I just watched ABC news. Trying to make Americans feel bad for the pager/walky talky explosions? Israel Baaaaaaad!!!

Doesn't matter how often people were stoned to death.
The point is that stoning is totally against the Quran.
No Moslem would do it.
Just like when ISIS burned that Jordanian pilot they captured.
No Moslem would do that, so that proves ISIS is a fake US creation.
Um... It doesn't work like that. First, there are different branches and understandings and traditions in Islam. Next, the fact the someone murders and murder is against American law does not prove that the murderer isn't American.

So far, you have nothing but a basket full of ignorance.
Rigs----you are hopeless----just talk to a zoroastrian---
do you know "zoroastrian"? Talk to hindus, christians,
zoroastrians from south east Asia -----or pick up a basic
history of the world. Are you over 14 years of age?

The Zoroastrians were abused by the Persians, and it has nothing to do with Islam.
The Hindi were abused by the Asian Moghul invaders, and it has nothing to do with Islam.
Christians were never abused by anyone.
In fact, Christians and Jews did best under Islamic leadership, because Islam has a better social infrastructure, like for widows and orphans.
Um... It doesn't work like that. First, there are different branches and understandings and traditions in Islam. Next, the fact the someone murders and murder is against American law does not prove that the murderer isn't American.

So far, you have nothing but a basket full of ignorance.

The fact an American violates US law and murders someone, does prove the murder was NOT caused by US law.

Sure there are many different branches, understandings, and traditions in those areas of the globe, but they are from the older Judaism, NOT from Islam.
All Mohammed did was try to reform Judaism to make it better, especially for women.
The lack of women's rights comes from Judaism, and it against what Mohammed wrote.
The Bible quotes Jesus as saying, "he who is without sin, cast the first stone".
So obviously Sharia law comes from Judaism.

And Justinian also predated Mohammed as well, so also Justinian law also cannot be blamed on Mohammed.

And clearly Jews were stoning more recently than 2500 years ago.
In fact, Israel is still using Sharia law:
In response, Israeli soldiers use brutal force to repress the mostly unarmed popular rebellion. Then Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin implements the infamous “broken bones” policy, ordering security forces to break the limbs.
Entirely and ignorantly wrong in every assertion you made. Somehow you even managed to claim that I
said Mohammed preceded Justinian. You missed it
Rabin is dead
The Zoroastrians were abused by the Persians, and it has nothing to do with Islam.
The Hindi were abused by the Asian Moghul invaders, and it has nothing to do with Islam.
Christians were never abused by anyone.
In fact, Christians and Jews did best under Islamic leadership, because Islam has a better social infrastructure, like for widows and orphans.
are you a child with a muslimah girl friend----or are you a muslimah little girl?
They returned to where they came from.

The Hebrew tribes were NOT native to the Land of Canaan that they invaded around 1000 BC.
The Canaanites were the main natives, but there were also the Chaldeans, Amorites, Urites, Philistines, Phoenicians, Nabateans, etc.
The Hebrew were a tiny minority, not native, and constantly defeated and driven out by the Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Seleucids, Romans, etc.
Entirely and ignorantly wrong in every assertion you made. Somehow you even managed to claim that I
said Mohammed preceded Justinian. You missed it
Rabin is dead

Rabin was murdered by a Zionist fanatic who wanted to murder all the Palestinian natives and take their homes.
The Hebrew tribes were NOT native to the Land of Canaan that they invaded around 1000 BC.
The Canaanites were the main natives, but there were also the Chaldeans, Amorites, Urites, Philistines, Phoenicians, Nabateans, etc.
The Hebrew were a tiny minority, not native, and constantly defeated and driven out by the Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Seleucids, Romans, etc.
the Hebrews are the only SURVIVING natives of the
land of Canaan. Arabic speaking people have their ancestral roots in arabia. Are you a muslimah
Civilized people need to be able to destroy barbarians who threaten them.
Again, I'm sure that's what the Nazis thought.

I am not Jewish. I do not care about the ICI and ICC, whoever they are.

Public opinion, if it is anti Israel, does not matter. What matters is the happiness and well being of God's Chosen People.

Why would God let half his chosen people get killed? Seems to me he was too busy "not Existing".
Rabin was murdered by a Zionist fanatic who wanted to murder all the Palestinian natives and take their homes.
Actually the murderer was the son of two survivors
of a shariah shit hole. Such people, simply, want to
stay away from muslims ----my husband was born in
a shariah shit hole
the Hebrews are the only SURVIVING natives of the
land of Canaan. Arabic speaking people have their ancestral roots in arabia. Are you a muslimah

That is so ignorant I hardly know where to begin.

First of all, anyone who knows any anthropology at all knows that Hebrew were Arabs.

Second is that all people came from Africa and you have to cross the Land of Canaan in order to get to Arabian Peninsula. So clearly Arabs lived in the Land of Canaan for tens of thousands of years before they expanded to the Arabian Peninsula.

Israelis are not Hebrew, are mostly Slavic, and came from the mass conversion of the Russian Khazars around 800 AD.
Again, I'm sure that's what the Nazis thought.

Why would God let half his chosen people get killed? Seems to me he was too busy "not Existing".
Interesting question, Joe. Your question suggests that you are either a christian or a muslim. In jewish thought humans have FREE CHOICE----"GOD" is
not in control of the minds or actions of humans----
that's why Cain got to kill ABEL
That is so ignorant I hardly know where to begin.

First of all, anyone who knows any anthropology at all knows that Hebrew were Arabs.

Second is that all people came from Africa and you have to cross the Land of Canaan in order to get to Arabian Peninsula. So clearly Arabs lived in the Land of Canaan for tens of thousands of years before they expanded to the Arabian Peninsula.

Israelis are not Hebrew, are mostly Slavic, and came from the mass conversion of the Russian Khazars around 800 AD.
Rigs----you are a very confused adolescent muslim
girl-----the human migrations you cite came LONG
before there was a CANAAN or BABYLON or EGYPT--
ie long before the time we call the time of the bible
Actually the murderer was the son of two survivors
of a shariah shit hole. Such people, simply, want to
stay away from muslims ----my husband was born in
a shariah shit hole

Yitzak Rabin was assassinated by an extremist named Yigal Amir on November 4, 1995, at the conclusion of a rally in Tel Aviv, Israel12. Amir was an Israeli right-wing extremist who opposed the terms of the Oslo Accords2. Rabin won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 together with long-time political rival Shimon Peres and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat1. Rabin also signed a peace treaty with Jordan in 1994

Yigal Amir was a right wing Zionist settler who was illegally occupying homes stolen from Arab natives. He was an avowed racist/fascist.

Both Rabin and Amir were trying to implement Sharia.
Interesting question, Joe. Your question suggests that you are either a christian or a muslim. In jewish thought humans have FREE CHOICE----"GOD" is
not in control of the minds or actions of humans----
that's why Cain got to kill ABEL

It means that Jews that claim to be the Chosen People are lying.
No fair god could ever have a Chosen People.
That would be evil.
Yitzak Rabin was assassinated by an extremist named Yigal Amir on November 4, 1995, at the conclusion of a rally in Tel Aviv, Israel12. Amir was an Israeli right-wing extremist who opposed the terms of the Oslo Accords2. Rabin won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994 together with long-time political rival Shimon Peres and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat1. Rabin also signed a peace treaty with Jordan in 1994

Yigal Amir was a right wing Zionist settler who was illegally occupying homes stolen from Arab natives. He was an avowed racist/fascist.

Both Rabin and Amir were trying to implement Sharia.
not quite----Yigal Amir was not a settler---he was a
young law student with family legacy ---ie from his
parents, of life in a shariah shit hole from which they
were rescued (like my hubby). Many people
objected to the policies of Rabin. Amir is still in jail
for his crime.
Rigs----you are a very confused adolescent muslim
girl-----the human migrations you cite came LONG
before there was a CANAAN or BABYLON or EGYPT--
ie long before the time we call the time of the bible

The oldest known human metropolises in the world are in the Land of Canaan.
All anthropologists know that the location of the source of all Arab Semitic languages is the Land of Canaan.
Arabic is just one of the many Arab Semitic languages, and not the oldest.
Speakers of East Semitic include the people of the Akkadian Empire, Ebla, Assyria, Babylonia, the latter two of which eventually switched to East Aramaic and perhaps Dilmun. Central Semitic combines the Northwest Semitic languages and Arabic. Speakers of Northwest Semitic were the Canaanites (including the Phoenicians, Punics, Amorites, Edomites, Moabites and the Hebrews), Arameans and the Ugarites. South Semitic peoples include the speakers of Modern South Arabian languages and Ethiopian Semitic languages.
not quite----Yigal Amir was not a settler---he was a
young law student with family legacy ---ie from his
parents, of life in a shariah shit hole from which they
were rescued (like my hubby). Many people
objected to the policies of Rabin. Amir is still in jail
for his crime.

Amir murdered Rabin because Rabin did not want to steal more homes for the illegal settlers.

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