I just watched ABC news. Trying to make Americans feel bad for the pager/walky talky explosions? Israel Baaaaaaad!!!

Yeah, unless the Zionists are willing to ethnically cleanse both Gaza and the West Bank, they are not going to solve their problem.
If they do go that route, they'll become an international pariah, and the world will collapse their economy.
Palestinians are getting what's coming to them. Is it the world's fault that they can't run their own Society? I don't think so.
I'm supposed to feel sorry for these murdering, rapist Hezbollah assholes? Jesus holy fuck. What the hell is wrong with the media in this country?
The terrorists can all die a painful death as far as I'm concerned.
What happened to America? The one we loved so well?

Another full of shit ReNaziKLan,
Some of them at the Concert were IDF
You cannot be serious

That isn't why they attacked the concert.

And if they had met real resistance from IDF, they would have run like the cowards they are and hidden behind some women and children.

Like they did after kidnapping unarmed civilians.
The stupidity is living next to people who want to kill you because you stole their land and have been murdering their children for 80 years.
Yeah why don't the Palestinians just get the fuck out of there. It doesn't belong to them anyway. Take their terrorist Leaders with them. I'm sure Israel would let them go.
I agree... there's no valid excuse for it... ON EITHER SIDE.
Hamas attacked, killed and raped 1,400 innocent Israelis. Hamas hides behind innocent women and children in mosques and hospitals. The Palestinians are complicit with this. Looks like they're getting what they deserve. Cowards like you

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