I just noticed something

1. My point precisely. So if they have nothing to gain from his detention, why are they holding him? Perhaps they want some sort of leverage over the US in some thing or another. What it might be is anyone's guess.

2. Prove that this is "accepted knowledge" then we can go forward. There are accusations that he was funneled into Mexico. In that case any charges against him would be illegitimate.

3. Then by that statement alone, you rendered your first point invalid.

4. Actually, Cody Full and Gerald Sutton aren't retired. They were his platoon mates, they both contend he deserted. You have others in his platoon making the same allegations. Colonel David Hunt has 29 years operational experience in the field, and is privy to classified information on the subject. I take his word over anyone else's. I also have the CIA expressing concerns that Bergdahl did in fact desert.

I have witnesses, an intelligence agency and a source privy to classified information saying that he deserted. But until a military trial is convened, I cannot assert one way or another.

And yet, you've been doing just that this entire thread.

There's another thread in the Politics section of mine that you might want to see. I dare you to look for it. This entire thread has been my way of taking in facts, information and looking for a viable position on this issue. I have argued both for and against on purpose. I work by making both arguments and melding the two. So it might appear to you that I am arguing for one case or another, when in reality I am assessing them in earnest.

If crocks of shit were worth their weight in gold you'd be a fucking multi millionaire.
Sure, then you can explain why Obama killed Anwar Al Awlaki without his due process rights. My, how liberal of you.

Was he a prisoner? Was he in custody?

What right not to be killed does an enemy of the US, in time of war, have, actually?

Damn, that was an incredibly stupid serious of moronic questions just to prove that you are an idiot, wouldn't it be simpler just to say it straight up?

If you support summarily executing captured prisoners, Malmedy style, that's your problem not mine. Yours and Kormac's.
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Was he a prisoner? Was he in custody?

What right not to be killed does an enemy of the US, in time of war, have, actually?

Damn, that was an incredibly stupid serious of moronic questions just to prove that you are an idiot, wouldn't it be simpler just to say it straight up?

If you support summarily executing captured prisoners, Malmedy style, that's your problem not mine. Yours and Kormac's.

You just supported summarily executing non prisoners, you have got no room to talk at all, especially since I am on record as being against the government executing people even after a "fair" trial.
"Witnesses admitted Bergdahl abandoned his post."

Well, that's the end of the conversation then, isn't it? We also have witnesses that the Bush administration lied to invade Iraq. Open and shut case, right?
And yet, you've been doing just that this entire thread.

There's another thread in the Politics section of mine that you might want to see. I dare you to look for it. This entire thread has been my way of taking in facts, information and looking for a viable position on this issue. I have argued both for and against on purpose. I work by making both arguments and melding the two. So it might appear to you that I am arguing for one case or another, when in reality I am assessing them in earnest.

If crocks of shit were worth their weight in gold you'd be a fucking multi millionaire.

Yeap. You lose. If I had a dollar for every lie you told, every time you insulted someone, I could pay down the National Debt 1,000 times over.
There's another thread in the Politics section of mine that you might want to see. I dare you to look for it. This entire thread has been my way of taking in facts, information and looking for a viable position on this issue. I have argued both for and against on purpose. I work by making both arguments and melding the two. So it might appear to you that I am arguing for one case or another, when in reality I am assessing them in earnest.

If crocks of shit were worth their weight in gold you'd be a fucking multi millionaire.

Yeap. You lose. If I had a dollar for every lie you told, every time you insulted someone, I could pay down the National Debt 1,000 times over.

If you had a dollar.................

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