that blew up US Marine barracks in Lebanon? A mural honoring the British torching of the White House?
I’m in my mid 30s and I just wanted to first of all thank every American in this country who is a senior citizen. Thanks for making this country one of the greatest countries in the world. No matter what the far left or the neoconservatives do …. because of you people no matter what happens thousands of years from now the world will look back at a country called the United States of America ….and they will see throughout the 20th century it was the United States that saved the free world. We all remember World War II. It was the Americans, the Soviets, the British who liberated concentration camps where human beings were being exterminated. Nobody can ever take this incredible feat away from the American people and our allies.

We don’t have a middle class today. We really don’t have morals in America, we do have materialism and greed on steroids. We got a divorce rate that’s out of control, we have massive numbers of young men and young women who are single in this country. We have big problems today because of the negative aspects of social media and more drugs in our country, along with Republicans and Democrats incorrectly claiming that America has a “systemically racist” history

Folks I envy you senior citizens of America. I admire you but also have some I guess you can call it envy. The USA is a much more difficult country to have success in today compared to say the 1950s or the 1980s. It is because of the great Americans of history that we will always have hope for the future. And that’s why I stay hopeful, because of the great American history.

I am 54 and so was a child in the 70s and a teen in the 80s. I'm so grateful for that. I grew up before the "self esteem" movement which spawned helicopter parenting which is the genesis for the anxiety pandemic we see in young Americans.

I would correct one thing: the divorce rate is actually lower now than it was previously, and younger marriages seem to be making a comeback. This could be partially the defunct economy, who knows.
I’m in my mid 30s and I just wanted to first of all thank every American in this country who is a senior citizen. Thanks for making this country one of the greatest countries in the world. No matter what the far left or the neoconservatives do …. because of you people no matter what happens thousands of years from now the world will look back at a country called the United States of America ….and they will see throughout the 20th century it was the United States that saved the free world. We all remember World War II. It was the Americans, the Soviets, the British who liberated concentration camps where human beings were being exterminated. Nobody can ever take this incredible feat away from the American people and our allies.

We don’t have a middle class today. We really don’t have morals in America, we do have materialism and greed on steroids. We got a divorce rate that’s out of control, we have massive numbers of young men and young women who are single in this country. We have big problems today because of the negative aspects of social media and more drugs in our country, along with Republicans and Democrats incorrectly claiming that America has a “systemically racist” history

Folks I envy you senior citizens of America. I admire you but also have some I guess you can call it envy. The USA is a much more difficult country to have success in today compared to say the 1950s or the 1980s. It is because of the great Americans of history that we will always have hope for the future. And that’s why I stay hopeful, because of the great American history.
I’m in my mid 30s and I just wanted to first of all thank every American in this country who is a senior citizen. Thanks for making this country one of the greatest countries in the world. No matter what the far left or the neoconservatives do …. because of you people no matter what happens thousands of years from now the world will look back at a country called the United States of America ….and they will see throughout the 20th century it was the United States that saved the free world. We all remember World War II. It was the Americans, the Soviets, the British who liberated concentration camps where human beings were being exterminated. Nobody can ever take this incredible feat away from the American people and our allies.

We don’t have a middle class today. We really don’t have morals in America, we do have materialism and greed on steroids. We got a divorce rate that’s out of control, we have massive numbers of young men and young women who are single in this country. We have big problems today because of the negative aspects of social media and more drugs in our country, along with Republicans and Democrats incorrectly claiming that America has a “systemically racist” history

Folks I envy you senior citizens of America. I admire you but also have some I guess you can call it envy. The USA is a much more difficult country to have success in today compared to say the 1950s or the 1980s. It is because of the great Americans of history that we will always have hope for the future. And that’s why I stay hopeful, because of the great American history.

The only thing I disagree with you on, it you can still make it here. The American Dream is not dead. You are the sum total of your own decisions. BTW I'm 72 yoa.

Good sentiment. But most of us have kids and grandkids.

There's nothing these satanic, soulless fucks can do to me - I've lived out of this shithole more than I've lived in it - and I could leave forever, on a moment's notice.

But what about my kids and grandkids? I don't feel right leaving them behind with the child molesters and the rest of the depraved filthy fucking animals.

I graduated from HS in the late 60s, I saw the decline coming and chose not to have children. Taking discipline out of the schools was a huge clue.

i will be 70 this month....i have always lived in interesting times....the good old days of polio....who remembers those? the good old days of civil strife during the vietnam war...the racial strife of the 70s...rodney king...the la riots..the good old days when simple diseases could kill you...lets ignore the advancements in the medical field thet keep us alive...or the safety innovations....i dont see a lot of you with the ability to do shit on your own...good old days...outhouses..remember those

stop glorifying shit that never existed....
Yep back then you could relax and sit down and watch the news with Walter Cronkite and he'd tell you about Vietnam on the TV and we'd watch people kill each other, then the story went to the radical gangs in the US that were fighting with cops and the cops would blowed up their apartment and burn down neighborhoods along with the gangs, and then stories of serial bombers like Kazinsky, then more murders and assassinations, the world at war, you know the usual stuff.
When that was happening, we were still keeping the fiat currency under some semblance of control. We lost control of it and wasted tens and tens of trillions of dollars in waste and corruption. To look ack on it we became to selfish and then the government came in to pay for our own abuses. The problem we have is that many of us would be up shits creek if the economy ever cratered. Thing should be better for what we paid for it. Perhaps we should be a leaner and meaner nation with more abundance and less dependence on government at all levels. There are penalties for nations with politicians who play games with their economies to achieve and keep power for life.
WEll, it was that 'generation' that handed govt. over to Wall Street in the first place, so don't get too teary eyed over Boomers. They got rid of the Wright Patmans and Patrick Moynihans, ditched the Fair Trade laws that allowed small companies to grow and prosper after WW II, and made 'Too Big To Fail' a thing.

Both Democrats and Republicans want to exterminate the elderly, so we'll be out of the way soon. You 'technocrats' and 'rationalists' can focus on murdering each other and flooding the country with pagan savages and bizarre fetishists.
As long as you say establishment Republicans and Democrats who worked against the people of the United States.
As long as you say establishment Republicans and Democrats who worked against the people of the United States.

They're the 'Establishment' for a reason. The GOP has an RNC that serves them the same way the DNC serves Democrats. They both just play Good Cop Bad Cop games with their bases, and in the end they always back each other's plays.
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I’m in my mid 30s and I just wanted to first of all thank every American in this country who is a senior citizen. Thanks for making this country one of the greatest countries in the world. No matter what the far left or the neoconservatives do …. because of you people no matter what happens thousands of years from now the world will look back at a country called the United States of America ….and they will see throughout the 20th century it was the United States that saved the free world. We all remember World War II. It was the Americans, the Soviets, the British who liberated concentration camps where human beings were being exterminated. Nobody can ever take this incredible feat away from the American people and our allies.

We don’t have a middle class today. We really don’t have morals in America, we do have materialism and greed on steroids. We got a divorce rate that’s out of control, we have massive numbers of young men and young women who are single in this country. We have big problems today because of the negative aspects of social media and more drugs in our country, along with Republicans and Democrats incorrectly claiming that America has a “systemically racist” history

Folks I envy you senior citizens of America. I admire you but also have some I guess you can call it envy. The USA is a much more difficult country to have success in today compared to say the 1950s or the 1980s. It is because of the great Americans of history that we will always have hope for the future. And that’s why I stay hopeful, because of the great American history.

You sound like my grand mother whining about the country.

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