I just watched ABC news. Trying to make Americans feel bad for the pager/walky talky explosions? Israel Baaaaaaad!!!

The oldest known human metropolises in the world are in the Land of Canaan.
All anthropologists know that the location of the source of all Arab Semitic languages is the Land of Canaan.
Arabic is just one of the many Arab Semitic languages, and not the oldest.
Speakers of East Semitic include the people of the Akkadian Empire, Ebla, Assyria, Babylonia, the latter two of which eventually switched to East Aramaic and perhaps Dilmun. Central Semitic combines the Northwest Semitic languages and Arabic. Speakers of Northwest Semitic were the Canaanites (including the Phoenicians, Punics, Amorites, Edomites, Moabites and the Hebrews), Arameans and the Ugarites. South Semitic peoples include the speakers of Modern South Arabian languages and Ethiopian Semitic languages.
Not quite----most of the languages you mention have nothing to do with the land of Canaan. ----the only surviving language that developed in Canaan is Hebrew.
The rest developed in some other lands of the Levant.
Amir murdered Rabin because Rabin did not want to steal more homes for the illegal settlers.
Amir told you so? nope----Amir had reservations about the sort of concessions Rabin gave up to the
detriment of Israel and in the opinion of survivors of
shariah shit hole ----DANGERs to jews
We all know inherently what is right and wrong, like justice, not rob, not murder, not steal. And clearly the Zionist settlers want to rob, murder, and steal.
So we all know what god should do.
OK---the "god" you recognize endorses breaking into
homes----raping, murdering, pillaging and kidnapping
-----I understand because I read the koran and learned
about islam from both muslims and its victims
Not quite----most of the languages you mention have nothing to do with the land of Canaan. ----the only surviving language that developed in Canaan is Hebrew.
The rest developed in some other lands of the Levant.

That is ridiculous.
No one in the Mideast spoke Hebrew at all until the Hebrew invasion around 1000 BC.
When the Hebrew invaded, the Land of Canaan already included hundreds of languages, which are still used today, such as Canaanite, Sumerian, Babylonian, Phoenician, etc.
The Land of Canaan is the source of all these languages, and the Levant refers to the Land of Canaan. The Levant does not include the Arabian Peninsula.
Amir told you so? nope----Amir had reservations about the sort of concessions Rabin gave up to the
detriment of Israel and in the opinion of survivors of
shariah shit hole ----DANGERs to jews

So to you, stopping the murder of the natives and theft of their homes is a "danger" to Jews?
OK---the "god" you recognize endorses breaking into
homes----raping, murdering, pillaging and kidnapping
-----I understand because I read the koran and learned
about islam from both muslims and its victims

In fact, incredible lie.

The Quran is clear that violence can only be in defense.
Name a single place Mohammed invaded.
You can't, because all he did was to try to stop the Byzantine imperialism.
That is ridiculous.
No one in the Mideast spoke Hebrew at all until the Hebrew invasion around 1000 BC.
When the Hebrew invaded, the Land of Canaan already included hundreds of languages, which are still used today, such as Canaanite, Sumerian, Babylonian, Phoenician, etc.
The Land of Canaan is the source of all these languages, and the Levant refers to the Land of Canaan. The Levant does not include the Arabian Peninsula.
Rigs, baby----There is no language called Canaanite. "Sumerian" may refer the language of Mesopotamia and no longer extant. (AMHARIC) No actual language
called Phoenician but seveal non extant ones. The statment .....canaan is the source of all these languages" and ".. Levant does not include the Arabian Penninsula"---is the product of a disordered (psychotic) mind
In fact, incredible lie.

The Quran is clear that violence can only be in defense.
Name a single place Mohammed invaded.
You can't, because all he did was to try to stop the Byzantine imperialism.
the rapist dog of mecca has nothing to do with the BYZANTINE EMPIRE----his minions invaded Yemen, Babylon, Assyria, Israel, Iran, Lebanon and
even Persia---in his lifetime or in the time shortly thereafter----the barbaric age of islamic invasion, pillage,
murder and rape continues for hundreds of years and counting extending to Spain and even France and Italy---<<<< the short list
The retarded hypocrisy of the left. Condemn Israel for fighting back, but cheering the Ukrainians when they strike Russian territory.
Rigs, baby----There is no language called Canaanite. "Sumerian" may refer the language of Mesopotamia and no longer extant. (AMHARIC) No actual language
called Phoenician but seveal non extant ones. The statment .....canaan is the source of all these languages" and ".. Levant does not include the Arabian Penninsula"---is the product of a disordered (psychotic) mind

The Levant does not include the Arabian Peninsula.

In its narrowest sense, which is in use today in archaeology and other cultural contexts, it is equivalent to Cyprus and a stretch of land bordering the Mediterranean Sea in western Asia:[4][5] i.e. the historical region of Syria ("Greater Syria"), which includes present-day Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the Palestinian territories and most of Turkey southwest of the middle Euphrates.

Hebrew is considered a Canaanite dialect.
The Canaanite languages were a group of Northern Central or Northwestern Semitic languages, including Hebrew, Moabite, Phoenician, and Punic. They were spoken in ancient times in Palestine, on the coast of Syria, and in scattered colonies elsewhere around the Mediterranean
the situation you describe----to wit "murder of the
natives and theft of their homes" is a mosque lie

Easily proven you lie.
The British did a census in 1922, and Jews were less than 5% of the population of Palestine, and owned essentially no land at all.
Since there are now 6 million Jews or a third of the population, they are all illegal immigrants who stole 85% of Palestine.
The Levant does not include the Arabian Peninsula.

In its narrowest sense, which is in use today in archaeology and other cultural contexts, it is equivalent to Cyprus and a stretch of land bordering the Mediterranean Sea in western Asia:[4][5] i.e. the historical region of Syria ("Greater Syria"), which includes present-day Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the Palestinian territories and most of Turkey southwest of the middle Euphrates.

Hebrew is considered a Canaanite dialect.
The Canaanite languages were a group of Northern Central or Northwestern Semitic languages, including Hebrew, Moabite, Phoenician, and Punic. They were spoken in ancient times in Palestine, on the coast of Syria, and in scattered colonies elsewhere around the Mediterranean
you didn't say anything. You know someone who speaks PUNIC? MOABITE? the names of land masses is arbitrary and variable with time and place. Are you familiar with the land called "AMERICA"? do you imagine it was called "AMERICA" 3000 years ago ----
Did Muhummad invent the word AMERICA? Hebrew is
not a dialect----it is a language ---There are many dialects of arabic----but STANDARD ARABIC is a language
Easily proven you lie.
The British did a census in 1922, and Jews were less than 5% of the population of Palestine, and owned essentially no land at all.
Since there are now 6 million Jews or a third of the population, they are all illegal immigrants who stole 85% of Palestine.
wrong----in 1922 Jews owned some land in Palestine and arabs owned virtually NONE. Jews engaged in a
project to BUY land in Palestine way back in 1800. By 1922 there were Jewish cities with government, schools,
hospitals etc-----there was no arab government or hospitals or ANYTHING---there was an externally deveoping imposition of ARAB NATIONALISM ---actually muslim nationalism but it claimed to be secular
The fact an American violates US law and murders someone, does prove the murder was NOT caused by US law.
Who said that some fiction you animate as "US law" is the cause? You have already forgotten what your own initial claim was. Take a breath, review and get back to me.
Sure there are many different branches, understandings, and traditions in those areas of the globe, but they are from the older Judaism, NOT from Islam.
All Mohammed did was try to reform Judaism to make it better, especially for women.
The lack of women's rights comes from Judaism, and it against what Mohammed wrote.
So you know nothing of any major religion. Got it.
the rapist dog of mecca has nothing to do with the BYZANTINE EMPIRE----his minions invaded Yemen, Babylon, Assyria, Israel, Iran, Lebanon and
even Persia---in his lifetime or in the time shortly thereafter----the barbaric age of islamic invasion, pillage,
murder and rape continues for hundreds of years and counting extending to Spain and even France and Italy---<<<< the short list

The Byzantine Empire is what used to be the Roman Empire, and included the entire Levant.

Babylon was the capital of the Akkadian Empire and disappeared around 530 BC.
Assyria disappeared around 600 BC.
Israel disappeared around 160 AD.
The Persians disappeared around 330 BC.

The invasion of the Iberian Peninsula was by the African Moors, and had nothing to do with Mohammed.
The conflicts with Europe were the Mongols, Moghuls, and Turks, who had nothing to do with Mohammed.
The retarded hypocrisy of the left. Condemn Israel for fighting back, but cheering the Ukrainians when they strike Russian territory.

Israel is not "fighting back" but is the evil, illegal immigrant, invaders.
Israel never paid for any of the land they stole.
They are native, and are mostly Russian converts.
Who said that some fiction you animate as "US law" is the cause? You have already forgotten what your own initial claim was. Take a breath, review and get back to me.

So you know nothing of any major religion. Got it.
I have known adolescent muslim girls educated in muslim schools who buy into the stuff that rigs posts
The Byzantine Empire is what used to be the Roman Empire, and included the entire Levant.

Babylon was the capital of the Akkadian Empire and disappeared around 530 BC.
Assyria disappeared around 600 BC.
Israel disappeared around 160 AD.
The Persians disappeared around 330 BC.

The invasion of the Iberian Peninsula was by the African Moors, and had nothing to do with Mohammed.
The conflicts with Europe were the Mongols, Moghuls, and Turks, who had nothing to do with Mohammed.
Find anther source for your copies and pastes----your stuff is very misleading. PS it was the MINIONS (the followers of
muhummad--to wit muslims who invaded the Iberian Peninsula. As to your other "dates of demise" ---they are silly

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