I just watched ABC news. Trying to make Americans feel bad for the pager/walky talky explosions? Israel Baaaaaaad!!!

oh. the big question---is a fire cracker in the pocket of a card carrying, iranian sponsored jihadist, mutilator, baby murdering, rapist a
faux pas?

Let’s be honest the people who are irate over targeting the pagers of terrorists aren’t going to break a sweat over the rape, torture, and murder of a few Jews.
Let’s be honest the people who are irate over targeting the pagers of terrorists aren’t going to break a sweat over the rape, torture, and murder of a few Jews.
so true. I am seeking in vain a record of any sign of emotion from the hyperexcitable self described SAINT OF HUMANITARIANISM,
Rashida Tlaib ANY TIME around the glorious
holy islamic events of October 7, 2023. No doubt she was hysterical with grief----but I can't find it.
I don't think we can re-litigate the mistake of going into Iraq. We should have left the strong arm Hussain in place. It seems pretty obvious that Arabs need a very authoritarian government in order to run their lives. Similar to Someone Like You Sparky

Silly man doesn't know the Jews run our foreign Policy...
This SEEMS like a large scale targeted assassination.

Assassinations are against the Geneva conventions.

OTH? If all of those targeted can be linked with documented acts of, "terrorism," it might be legit.

This is a very murky move.

Then again, I have never thought drone strikes on individuals was legit either.

Plain and simply, this was just a large scale automated assassination.

Assassination is always unlawful − regardless of who is killed and on whose orders

". . The U.N.’s International Court of Justice has further clarified that even when a state has the right of self-defense, military action in response must be necessary, proportionate and aimed at a sovereign state responsible for the initial armed attack. The court has repeated these principles in multiple decisions, most comprehensively in a case brought by Iran following lethal U.S. attacks on its oil platforms in the Persian Gulf.

Once an armed conflict has begun, parties to the fighting have the right to use lethal force to defeat the adversary. International humanitarian law permits intentional killing of enemy fighters within legally defined armed conflict hostilities. Even then, no one may be singled out for killing based on what they did in the past. And civilians not participating in the fighting may never be intentionally targeted. . . "

Here is the link to West Point;

Assassination in the Law of War​


". . . The most recent comprehensive treaty governing the conduct of hostilities is the 1977 Protocol Additional (I) to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts. Additional Protocol I’s Article 37 styles acts during an armed conflict that were previously labeled assassination as “perfidy.” The article confirms again that the essence of the prohibition is treachery, not mere deception or trickery.

1. It is prohibited to kill, injure or capture an adversary by resort to perfidy. Acts inviting the confidence of an adversary to lead him to believe that he is entitled to, or is obliged to accord, protection under the rules of international law applicable in armed conflict, with intent to betray that confidence, shall constitute perfidy. The following acts are examples of perfidy:

(a) the feigning of an intent to negotiate under a flag of truce or of a surrender;

(b) the feigning of an incapacitation by wounds or sickness;

(c) the feigning of civilian, non-combatant status; and

(d) the feigning of protected status by the use of signs, emblems or uniforms of the United Nations or of neutral or other States not Parties to the conflict.

2. Ruses of war are not prohibited. Such ruses are acts which are intended to mislead an adversary or to induce him to act recklessly but which infringe no rule of international law applicable in armed conflict and which are not perfidious because they do not invite the confidence of an adversary with respect to protection under that law. The following are examples of such ruses: the use of camouflage, decoys, mock operations and misinformation. . . "


"Assassination during wartime denotes (1) the treacherous, (2) wounding or killing, of (3) individual adversaries, in other words, perfidious attacks. Although the two terms often appear in the disjunctive, it is also reasonable to include outlawry, such as putting a price on the enemy’s head, within the scope of the definition assassination, as was done in the Lieber Code and suggested by Greenspan. The United Kingdom’s 1958 Military Manual took this position, and correctly so in my estimation: “In view of the prohibition of assassination, the proscription or outlawing or the putting of a price on the head of an enemy individual or any offer for an enemy ‘dead or alive’ is forbidden.” Similarly, Australia’s 2006 Law of Armed Conflict Manual section titled “Assassination” notes, “it is prohibited to put a price on the head of an enemy individual. Any offer for an enemy ‘dead or alive’ is forbidden.”

Military manuals have occasionally suggested that assassination is limited to non-combatants or requires a particular mens rea. For example, the Australian manual provides, “Assassination is the sudden or secret killing by treacherous means of an individual who is not a combatant, by premeditated assault, for political or religious reasons.” Similarly, the 2001 Canadian Law of Armed Conflict Manual states, “Assassination means the killing or wounding of a selected non-combatant for a political or religious motive.”

However, the historical intent of the prohibition during armed conflict was to encompass the treacherous killing of the enemy, not just non-combatants. This is clear from the Hague Regulations’ Article 23(b)’s reference to “individuals belonging to the hostile nation or army,” which would include civilians and members of the armed forces. Additionally, the prohibition of assassination contains no mens rea requirement beyond an intent to betray a confidence or to encourage others to kill the individual(s) by placing a price on their head.. . . "

I could see this move being applied to HAMAS organizers of Oct. 7th, who had targeted civilians on purpose, and taken hostages, which are both against the rules.

I don't know who was specifically targeted. If they are all known terrorists, I am not sure there is anything wrong with it. OTH, if not?

This does seem to be a war crime.
I'm not on either team, you shit sucking troglodyte.
You're a eunuch. When did you have your testicles removed anyway? Piece of shit crappy boy
Screenshot_20240921-212759_Samsung Internet.jpg

I’ve lost way too many lifelong Republican friends to believe that.
Trump opened the floodgates.
Nah, just wants to help you. It's obvious that you've lost your way. We are not only a nice people but we are patriots. We believe in the United States and the promise of the Constitution along with the Bill of Rights. We also believe in God and the Ten Commandments. Forgiveness is a big thing for us but also the rule of law and justice.
You're a eunuch. When did you have your testicles removed anyway? Piece of shit crappy boyView attachment 1016278

Nah, just wants to help you. It's obvious that you've lost your way. We are not only a nice people but we are patriots. We believe in the United States and the promise of the Constitution along with the Bill of Rights. We also believe in God and the Ten Commandments. Forgiveness is a big thing for us but also the rule of law and justice.
And there goes ShortBus, earning his nickname all over again.
I'm supposed to feel sorry for these murdering, rapist Hezbollah assholes? Jesus holy fuck. What the hell is wrong with the media in this country?
The terrorists can all die a painful death as far as I'm concerned.
What happened to America? The one we loved so well?
There's a general rise in the US and UK of terrorist supporters. It's disturbing.

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