I just watched ABC news. Trying to make Americans feel bad for the pager/walky talky explosions? Israel Baaaaaaad!!!

What Muslim death cult? well there won't be any women and children left if the Zionist thugs have anything to do with it, you forget we have been here before Israel occupied Souhern Lebanon for 18 years, they really want part if not the whole of Lebanon for their greater Israel project.
The acquisition of new land and soil for the settling of the superfluous population has no end of advantages.

- Adolf Hitler, from Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter IV, "Munich"
I'm supposed to feel sorry for these murdering, rapist Hezbollah assholes? Jesus holy fuck. What the hell is wrong with the media in this country?
The terrorists can all die a painful death as far as I'm concerned.
What happened to America? The one we loved so well?

Hezbollah and Hamas are local, native, patriots who are fighting against any illegal invasion of Zionist murderers and thieves.
Look at the 1920 census data.
That were only 30k Jews in all of Palestine, and they owned almost no property at all.
Not there are 6 million Jews citizens of Israel who are almost all illegal immigrants or descendants of illegal immigrants.
And they now illegally occupy 85% of the homes and properties, without ever paying a cent for them.

Terrorism is when you use the threat of violence on innocents, to extort them.
That is Israel.
Israel is the ONLY terrorist in the Mideast.
What Muslim death cult? well there won't be any women and children left if the Zionist thugs have anything to do with it, you forget we have been here before Israel occupied Souhern Lebanon for 18 years, they really want part if not the whole of Lebanon for their greater Israel project.
for insight into the muslim death cult--read the koran, review the history of the "GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC
CONQUEST" and talk to survivors of shariah shit holes
(lands conquered by islam, historically) and talk to hindus of india and christians of Nigeria (this list is very partial) For that matter, talk to the Maronites of Lebanon
Sharia law comes from Judaism.
Mohammed prohibited things like stoning adulterers.
Stoning adulterers is Judaism.
While you might want to blame Judaism for the concept of stoning, you should learn something about how Jewish law works and why almost no one was ever stoned. And it wasn't because people aren't adulterers.
I am not Jewish. I do not care about the ICI and ICC, whoever they are.

Public opinion, if it is anti Israel, does not matter. What matters is the happiness and well being of God's Chosen People.

Any real god could not possibly ever have a "chosen people".
Anyone who claims there is a "chosen people" clearly is a dangerous liar.
And when Israeli ground troops roll into Lebanon to find the Muslim death cult hiding behind women and children, you'll make a new excuse for why they are not cowards.


That is foolish.
The Moslems are the natives, and never been allowed the weapons and armies they deserve.
The fact they have to fight like the French Resistance fought, is not their fault.
The crime is ours for constantly giving the illegal immigrant, invading Zionist, billions in weapons.
Sharia law comes from Judaism.
Mohammed prohibited things like stoning adulterers.
Stoning adulterers is Judaism.
Wrong again. In fact Shariah law derives from
JUSTINIAN LAW ---(the original canon law of the
catholic church) Muslims stone adulterers even today---
Judaism got rid of it about 2500 years ago in practice.
Rigs----you are remarkably ignorant of both present day fact and history.
for insight into the muslim death cult--read the koran, review the history of the "GLORIOUS AGE OF ISLAMIC
CONQUEST" and talk to survivors of shariah shit holes
(lands conquered by islam, historically) and talk to hindus of india and christians of Nigeria (this list is very partial) For that matter, talk to the Maronites of Lebanon

That is a lie.
Islam has never invaded anyone.
Mohammed only fought the Byzantine invaders.

The Islamic leadership was massacred by the Mongol invasion of 1200, and any aggression against Europe or India, was by the Mongols, Moguls, Turks, or other Asian invaders.
That is foolish.
The Moslems are the natives, and never been allowed the weapons and armies they deserve.
The fact they have to fight like the French Resistance fought, is not their fault.
The crime is ours for constantly giving the illegal immigrant, invading Zionist, billions in weapons.
Lebanon is now "ALLOWED TO HAVE WEAPONS"? On which planet were you born?
While you might want to blame Judaism for the concept of stoning, you should learn something about how Jewish law works and why almost no one was ever stoned. And it wasn't because people aren't adulterers.

Doesn't matter how often people were stoned to death.
The point is that stoning is totally against the Quran.
No Moslem would do it.
Just like when ISIS burned that Jordanian pilot they captured.
No Moslem would do that, so that proves ISIS is a fake US creation.
That is a lie.
Islam has never invaded anyone.
Mohammed only fought the Byzantine invaders.

The Islamic leadership was massacred by the Mongol invasion of 1200, and any aggression against Europe or India, was by the Mongols, Moguls, Turks, or other Asian invaders.
Rigs----you are hopeless----just talk to a zoroastrian---
do you know "zoroastrian"? Talk to hindus, christians,
zoroastrians from south east Asia -----or pick up a basic
history of the world. Are you over 14 years of age?
Doesn't matter how often people were stoned to death.
The point is that stoning is totally against the Quran.
No Moslem would do it.
Just like when ISIS burned that Jordanian pilot they captured.
No Moslem would do that, so that proves ISIS is a fake US creation.
Rigs----from where did you learn this nonsense?
Wrong again. In fact Shariah law derives from
JUSTINIAN LAW ---(the original canon law of the
catholic church) Muslims stone adulterers even today---
Judaism got rid of it about 2500 years ago in practice.
Rigs----you are remarkably ignorant of both present day fact and history.

The Bible quotes Jesus as saying, "he who is without sin, cast the first stone".
So obviously Sharia law comes from Judaism.

And Justinian also predated Mohammed as well, so also Justinian law also cannot be blamed on Mohammed.

And clearly Jews were stoning more recently than 2500 years ago.
In fact, Israel is still using Sharia law:
In response, Israeli soldiers use brutal force to repress the mostly unarmed popular rebellion. Then Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin implements the infamous “broken bones” policy, ordering security forces to break the limbs.
Lebanon is now "ALLOWED TO HAVE WEAPONS"? On which planet were you born?

Legally Lebanon and Palestine are supposed to be able to have weapons.
It is an inherent right.
But Israel illegally prevents the natives from being able to defend themselves from the illegal Zionist invaders.

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