I got this e-mail about Obama and his religion. Is any of this true?


Nov 1, 2011
If you are that stupid to think obama is a Christian then you need headphones on to tell you when to breathe. Be sure to keep these headphones on all the time. I can't believe anyone thinks obama is a Christian. He is not a Christian has never been a Christian. Just because he says he is doesn't make it so. Christ said we would know them by their fruit and obama has produced putrid rotting fruit. Christian refugees are held in camps while muslime refugees are given full benefits in the country of their choice. Open your Bible and get a real education. One that can carry you through eternity.

Tell me how you can go to Mecca and preach Christianity or Judaism? You will be beheaded before 6PM. You're a guilt ridden fool.

You should read his autobiography fool. He was a Muslim until he converted to Christianity. So educate yourself arrogant elitist libtard. Obama hates everybody, he's a sociopathic narcissist. And a major racist. As a woman I hate Islam that reduces us to the status of dogs. You dirty racist dirtbag woman hater, if you think Muslims are so great why is calling Osama a Muslim a bad thing? No logic as usual in libtards. The liberal mental disease prevents logic or reason.
If you are that stupid to think obama is a Christian then you need headphones on to tell you when to breathe. Be sure to keep these headphones on all the time. I can't believe anyone thinks obama is a Christian. He is not a Christian has never been a Christian. Just because he says he is doesn't make it so. Christ said we would know them by their fruit and obama has produced putrid rotting fruit. Christian refugees are held in camps while muslime refugees are given full benefits in the country of their choice. Open your Bible and get a real education. One that can carry you through eternity.

Tell me how you can go to Mecca and preach Christianity or Judaism? You will be beheaded before 6PM. You're a guilt ridden fool.

You should read his autobiography fool. He was a Muslim until he converted to Christianity. So educate yourself arrogant elitist libtard. Obama hates everybody, he's a sociopathic narcissist. And a major racist. As a woman I hate Islam that reduces us to the status of dogs. You dirty racist dirtbag woman hater, if you think Muslims are so great why is calling Osama a Muslim a bad thing? No logic as usual in libtards. The liberal mental disease prevents logic or reason.

You must suck a lot of cock for your husband to put up with your dumb ass
Uncle Ferd says Obama is a follower of Urantia...

... as are all the wealthy & political muckity-mucks in Washin'ton...

... dey's takin' over the gov't. an' the world...

... like the Skull & Bones society of secret secretcy.
If you are that stupid to think obama is a Christian then you need headphones on to tell you when to breathe. Be sure to keep these headphones on all the time. I can't believe anyone thinks obama is a Christian. He is not a Christian has never been a Christian. Just because he says he is doesn't make it so. Christ said we would know them by their fruit and obama has produced putrid rotting fruit. Christian refugees are held in camps while muslime refugees are given full benefits in the country of their choice. Open your Bible and get a real education. One that can carry you through eternity.

Tell me how you can go to Mecca and preach Christianity or Judaism? You will be beheaded before 6PM. You're a guilt ridden fool.

You should read his autobiography fool. He was a Muslim until he converted to Christianity. So educate yourself arrogant elitist libtard. Obama hates everybody, he's a sociopathic narcissist. And a major racist. As a woman I hate Islam that reduces us to the status of dogs. You dirty racist dirtbag woman hater, if you think Muslims are so great why is calling Osama a Muslim a bad thing? No logic as usual in libtards. The liberal mental disease prevents logic or reason.

LOL- you- or the 'author' of the email is an idiot.

If you are that stupid to think obama is a Christian then you need headphones on to tell you when to breathe. Be sure to keep these headphones on all the time. I can't believe anyone thinks obama is a Christian. He is not a Christian has never been a Christian. Just because he says he is doesn't make it so. Christ said we would know them by their fruit and obama has produced putrid rotting fruit. Christian refugees are held in camps while muslime refugees are given full benefits in the country of their choice. Open your Bible and get a real education. One that can carry you through eternity.

Tell me how you can go to Mecca and preach Christianity or Judaism? You will be beheaded before 6PM. You're a guilt ridden fool.

You should read his autobiography fool. He was a Muslim until he converted to Christianity. So educate yourself arrogant elitist libtard. Obama hates everybody, he's a sociopathic narcissist. And a major racist. As a woman I hate Islam that reduces us to the status of dogs. You dirty racist dirtbag woman hater, if you think Muslims are so great why is calling Osama a Muslim a bad thing? No logic as usual in libtards. The liberal mental disease prevents logic or reason.

LOL- you- or the 'author' of the email is an idiot.


Funny that you can't refute anything this e-mail said. So it must be true.
If you are that stupid to think obama is a Christian then you need headphones on to tell you when to breathe. Be sure to keep these headphones on all the time. I can't believe anyone thinks obama is a Christian. He is not a Christian has never been a Christian. Just because he says he is doesn't make it so. Christ said we would know them by their fruit and obama has produced putrid rotting fruit. Christian refugees are held in camps while muslime refugees are given full benefits in the country of their choice. Open your Bible and get a real education. One that can carry you through eternity.

Tell me how you can go to Mecca and preach Christianity or Judaism? You will be beheaded before 6PM. You're a guilt ridden fool.

You should read his autobiography fool. He was a Muslim until he converted to Christianity. So educate yourself arrogant elitist libtard. Obama hates everybody, he's a sociopathic narcissist. And a major racist. As a woman I hate Islam that reduces us to the status of dogs. You dirty racist dirtbag woman hater, if you think Muslims are so great why is calling Osama a Muslim a bad thing? No logic as usual in libtards. The liberal mental disease prevents logic or reason.

LOL- you- or the 'author' of the email is an idiot.


Funny that you can't refute anything this e-mail said. So it must be true.
Being a dumb fucking jackass like Questionman is a mental disease
I don't give a damn what religion he is from but I do care that he saved our economy.
If you are that stupid to think obama is a Christian then you need headphones on to tell you when to breathe. Be sure to keep these headphones on all the time. I can't believe anyone thinks obama is a Christian. He is not a Christian has never been a Christian. Just because he says he is doesn't make it so. Christ said we would know them by their fruit and obama has produced putrid rotting fruit. Christian refugees are held in camps while muslime refugees are given full benefits in the country of their choice. Open your Bible and get a real education. One that can carry you through eternity.

Tell me how you can go to Mecca and preach Christianity or Judaism? You will be beheaded before 6PM. You're a guilt ridden fool.

You should read his autobiography fool. He was a Muslim until he converted to Christianity. So educate yourself arrogant elitist libtard. Obama hates everybody, he's a sociopathic narcissist. And a major racist. As a woman I hate Islam that reduces us to the status of dogs. You dirty racist dirtbag woman hater, if you think Muslims are so great why is calling Osama a Muslim a bad thing? No logic as usual in libtards. The liberal mental disease prevents logic or reason.

LOL- you- or the 'author' of the email is an idiot.


Funny that you can't refute anything this e-mail said. So it must be true.

What is sad is that you think that pulling this crap out of your ass requires any 'refuting'.

'this e-mail' being Q speak for "crap Q made up'
Uncle Ferd says Obama is a follower of Urantia...

... as are all the wealthy & political muckity-mucks in Washin'ton...

... dey's takin' over the gov't. an' the world...

... like the Skull & Bones society of secret secretcy.

I would say Obama follows the money, follows what's going to sell in the media.

If he were a stronger Christian, he'd have more faith in rebuking "fellow" Christians and Constitutionalists as equal peers to restore good faith relations. See Matthew 18:15-20

Instead he seems to lose faith, and use fear to bully which isn't really Christian. But since all sides resort to bullying, that is no longer a distinguishing factor when even Christians bully using the given secular system of majority rule instead of consensus.

Even though I am more secular gentile as a Constitutionalist,
I believe enough that I share the same faith with more traditional fellow Christians, that I'm not afraid to talk with far right opponents as equal peers. I have faith we are joined in Christ even though I tend to affiliate with the farther left Christians, like the Quakers who pushed for abolition from that side of the spectrum. On the issue of traditional and same sex marriage, I believe in maintaiing a neutral Constitutional center and including all beliefs; I don't agree with either Christians on the left or the right pushing one side at the expense and exclusion of the other.

The fact Obama is AFRAID and feels divided from fellow Christians tells me he is more secular. He relies on majority rule pushing things through the secular govt, and not on building consensus by resolving issues directly between people as Christian relations enable and empower people to develop.

There are some things Obama says that show higher vision and sensitivity on a broader spiritual level, such as when he referred to the "gun culture" as something that advocates should be aware of and respect. At least he recognizes something there which needs to be considered and accounted for. (Before he turns right around and runs right over it politically anyway).

He said some insightful things about racial issues that were more on the side of rising above than remaining victims of the past:

I think he is part of the Christian left, more focused on trying to resolve issues within the left side of the spectrum, and not trying at all to resolve things on the right side.

That's great to be so universal and inclusive that you can forgive problems with terrorists and political hypocrisy abuse and corruption on the left.

But it is equally important to treat the rest of America on the right the same way: with inclusion and forgiveness instead of demonizing one and elevating the other. That seems politically self-serving, and not about serving/representing the entire public.
If you are that stupid to think obama is a Christian then you need headphones on to tell you when to breathe. Be sure to keep these headphones on all the time. I can't believe anyone thinks obama is a Christian. He is not a Christian has never been a Christian. Just because he says he is doesn't make it so. Christ said we would know them by their fruit and obama has produced putrid rotting fruit. Christian refugees are held in camps while muslime refugees are given full benefits in the country of their choice. Open your Bible and get a real education. One that can carry you through eternity.

Tell me how you can go to Mecca and preach Christianity or Judaism? You will be beheaded before 6PM. You're a guilt ridden fool.

You should read his autobiography fool. He was a Muslim until he converted to Christianity. So educate yourself arrogant elitist libtard. Obama hates everybody, he's a sociopathic narcissist. And a major racist. As a woman I hate Islam that reduces us to the status of dogs. You dirty racist dirtbag woman hater, if you think Muslims are so great why is calling Osama a Muslim a bad thing? No logic as usual in libtards. The liberal mental disease prevents logic or reason.

You must suck a lot of cock for your husband to put up with your dumb ass

Personally....I think you went about a mile too far with that comment. I think you should be banned.

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