I just noticed something

Now, the man SGT. Mike Vierkant claims is lying is named Jason Fry. There is this from the Rolling Stone article,

Returning to Alaska after Christmas, Bowe said something that would stick with Fry months later, long after they arrived in Afghanistan. "Before we deployed, when we were on Rear D, him and I were talking about what it would be like," Fry recalls. Bowe looked at his friend and made no bones about his plans. "If this deployment is lame," Bowe said, "I'm just going to walk off into the mountains of Pakistan."

Read more: Bowe Bergdahl: America's Last Prisoner of War by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Now for starters, if he was not there and is a liar (Fry that is) how credible is that quote ? I also gathered from the article that this young man was trying to live some fantasy. It seems Bowe had visions of being a gun for hire and fan ked himself a gun for hire and mercenary. Honestly as I read it, I can totally see this guy thinkin he was going g to be all Bear Grills in the wilds of Pakistan and was basically incredibly stupid but a deserter nonetheless.
I get the feeling him seeing his fellow soldiers running over afghan children without a concern (and laughing about it), when part of our mission there was to win over the local people there -- had an affect on him, as well as the klutz platoon and ill-prepared missions they were sent on...just a thought.

Not excusing at all. It may have lead to a mental breakdown, perhaps...?

Do you have proof of Americans running over Afghanistan Children and laughing about it? No, you don't, because it didn't happen! It's more made up shit by anti-war idiots to aid our enemies.
my Daughter was a driver of armored fighting vehicles on two of her tours in Afghanistan and I take it personal when you spread lies about our troops anywhere in the World.


I thank your kid for her service, and so you know, I dont buy that car at all. The MMS would be all over it. Yet another thing that leads me to believe this man was just a goofball with romantic notions that cost men their lives.
I now believe the POW-MIA want nothing to do with Bergdahl now. I have a sneaking suspicion that they don't support traitors.

I'm sure the POW/MIA understand more about combat stress than you ever will. I have a sneaking suspicion that you don't know shit
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Who made GITMO a rallying cry for the muslim terrorists?

It was nothing to the muslim terrorists until the Democrats in Congress, even from the floor of the House and Senate condemned it as a torture camp, then the muslims jumped on the bandwagon. You Lefties undermined everything Bush did, even after your Democrats in Congress voted for it.
The worst enemies of the United States Of America are Democrats!
All while Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi sits in a Mexican jail being tortured and beaten.

And so do many other Americans, for the same crime, going back decades.

Many other Americans are in prisons across the globe for various crimes, real or imagined, some of them soldiers.

You should explain why your selective outrage suddenly made a politically convenient appearance here.

So you're saying Tahmooressi committed a crime? Well yeah according to you he did. It has been explained to you over and over again that he made a wrong turn and was prevented from returning due to a lack of proper signage.

Actually, it isn't outrage. It's more of... "you're a hypocrite" than anything else. Bergdahl has deserted his country, renounced his citizenship, and possibly aided the enemy, now he's worth more attention and resources than a Marine. So... perhaps it is a little bit of outrage after all.
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1. The OP sets up a false equivalency.

The prisoner of war exchange accomplishes:

2. one, the principle we bring our people home

3. two, putting suspect ones like Bergdahl in the military system.

1. No it doesn't. Both of them are soldiers of the US Military. Both of them are/were imprisoned. One is a deserter as was freed for 5 very dangerous terrorists, while the other sits in a Mexican jail being beaten and abused by his captors.

2. If that principle were true, why isn't Tahmooressi back stateside? Why isn't the Obama admin fighting for him in the same manner they did for Bergdahl?

3. With that there can be no doubt. Still doesn't change the fact you dodged my post altogether.
With all of this controversy over Bowe Bergdahl swirling around, I've heard people saying that we shouldn't leave him behind. Well, no, I agree to a point. But when the man you're fighting for is guilty of desertion, of aiding and abetting the enemy; you cannot in good conscience release 5 dangerous war criminals for another criminal. Let's face it. Bergdahl is no hero. Not one iota. He abandoned his comrades, and in doing so got a number of them killed in a search mission on his behalf. He should be court martialed under Article 85 of the UCMJ for desertion.

But what I've also noticed here is that a certain few have accused Republicans of "wanting to leave a soldier behind." All while Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi sits in a Mexican jail being tortured and beaten. So, why is it in one instance that people wish to leave a soldier behind while another sits and waits in jail for his country to come to his aid? Why are liberals ignoring Tahmooressi? What I've noticed here is a double standard. Our president is willing to fight for a traitor, but not for a loyal soldier who fought for his country sitting in a jail in Mexico. I'm glad Bergdahl is back home, but why did the president negotiate for his release and not that of Tahmooressi? What the heck is going on here?

When was he tried for desertion?
With all of this controversy over Bowe Bergdahl swirling around, I've heard people saying that we shouldn't leave him behind. Well, no, I agree to a point. But when the man you're fighting for is guilty of desertion, of aiding and abetting the enemy; you cannot in good conscience release 5 dangerous war criminals for another criminal. Let's face it. Bergdahl is no hero. Not one iota. He abandoned his comrades, and in doing so got a number of them killed in a search mission on his behalf. He should be court martialed under Article 85 of the UCMJ for desertion.

But what I've also noticed here is that a certain few have accused Republicans of "wanting to leave a soldier behind." All while Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi sits in a Mexican jail being tortured and beaten. So, why is it in one instance that people wish to leave a soldier behind while another sits and waits in jail for his country to come to his aid? Why are liberals ignoring Tahmooressi? What I've noticed here is a double standard. Our president is willing to fight for a traitor, but not for a loyal soldier who fought for his country sitting in a jail in Mexico. I'm glad Bergdahl is back home, but why did the president negotiate for his release and not that of Tahmooressi? What the heck is going on here?

When was he tried for desertion?

I never said he was. He should be. I have a lot of liberals failing to read the post carefully.

He should be court martialed under Article 85 of the UCMJ for desertion.
is guilty of desertion

Sounds like a conclusion. I read the entire post. Yes, the all the events should be investigated.
is guilty of desertion

Sounds like a conclusion. I read the entire post. Yes, the all the events should be investigated.

Him being guilty is a foregone conclusion. He left a note, settled his affairs, left his weapons and armor on the rack, took with him writing materials, knives and a change of clothes, renounced his citizenship and left. Desertion. He needs to be tried, but for me I already know he's guilty of desertion. And oh, the investigation was already conducted. The CIA already had a rap sheet on the guy. All that's left is a court martial.
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With all of this controversy over Bowe Bergdahl swirling around, I've heard people saying that we shouldn't leave him behind. Well, no, I agree to a point. But when the man you're fighting for is guilty of desertion, of aiding and abetting the enemy; you cannot in good conscience release 5 dangerous war criminals for another criminal. Let's face it. Bergdahl is no hero. Not one iota. He abandoned his comrades, and in doing so got a number of them killed in a search mission on his behalf. He should be court martialed under Article 85 of the UCMJ for desertion.

But what I've also noticed here is that a certain few have accused Republicans of "wanting to leave a soldier behind." All while Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi sits in a Mexican jail being tortured and beaten. So, why is it in one instance that people wish to leave a soldier behind while another sits and waits in jail for his country to come to his aid? Why are liberals ignoring Tahmooressi? What I've noticed here is a double standard. Our president is willing to fight for a traitor, but not for a loyal soldier who fought for his country sitting in a jail in Mexico. I'm glad Bergdahl is back home, but why did the president negotiate for his release and not that of Tahmooressi? What the heck is going on here?

You talk like you've got enough facts to convict him of desertion and treason. I don't have near enough info to even come close to those judgements. Where'd you get those, other than the USMB rumor mill. And please remember men in war are subject to all sorts of torments and stress, their actions are not always rational. Do we blame the vets who come back with PTSD and do all sorts of crazy shit? Let's wait and get the whole story if we can. Anti-Obama people in these forums shouldn't let that influence their judgement of an American soldier held 5 years by the enemy.

Some of you anti-Obama types might take a cue from the Israelis. This gives you an idea of the value they put on their warriors. (I've posted this 3 times, I think it's worth it.)

On 18 October 2011 captured IDF tank gunner Gilad Shalit, captured by the Palestinian militant organization Hamas in 2006, was released in exchange for 1027 Palestinian prisoners held in Israel. The released prisoners were responsible for the deaths of 569 Israeli civilians.

Perhaps Obama should offer to trade several thousand Mexicans that came here illegally and are now in prison for Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi. Better yet, how about a few million Mexicans that are in this country illegally.
Him being guilty is a foregone conclusion....

Screw due process.

All the details are in, and the internet contains all the factoids one ever needs ta know to make conclooshuns in 72 hours flat.

We live in a miraculous age/
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Him being guilty is a foregone conclusion....
Screw due process.

All the details are in, and the internet contains all the factoids one ever needs ta know to make conclooshuns in 72 hours flat.

We live in a miraculous age/

Aren't you forgetting Anwar Al Awlaki? That was a big fat "SCREW DUE PROCESS" as Obama droned him into oblivion.

You're joking right? Since when do you care about it?
Him being guilty is a foregone conclusion....
Screw due process.

All the details are in, and the internet contains all the factoids one ever needs ta know to make conclooshuns in 72 hours flat.

We live in a miraculous age/

Aren't you forgetting Anwar Al Awlaki? That was a big fat "SCREW DUE PROCESS" as Obama droned him into oblivion.

You're joking right? Since when do you care about it?
Hey, you're comparing yourself to Obama now.

Not sure where on the scale that puts you.

This is one for our panelists to figure out.
Ohhh.... I just remembered something else. Since he did renounce his citizenship, he has no Constitutional rights. We are not legally obligated to grant him due process under the law.
If the reports of what he said prior to leaving his post are true, why was he not sent for a psychological evaluation immediately?

Um...are you asking why the Taliban who were holding him didn't have their shrink evaluate him? I don't get what you're looking for when he was in enemy hands.
Ohhh.... I just remembered something else. Since he did renounce his citizenship, he has no Constitutional rights. We are not legally obligated to grant him due process under the law.

Well, that would be true regarding his citizenship, but remember foreigners in foreign countries have Constitutional rights anyway so there's no difference.

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