I just noticed something

One sided? People he served with should know more than most. He bailed! He left a letter the night he left detailing his disillusionment with the Army, said he wanted to denounce his citizenship. That's a letter in his own words, couple that with what his fellow soldiers say then yea I'm one sided.

So you've seen this note, have you? "In his own words"?
There are two individuals discussing a thread. Two intelligent individuals, neither of which are named LoneLaugher.

You ought to thank the Doc. He's been very generous.

It's not about "generosity". It's about having a conversation rather than some sort of ridiculous online gladiator battle.

Yes. Of course you are correct. You are a better man than I, Doc. You've more patience, a better grasp on the issues and a kinder spirit.

There is no question that when dealing with a person like TK.....how one approaches the discussion will determine what is returned. What you get in return for your kindness.....is different than what I get in return for my derision and sarcasm.

Neither of us is getting honesty, though.

One sided? People he served with should know more than most. He bailed! He left a letter the night he left detailing his disillusionment with the Army, said he wanted to denounce his citizenship. That's a letter in his own words, couple that with what his fellow soldiers say then yea I'm one sided.

So you've seen this note, have you? "In his own words"?

It exists, moron.

Source: Bergdahl may have walked off base more than once | Army Times | armytimes.com

An internal military investigation concluded in 2010 that there was little doubt Bergdahl walked away from his unit before he was captured. That investigation, known as an AR-15-6, remains classified and has not been released publicly, but several officials familiar with it have disclosed its results under condition of anonymity.

That you are too ignorant to find the information proves.... That you're ignorant.

The man is a piece of shit.

And you should stop getting your news from the kiddie table comics
You stupid fuck....the Army or FBI has it, it is evidence for his criminal act and if he ended up dead in the hills of Afghanistan.

The platoon members said they found the note.

Asswipe....his platoon members said he left a note, talked about leaving and left his weapon behind.

You are just a Obama cock sucker.

There is no evidence he deserted. What you all have been hearing are opinions and speculations, and you have been regurgitating them as facts.

If Bergdahl had deserted to the enemy, as Fox News and all the usual liar outlets want you to believe, there would not have been a rescue misison. There would have been a capture mission.

The Pentagon has never portrayed Bergdahl as a deserter. They never portrayed the search for Bergdahl as a hunt for a traitor. But that is EXACTLY what they would have done if he had deserted to the enemy as so many are claiming.

Here's an idea. WAIT FOR FACTS!

I know...I know. That's crazy talk.

Show me the note.
One sided? People he served with should know more than most. He bailed! He left a letter the night he left detailing his disillusionment with the Army, said he wanted to denounce his citizenship. That's a letter in his own words, couple that with what his fellow soldiers say then yea I'm one sided.

So you've seen this note, have you? "In his own words"?

It exists, moron.

Source: Bergdahl may have walked off base more than once | Army Times | armytimes.com

An internal military investigation concluded in 2010 that there was little doubt Bergdahl walked away from his unit before he was captured. That investigation, known as an AR-15-6, remains classified and has not been released publicly, but several officials familiar with it have disclosed its results under condition of anonymity.

That you are too ignorant to find the information proves.... That you're ignorant.

The man is a piece of shit.

And you should stop getting your news from the kiddie table comics

Hey, dipshit. Show me where it mentions a note in your link.

Good luck with that.

It does say this, though:

“We have no indication that he intended to leave permanently,” one government official familiar with the probe told Military Times.

Christ, your active imaginations are telling you things that aren't there!

So this note...renouncing his citizenship.

No mention of it from the military investigators. In fact, they said quite plainly they have no indication he intended to leave permanently.

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Hey g5! We have the CIA making that claim, NOT FOX NEWS! Normally most of us would value the assertions of an intelligence gathering organization over what Fox News says.


No, you do not have the CIA making that claim.

Apparently you didn't see this:

Sources: Intelligence community investigated Bergdahl?s conduct | Fox News

Please quote the part which supports your claim.

Fox News has one unnamed source. That's trustworthy!
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One sided? People he served with should know more than most. He bailed! He left a letter the night he left detailing his disillusionment with the Army, said he wanted to denounce his citizenship. That's a letter in his own words, couple that with what his fellow soldiers say then yea I'm one sided.

So you've seen this note, have you? "In his own words"?

Interestingly, I have been assailed for not waiting for all the facts to come out, but here you are demanding them this very instant.

Hey g5! We have the CIA making that claim, NOT FOX NEWS! Normally most of us would value the assertions of an intelligence gathering organization over what Fox News says.


No, you do not have the CIA making that claim.

Apparently you didn't see this:

Sources: Intelligence community investigated Bergdahl?s conduct | Fox News

An unnamed source, who is clearly not an intelligence source, says some other unnamed guys he knows in the intelligence community "harbor serious outstanding concerns" about Bergdahl.

Not one single first hand account. No names.

But check this out: "The Pentagon official added pointedly that no relevant congressional committee has sought access to the classified file".

And there it is. Fox News making a sideways demand for an investigation by way of shadows.

Same old pattern.
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No, you do not have the CIA making that claim.

Apparently you didn't see this:

Sources: Intelligence community investigated Bergdahl?s conduct | Fox News

Please quote the part which supports your claim.

Fox News has one unnamed source. That's trustworthy!

I see. I guess you are opposed to reading. You are grasping at straws. I assume you know why sources in or of the DoD remain unknown, correct?

Tell me you aren't that stupid.
Ah and the quote:

A senior official confirms to Fox News that the conduct of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl — both in his final stretch of active duty in Afghanistan and then, too, during his time when he lived among the Taliban — has been thoroughly investigated by the U.S. intelligence community and is the subject of “a major classified file.”

In conveying as much, the Defense Department source confirmed to Fox News that many within the intelligence community harbor serious outstanding concerns not only that Bergdahl may have been a deserter but that he may have been an active collaborator with the enemy.

The Pentagon official added pointedly that no relevant congressional committee has sought access to the classified file, but that if such a request were made, key committee chairs would, under previous precedent, likely be granted access to it. Separately, the Pentagon confirmed Monday that it is looking into claims Americans died during the search for Bergdahl.
Remember Obama watching the four Americans in Benghazi die through the eyes of a drone? Remember the stand down order?

Those were from unnamed bullshit sources, too.

Please quote the part which supports your claim.

Fox News has one unnamed source. That's trustworthy!

I see. I guess you are opposed to reading. You are grasping at straws. I assume you know why sources in or of the DoD remain unknown, correct?

Tell me you aren't that stupid.

I'm not stupid enough to believe seriously flawed reporting. Fox News doesn't even pretend to try to get confirmation sources any more.
You like speculation, eh? Okay. Let's do some more.

A bunch of guys in the intelligence community watch Fox News reporting which raises concerns Bergdahl deserted.

They then repeat these concerns to some guy, their opinions having been informed by what they saw on Fox News and not from first hand information. This guy then tells Fox News he knows a bunch of guys in the intelligence community who think there may be something to this desertion thing.

A just as plausible scenario as the shit Fox News cooks up every day.

This is echo chamber shit.

There is a reason hearsay evidence is not allowed in a trial.

Note the Defense guy did not say his third hand hearsay sources had first hand information about the Bergdahl case?

Ah and the quote:

A senior official confirms to Fox News that the conduct of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl — both in his final stretch of active duty in Afghanistan and then, too, during his time when he lived among the Taliban — has been thoroughly investigated by the U.S. intelligence community and is the subject of “a major classified file.”

In conveying as much, the Defense Department source confirmed to Fox News that many within the intelligence community harbor serious outstanding concerns not only that Bergdahl may have been a deserter but that he may have been an active collaborator with the enemy.

The Pentagon official added pointedly that no relevant congressional committee has sought access to the classified file, but that if such a request were made, key committee chairs would, under previous precedent, likely be granted access to it. Separately, the Pentagon confirmed Monday that it is looking into claims Americans died during the search for Bergdahl.

What does that even mean?
Of course there would be a file if he had been investigated.
Wait for facts. Wait for the official Army report.

Don't let an absence of hard information make you swallow all the manufactured bullshit to keep you warm at night.

Too many people are forming opinions which they will never change, based on wishful thinking.
Please quote the part which supports your claim.

Fox News has one unnamed source. That's trustworthy!

I see. I guess you are opposed to reading. You are grasping at straws. I assume you know why sources in or of the DoD remain unknown, correct?

Tell me you aren't that stupid.

I'm not stupid enough to believe seriously flawed reporting. Fox News doesn't even pretend to try to get confirmation sources any more.

That's a nice dodge. Answer the question.
How about we let the military do their investigation before we decide what Bergdahl is or is not?

We already have people saying he deserted. We have witnesses.

We also have several hundred years of jurisprudence saying he's innocent until proven guilty.

We have several hundred years of jurisprudence saying that marriage is between a man and a woman. So what point are you trying to make?

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