I just noticed something

Cody Full and Gerald Sutton were both platoon mates of Bergdahl's, and they insist that he walked off post and deserted the unit. They also contended that his desertion was premeditated.

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With all of this controversy over Bowe Bergdahl swirling around, I've heard people saying that we shouldn't leave him behind. Well, no, I agree to a point. But when the man you're fighting for is guilty of desertion, of aiding and abetting the enemy; you cannot in good conscience release 5 dangerous war criminals for another criminal. Let's face it. Bergdahl is no hero. Not one iota. He abandoned his comrades, and in doing so got a number of them killed in a search mission on his behalf. He should be court martialed under Article 85 of the UCMJ for desertion.

But what I've also noticed here is that a certain few have accused Republicans of "wanting to leave a soldier behind." All while Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi sits in a Mexican jail being tortured and beaten. So, why is it in one instance that people wish to leave a soldier behind while another sits and waits in jail for his country to come to his aid? Why are liberals ignoring Tahmooressi? What I've noticed here is a double standard. Our president is willing to fight for a traitor, but not for a loyal soldier who fought for his country sitting in a jail in Mexico. I'm glad Bergdahl is back home, but why did the president negotiate for his release and not that of Tahmooressi? What the heck is going on here?

It's a funny thing to say one person is guilty of desertion while five others are war criminals when not a single one of them have had one single day in court to answer to any charges brought against them.

Just looking at the information available on Bergdahl, I see him more as being mentally ill than being a deserter. If the reports of what he said prior to leaving his post are true, why was he not sent for a psychological evaluation immediately? Klinger is only funny on MASH. When Klinger shows up in your unit, you've got a problem and it needs to be addressed immediately. This was a complete failure on the part or his commanding officers.

One is a traitor, the others are murderers. Am I to glean from this response that you are defending these terrorists? And Bergdahl?

He was seen walking away under his own power from his encampment. Normally, disillusionment is not attributable to a psychological disorder. Some would attribute it to having some sort of a conscience. Two of his platoon mates went on Megyn Kelly's show and bluntly said he deserted them. Col. David Hunt was on Hannity afterwards saying that he prepared himself (food, water, clothes and etc.) to defect.

Think of the sources what you may, but I will remind you that Col. David Hunt has 29 years of operational experience in the field. Also your assessment doesn't trump the experiences of those who were serving with Bergdahl at the time he deserted. Berghdahl will get his trial. Those terrorists don't get one under our Constitution, they aren't even American citizens.

I'm glad you have no problem with alleged terrorists not being given any trial and just being held for the rest of their lives without any chance to make their case. If they are terrorists and we have the proof, why not try them and convict them? Guess it sucks for them not having US citizenship, eh?
It's a funny thing to say one person is guilty of desertion while five others are war criminals when not a single one of them have had one single day in court to answer to any charges brought against them.

Just looking at the information available on Bergdahl, I see him more as being mentally ill than being a deserter. If the reports of what he said prior to leaving his post are true, why was he not sent for a psychological evaluation immediately? Klinger is only funny on MASH. When Klinger shows up in your unit, you've got a problem and it needs to be addressed immediately. This was a complete failure on the part or his commanding officers.

One is a traitor, the others are murderers. Am I to glean from this response that you are defending these terrorists? And Bergdahl?

He was seen walking away under his own power from his encampment. Normally, disillusionment is not attributable to a psychological disorder. Some would attribute it to having some sort of a conscience. Two of his platoon mates went on Megyn Kelly's show and bluntly said he deserted them. Col. David Hunt was on Hannity afterwards saying that he prepared himself (food, water, clothes and etc.) to defect.

Think of the sources what you may, but I will remind you that Col. David Hunt has 29 years of operational experience in the field. Also your assessment doesn't trump the experiences of those who were serving with Bergdahl at the time he deserted. Bergdahl will get his trial. Those terrorists don't get one under our Constitution, they aren't even American citizens.

The Nazis got trials.

Yeah, at least they didn't desert Hitler. You're kidding, right? In every instance, be it Gilad Shalit or the Nazis, neither he or the Nazi's were guilty of desertion.

Move along.
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It's a funny thing to say one person is guilty of desertion while five others are war criminals when not a single one of them have had one single day in court to answer to any charges brought against them.

Just looking at the information available on Bergdahl, I see him more as being mentally ill than being a deserter. If the reports of what he said prior to leaving his post are true, why was he not sent for a psychological evaluation immediately? Klinger is only funny on MASH. When Klinger shows up in your unit, you've got a problem and it needs to be addressed immediately. This was a complete failure on the part or his commanding officers.

One is a traitor, the others are murderers. Am I to glean from this response that you are defending these terrorists? And Bergdahl?

He was seen walking away under his own power from his encampment. Normally, disillusionment is not attributable to a psychological disorder. Some would attribute it to having some sort of a conscience. Two of his platoon mates went on Megyn Kelly's show and bluntly said he deserted them. Col. David Hunt was on Hannity afterwards saying that he prepared himself (food, water, clothes and etc.) to defect.

Think of the sources what you may, but I will remind you that Col. David Hunt has 29 years of operational experience in the field. Also your assessment doesn't trump the experiences of those who were serving with Bergdahl at the time he deserted. Berghdahl will get his trial. Those terrorists don't get one under our Constitution, they aren't even American citizens.

I'm glad you have no problem with alleged terrorists not being given any trial and just being held for the rest of their lives without any chance to make their case. If they are terrorists and we have the proof, why not try them and convict them? Guess it sucks for them not having US citizenship, eh?

Oh, I don't think people who perpetrate mass murder on that scale deserve trials. Only a grave. Osama Bin Laden didn't get his trial. He was shot point blank in the head.

Spare me your indignation.
With all of this controversy over Bowe Bergdahl swirling around, I've heard people saying that we shouldn't leave him behind. Well, no, I agree to a point. But when the man you're fighting for is guilty of desertion, of aiding and abetting the enemy; you cannot in good conscience release 5 dangerous war criminals for another criminal. Let's face it. Bergdahl is no hero. Not one iota. He abandoned his comrades, and in doing so got a number of them killed in a search mission on his behalf. He should be court martialed under Article 85 of the UCMJ for desertion.

But what I've also noticed here is that a certain few have accused Republicans of "wanting to leave a soldier behind." All while Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi sits in a Mexican jail being tortured and beaten. So, why is it in one instance that people wish to leave a soldier behind while another sits and waits in jail for his country to come to his aid? Why are liberals ignoring Tahmooressi? What I've noticed here is a double standard. Our president is willing to fight for a traitor, but not for a loyal soldier who fought for his country sitting in a jail in Mexico. I'm glad Bergdahl is back home, but why did the president negotiate for his release and not that of Tahmooressi? What the heck is going on here?

You talk like you've got enough facts to convict him of desertion and treason. I don't have near enough info to even come close to those judgements. Where'd you get those, other than the USMB rumor mill. And please remember men in war are subject to all sorts of torments and stress, their actions are not always rational. Do we blame the vets who come back with PTSD and do all sorts of crazy shit? Let's wait and get the whole story if we can. Anti-Obama people in these forums shouldn't let that influence their judgement of an American soldier held 5 years by the enemy.

Some of you anti-Obama types might take a cue from the Israelis. This gives you an idea of the value they put on their warriors. (I've posted this 3 times, I think it's worth it.)

On 18 October 2011 captured IDF tank gunner Gilad Shalit, captured by the Palestinian militant organization Hamas in 2006, was released in exchange for 1027 Palestinian prisoners held in Israel. The released prisoners were responsible for the deaths of 569 Israeli civilians.

The Army concluded he voluntarily left his base before he was "captured." The evidence to support this is pretty overwhelming, he mailed his uniforms home, left his helmet and weapon at his rack, and no one else was even scratched. That might sound like a super successful raid on an outpost to you, but it doesn't to anyone with a brain.

Then we have this tidbit.

A senior official confirms to Fox News that the conduct of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl -- both in his final stretch of active duty in Afghanistan and then, too, during his time when he lived among the Taliban -- has been thoroughly investigated by the U.S. intelligence community and is the subject of "a major classified file."
In conveying as much, the Defense Department source confirmed to Fox News that many within the intelligence community harbor serious outstanding concerns not only that Bergdahl may have been a deserter but that he may have been an active collaborator with the enemy.
The Pentagon official added pointedly that no relevant congressional committee has sought access to the classified file, but that if such a request were made, key committee chairs would, under previous precedent, likely be granted access to it. Separately, the Pentagon confirmed Monday that it is looking into claims Americans died during the search for Bergdahl.

Sources: Intelligence community investigated Bergdahl?s conduct | Fox News
You people are certain Bergdahl is guilty and certain the guy in Mexico is innocent.

The bliss of certainty. Is that similar to the bliss of ignorance?

What, exactly, is the Marine supposed to be guilty of? Do you have any idea how easy it is to get trapped in the lanes going into Mexico, even if you have no intention of going there? I grew up on the border, and learned that the only solution is to either go, or break the law and drive across a few lanes of traffic. Most people wouldn't know they were trapped because they would expect a turnaround since they are over a fucking mile from the border.
It's a funny thing to say one person is guilty of desertion while five others are war criminals when not a single one of them have had one single day in court to answer to any charges brought against them.

Just looking at the information available on Bergdahl, I see him more as being mentally ill than being a deserter. If the reports of what he said prior to leaving his post are true, why was he not sent for a psychological evaluation immediately? Klinger is only funny on MASH. When Klinger shows up in your unit, you've got a problem and it needs to be addressed immediately. This was a complete failure on the part or his commanding officers.

One is a traitor, the others are murderers. Am I to glean from this response that you are defending these terrorists? And Bergdahl?

He was seen walking away under his own power from his encampment. Normally, disillusionment is not attributable to a psychological disorder. Some would attribute it to having some sort of a conscience. Two of his platoon mates went on Megyn Kelly's show and bluntly said he deserted them. Col. David Hunt was on Hannity afterwards saying that he prepared himself (food, water, clothes and etc.) to defect.

Think of the sources what you may, but I will remind you that Col. David Hunt has 29 years of operational experience in the field. Also your assessment doesn't trump the experiences of those who were serving with Bergdahl at the time he deserted. Berghdahl will get his trial. Those terrorists don't get one under our Constitution, they aren't even American citizens.

I'm glad you have no problem with alleged terrorists not being given any trial and just being held for the rest of their lives without any chance to make their case. If they are terrorists and we have the proof, why not try them and convict them? Guess it sucks for them not having US citizenship, eh?

I am glad you think that high level terrorists for a potential deserter makes sense.

That said, please, try to accuse me of thinking Gitmo s a god idea, I would love to shove your sanctimonious posturing down your fucking throat.
You people are certain Bergdahl is guilty and certain the guy in Mexico is innocent.

The bliss of certainty. Is that similar to the bliss of ignorance?

What, exactly, is the Marine supposed to be guilty of? Do you have any idea how easy it is to get trapped in the lanes going into Mexico, even if you have no intention of going there? I grew up on the border, and learned that the only solution is to either go, or break the law and drive across a few lanes of traffic. Most people wouldn't know they were trapped because they would expect a turnaround since they are over a fucking mile from the border.

Talk to TK. He is certain that Bergdahl is guilty of desertion. TK is the one engaging in guilty until proven innocent.
How about we let the military do their investigation before we decide what Bergdahl is or is not?

We already have people saying he deserted. We have witnesses.

We also have several hundred years of jurisprudence saying he's innocent until proven guilty.

So, where in the 14th Amendment does it say we grant a non citizen/terrorist a trial? By definition, they need to be citizens to be granted that right under our Constitution. Perhaps under international law, but as far as the US Constitution goes, no. Terrorists themselves don't deserve a trial.

He's guilty. It is a foregone conclusion. You have the CIA, Col. David Hunt and fellow platoon mates saying he deserted. He and he alone deserves his trial. That's it, that's all. Perhaps if you had bothered to read my thread, you would see that I called for him to be prosecuted under Article 85 of the UCMJ, I never said once he should be denied a trial.
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You people are certain Bergdahl is guilty and certain the guy in Mexico is innocent.

The bliss of certainty. Is that similar to the bliss of ignorance?

What, exactly, is the Marine supposed to be guilty of? Do you have any idea how easy it is to get trapped in the lanes going into Mexico, even if you have no intention of going there? I grew up on the border, and learned that the only solution is to either go, or break the law and drive across a few lanes of traffic. Most people wouldn't know they were trapped because they would expect a turnaround since they are over a fucking mile from the border.

Talk to TK. He is certain that Bergdahl is guilty of desertion. TK is the one engaging in guilty until proven innocent.

He is guilty of being AWOL, there is absolutely no doubt about that.
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You people are certain Bergdahl is guilty and certain the guy in Mexico is innocent.

The bliss of certainty. Is that similar to the bliss of ignorance?

What, exactly, is the Marine supposed to be guilty of? Do you have any idea how easy it is to get trapped in the lanes going into Mexico, even if you have no intention of going there? I grew up on the border, and learned that the only solution is to either go, or break the law and drive across a few lanes of traffic. Most people wouldn't know they were trapped because they would expect a turnaround since they are over a fucking mile from the border.

Talk to TK. He is certain that Bergdahl is guilty of desertion. TK is the one engaging in guilty until proven innocent.

Funny, wasn't 'guilty until proven innocent' the exact same thing you and other liberals engaged in with George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin? And now you're lecturing me?

I do believe QWB asked you a question. Stop dodging.
One is a traitor, the others are murderers. Am I to glean from this response that you are defending these terrorists? And Bergdahl?

He was seen walking away under his own power from his encampment. Normally, disillusionment is not attributable to a psychological disorder. Some would attribute it to having some sort of a conscience. Two of his platoon mates went on Megyn Kelly's show and bluntly said he deserted them. Col. David Hunt was on Hannity afterwards saying that he prepared himself (food, water, clothes and etc.) to defect.

Think of the sources what you may, but I will remind you that Col. David Hunt has 29 years of operational experience in the field. Also your assessment doesn't trump the experiences of those who were serving with Bergdahl at the time he deserted. Berghdahl will get his trial. Those terrorists don't get one under our Constitution, they aren't even American citizens.

I'm glad you have no problem with alleged terrorists not being given any trial and just being held for the rest of their lives without any chance to make their case. If they are terrorists and we have the proof, why not try them and convict them? Guess it sucks for them not having US citizenship, eh?

I am glad you think that high level terrorists for a potential deserter makes sense.

That said, please, try to accuse me of thinking Gitmo s a god idea, I would love to shove your sanctimonious posturing down your fucking throat.

I never actually said it made sense. I just think that convicting an American soldier without a trial as has been done in this thread is wrong. As for our treatment of GITMO detainees, it's been abhorrent. If they are high level terrorists, then they should have been tried and convicted and then given lifetime prison sentences. I don't give a rat's ass if they are US citizens or not, they deserve their day in court. As for you shoving anything down my throat, you can shove it right up your own behind.
The Nazis got trials.

Those were war trials. According to the hack, these GITMO detainees are civilian criminals and are supposed to get civilian trials. Remember? That was his big campaign push. And his refusal to refer to any war on terror.
I didn't expect him to pardon so many civilian criminal terrorists.
Of course, the hack's secretary of defense is now calling these terrorists POW's.
More convenient word manipulation going unchecked by the hack's mainstream media.
Either something really sinister is going on or this hack president is even more inept than expected.
I'm glad you have no problem with alleged terrorists not being given any trial and just being held for the rest of their lives without any chance to make their case. If they are terrorists and we have the proof, why not try them and convict them? Guess it sucks for them not having US citizenship, eh?

I am glad you think that high level terrorists for a potential deserter makes sense.

That said, please, try to accuse me of thinking Gitmo s a god idea, I would love to shove your sanctimonious posturing down your fucking throat.

I never actually said it made sense. I just think that convicting an American soldier without a trial as has been done in this thread is wrong. As for our treatment of GITMO detainees, it's been abhorrent. If they are high level terrorists, then they should have been tried and convicted and then given lifetime prison sentences. I don't give a rat's ass if they are US citizens or not, they deserve their day in court. As for you shoving anything down my throat, you can shove it right up your own behind.

Perhaps you weren't reading when I said "he'll get his trial." One other thing I didn't say was that he didn't deserve one. Terrorists don't. HE is still an American citizen, he is entitled.

'We the Platoon': A White House petition to 'punish Bowe Bergdahl' for going AWOL and deserting the U.S. Army is demanding a 'trial by court martial,' and thousands signed in the first day

'He should face a court-martial for desertion!': Two former Bowe Bergdahl platoon-mates say he put 'thousands' in danger when he abandoned his Army post | Mail Online

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