I just noticed something

Okay. I have examined both sides of this situation, albeit probably making an idiot of myself in the process. It may appear to some of you as me taking sides in the issue, but it is my way of taking in information and investigating facts. I realize my methodology is a bit unorthodox, but it is not the subject of this post.

My take is this: it is great to get the man back home. It is wonderful that he is back with his family. We should never leave anyone behind. But there is evidence that he deserted, however until he is tried (if at all) under the UCMJ, the evidence means little to nothing at this point, even if it seemed to me as a foregone conclusion. There are questions that need to be answered about his father and a controversial tweet he made on May 31 as well. I don't understand why his father spoke in Pashto in the Rose Garden for fear his son may have forgotten how to speak English.

I have questions as to why Obama would trade five of the most dangerous Taliban terrorists for one person as well. Such a trade, I believe, is improper during a time of war. It concerns me that he may have broken the law in conducting this trade. I fear he has legitimized the Taliban as some sort of 'power broker' in that area of the world. I can't really jump to any conclusions just yet. Until the proper hearings and proceedings take place, I can't say one way or another as to his innocence or guilt.

But it remains imperative that we get any American believed to be in the hands of our enemies home. There is no excuse for leaving him/her there to possibly die at their hands. Whatever it is he has done, we will inevitably find out. We cannot take for granted the reports we hear on TV, or what some politician or another says happened. In fact, in my judgement, I feel that we must wait for Bergdahl's side of this story before we jump to any conclusions.

It is only proper in this situation to sit and wait patiently for the facts of the matter to out themselves. And just as a side note, if we truly don't leave anyone behind, then it is only fair to mention Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, who is imprisoned in Mexico as I speak. It is only fair that his country fight for him as much as it did for Bergdahl. But until then, objectivity is key.

I'll take the words of his fellow soldiers over his , thank you.
There is no evidence he deserted. What you all have been hearing are opinions and speculations, and you have been regurgitating them as facts.

If Bergdahl had deserted to the enemy, as Fox News and all the usual liar outlets want you to believe, there would not have been a rescue mission. There would have been a capture mission.

The Pentagon has never portrayed Bergdahl as a deserter. They never portrayed the search for Bergdahl as a hunt for a traitor. But that is EXACTLY what they would have done if he had deserted to the enemy as so many are claiming.

There would have been topics about drone bombing another American citizen; one named Bowe Bergdahl.

Here's an idea. WAIT FOR FACTS!

I know...I know. That's crazy talk.

Once again, Fox News et al. are not interested in the truth. They are interested in staining Obama any way they can, even if it means manufacturing bullshit on top of bullshit on top of bullshit in the hopes SOMETHING will stick. And even if all their bullshit turns out to be bogus, the credulous rubes will have eaten enough bullshit their minds will have been adequately poisoned, regardless of subsequent contra-indicating facts. You bozos will be screaming for investigations to cover up the embarrassment of having swallowed mass quantiies of bullshit once again.

Christ Almighty, when will you rubes learn not to eat bullshit just because there is an absence of information? Are there so many holes in your head leaking your brains out that you have to fill it with anything at hand?
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Okay. I have examined both sides of this situation, albeit probably making an idiot of myself in the process. It may appear to some of you as me taking sides in the issue, but it is my way of taking in information and investigating facts. I realize my methodology is a bit unorthodox, but it is not the subject of this post.

My take is this: it is great to get the man back home. It is wonderful that he is back with his family. We should never leave anyone behind. But there is evidence that he deserted, however until he is tried (if at all) under the UCMJ, the evidence means little to nothing at this point, even if it seemed to me as a foregone conclusion. There are questions that need to be answered about his father and a controversial tweet he made on May 31 as well. I don't understand why his father spoke in Pashto in the Rose Garden for fear his son may have forgotten how to speak English.

I have questions as to why Obama would trade five of the most dangerous Taliban terrorists for one person as well. Such a trade, I believe, is improper during a time of war. It concerns me that he may have broken the law in conducting this trade. I fear he has legitimized the Taliban as some sort of 'power broker' in that area of the world. I can't really jump to any conclusions just yet. Until the proper hearings and proceedings take place, I can't say one way or another as to his innocence or guilt.

But it remains imperative that we get any American believed to be in the hands of our enemies home. There is no excuse for leaving him/her there to possibly die at their hands. Whatever it is he has done, we will inevitably find out. We cannot take for granted the reports we hear on TV, or what some politician or another says happened. In fact, in my judgement, I feel that we must wait for Bergdahl's side of this story before we jump to any conclusions.

It is only proper in this situation to sit and wait patiently for the facts of the matter to out themselves. And just as a side note, if we truly don't leave anyone behind, then it is only fair to mention Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, who is imprisoned in Mexico as I speak. It is only fair that his country fight for him as much as it did for Bergdahl. But until then, objectivity is key.

I'll take the words of his fellow soldiers over his , thank you.

Oh I see. We like to be one sided. But hey, to each his own.
Hey g5! We have the CIA making that claim, NOT FOX NEWS! Normally most of us would value the assertions of a an intelligence gathering organization over what Fox News says.

Asswipe....his platoon members said he left a note, talked about leaving and left his weapon behind.

You are just a Obama cock sucker.

There is no evidence he deserted. What you all have been hearing are opinions and speculations, and you have been regurgitating them as facts.

If Bergdahl had deserted to the enemy, as Fox News and all the usual liar outlets want you to believe, there would not have been a rescue misison. There would have been a capture mission.

The Pentagon has never portrayed Bergdahl as a deserter. They never portrayed the search for Bergdahl as a hunt for a traitor. But that is EXACTLY what they would have done if he had deserted to the enemy as so many are claiming.

Here's an idea. WAIT FOR FACTS!

I know...I know. That's crazy talk.
why is the OP making another thread on this subject when he already has one? Seriously TK this is spamming
I have questions as to why Obama would trade five of the most dangerous Taliban terrorists for one person as well.

Because the detainees haven’t been convicted of ‘terrorism,’ they’ve not been found guilty of committing any crime against the United States nor planning to do the same.

Indeed, given the fact that the detentions have always been illegal, the five should have been released long ago whether an American soldier was returned or not; where releasing the detainees is in compliance with the law.

Hitler was never convicted of anything either
I agree TK. Though I'd add holding the 5 guys was only justified by our needing to have troops there to eradicate al queda. The nation building is a fool's errand.

You mean like it was in Germany?

Or Japan?

Or South Korea?

Yeah, what a waste, huh?

morons. All of you. You're just stupid.

You pick up a simple-minded bumper-sticker slogan and repeat it like it's an incantation.

You people are just mindless
Hey g5! We have the CIA making that claim, NOT FOX NEWS! Normally most of us would value the assertions of a an intelligence gathering organization over what Fox News says.


No, you do not have the CIA making that claim.
Asswipe....his platoon members said he left a note, talked about leaving and left his weapon behind.

You are just a Obama cock sucker.

There is no evidence he deserted. What you all have been hearing are opinions and speculations, and you have been regurgitating them as facts.

If Bergdahl had deserted to the enemy, as Fox News and all the usual liar outlets want you to believe, there would not have been a rescue misison. There would have been a capture mission.

The Pentagon has never portrayed Bergdahl as a deserter. They never portrayed the search for Bergdahl as a hunt for a traitor. But that is EXACTLY what they would have done if he had deserted to the enemy as so many are claiming.

Here's an idea. WAIT FOR FACTS!

I know...I know. That's crazy talk.

Show me the note.
Show me the desertion note.

Show me the Pentagon ever describing Bergdahl as a deserter.

Show me the military searching for Bergdahl as a traitor and not a captive.

Show me anything but opinion and speculation.
Okay. I have examined both sides of this situation, albeit probably making an idiot of myself in the process. It may appear to some of you as me taking sides in the issue, but it is my way of taking in information and investigating facts. I realize my methodology is a bit unorthodox, but it is not the subject of this post.

My take is this: it is great to get the man back home. It is wonderful that he is back with his family. We should never leave anyone behind. But there is evidence that he deserted, however until he is tried (if at all) under the UCMJ, the evidence means little to nothing at this point, even if it seemed to me as a foregone conclusion. There are questions that need to be answered about his father and a controversial tweet he made on May 31 as well. I don't understand why his father spoke in Pashto in the Rose Garden for fear his son may have forgotten how to speak English.

I have questions as to why Obama would trade five of the most dangerous Taliban terrorists for one person as well. Such a trade, I believe, is improper during a time of war. It concerns me that he may have broken the law in conducting this trade. I fear he has legitimized the Taliban as some sort of 'power broker' in that area of the world. I can't really jump to any conclusions just yet. Until the proper hearings and proceedings take place, I can't say one way or another as to his innocence or guilt.

But it remains imperative that we get any American believed to be in the hands of our enemies home. There is no excuse for leaving him/her there to possibly die at their hands. Whatever it is he has done, we will inevitably find out. We cannot take for granted the reports we hear on TV, or what some politician or another says happened. In fact, in my judgement, I feel that we must wait for Bergdahl's side of this story before we jump to any conclusions.

It is only proper in this situation to sit and wait patiently for the facts of the matter to out themselves. And just as a side note, if we truly don't leave anyone behind, then it is only fair to mention Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, who is imprisoned in Mexico as I speak. It is only fair that his country fight for him as much as it did for Bergdahl. But until then, objectivity is key.

I'll take the words of his fellow soldiers over his , thank you.

Oh I see. We like to be one sided. But hey, to each his own.

One sided? People he served with should know more than most. He bailed! He left a letter the night he left detailing his disillusionment with the Army, said he wanted to denounce his citizenship. That's a letter in his own words, couple that with what his fellow soldiers say then yea I'm one sided.
We cannot declare these things without evidence. Show me evidence he deserted, and I will accept it.

Show me evidence he said he was going over to the enemy, and I will accept it.

I am retired military. Troops spread rumors amongst themselves more than the people on this forum do. It only takes one guy to make up a rumor that Bergdahl left a note and it spreads like wildfire.

But show me someone of credibilty who read the note.

Show me the note. Let's read it and go from there.
Asswipe....his platoon members said he left a note, talked about leaving and left his weapon behind.

You are just a Obama cock sucker.

There is no evidence he deserted. What you all have been hearing are opinions and speculations, and you have been regurgitating them as facts.

If Bergdahl had deserted to the enemy, as Fox News and all the usual liar outlets want you to believe, there would not have been a rescue misison. There would have been a capture mission.

The Pentagon has never portrayed Bergdahl as a deserter. They never portrayed the search for Bergdahl as a hunt for a traitor. But that is EXACTLY what they would have done if he had deserted to the enemy as so many are claiming.

Here's an idea. WAIT FOR FACTS!

I know...I know. That's crazy talk.

Show me the note.

It's being held as evidence and can't be released until after the court martial.

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