I just watched ABC news. Trying to make Americans feel bad for the pager/walky talky explosions? Israel Baaaaaaad!!!

Except the Jews haven't lived there for thousands. IN fact, there were VERY FEW Jews in Palestine before 1800. Most of them showed up after 1945, because the world felt a big sad over Hitler.
Jews have lived there for thousands of years. I can recommend a book which documents that

Mass emigrations date from the second half of the 1700's but people had been moving there for much longer than that, to join those already there.
Palestine is part of Arabia.

Who do you think they are? THey are the people who lived there when the Caliphate took Palestine from the Byzantines. Most of them were happy to convert to Islam because the Byzantines were kind of shitty as rulers.
wrong----in all points. Most did not live there---earlier arabic speaking
people ---a few---did migrate to the desert areas of Edom and Israel and
later on ---after the Byzantines---some more migrated--a few---When arabs arrived---they murdered rape and pillaged their way to power and imposed islam and arabic---just like the Spanish invaders of South America imposed christianity and Spanish on the natives of South America. Palestine is just an alternate name for Judea a per the Greek/Roman invasions
I guess.

What kind of fucking idiot lives in a place where they've been at war for 80 years because a magic sky fairy promised them a strip of land?
The Palestinians should have been deported decades ago. That would have solved a lot of problems.

The Jews are the most accomplished 0.2% of the human population. God gifted his Chosen People with plenty of IQ power.

I am glad that many Jews have chosen to live in the United States. I am also glad that the United States has chosen to give the Israelis the financial and military support they need to annihilate their enemies. :yes_text12:
Jews have lived there for thousands of years. I can recommend a book which documents that

Um, yeah, but they haven't been the majority since the 1st Century. That's the point.

The Palestinians should have been deported decades ago. That would have solved a lot of problems.
I'm sure Hitler said the same thing about the Jews.
Um, yeah, but they haven't been the majority since the 1st Century. That's the point.

I'm sure Hitler said the same thing about the Jews.
While thus examining of the Jewish race over long periods of history, the anxious thought suddenly occurred to me whether perhaps inscrutable destiny...had not inalterably decreed the final victory to this little race?...

The acquisition of new land for the settling of the superfluous population has no end of advantages...

Also, the intellectual abilities were schooled in the course of centuries. Today the Jew is looked upon as 'clever,' and in a certain sense he has been so at all time.

- Adolf Hitler, from Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapters II, IV, and XI, "Years of Study and Suffering in Vienna," "Munich," and "Nation and Race"
This is all very interesting but the bottom line is Colonialists fro Europe are the problem period.
to what European country do you refer?
Most of them, i notice several spokesmen for the Israelis are from London another from Greece all settlers or colonialists as i call them, another IDF spokesman is Peter Lerner the son of a London cab driver.

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