I just watched ABC news. Trying to make Americans feel bad for the pager/walky talky explosions? Israel Baaaaaaad!!!

You need to learn how to use the quote function if you want me to pay attention to you.

It is funny to watch you MAGAts pretend you are peace-loving hippies because the Generals and Admirals had open contempt for Cadet Bone Spurs.
Yeah the quote feature doesn't work very well for me LOL. It looks fine until I hit the reply button and it turns out like a banner. Hey like I said the only thing these people understand is strength and Trump provides that. It seems like the only thing that you would understand would be a government that tells you everything you need to know and do. I personally am a fan of freedom of choice with the government butting out of my life. Ignoring the dangers of terrorism not very smart.
The only thing these people understand is strength, and if you think they wouldn't come after you you are extremely naive. These people are deeply offended by the freedoms we have in this country and sticking your head in the sand isn't going to make you safer.
Oh, yeah, they hate our freedoms.

It has nothing to do with the fact that we have invaded, bombed, or occupied 14 Islamic countries since 1980.

Or that we support Israel no matter what horrible things it does to the Palestinians.

They totally hate our freedoms. I know you need to believe that.
Yeah the quote feature doesn't work very well for me LOL. It looks fine until I hit the reply button and it turns out like a banner. Hey like I said the only thing these people understand is strength and Trump provides that. It seems like the only thing that you would understand would be a government that tells you everything you need to know and do. I personally am a fan of freedom of choice with the government butting out of my life. Ignoring the dangers of terrorism not very smart.

Right... Um, Trump couldn't even get the military fully staffed, and he abjectly surrendered to the Taliban at Doha.

Foriegn leaders consider Trump to be a joke. They know that you can manipulate him by playing to his boundless ego, which is what Kim and Putin did.
has nothing to do with the fact that we have invaded, bombed, or occupied 14 Islamic countries since 1980.

Oh, yeah, they hate our freedoms.

It has nothing to do with the fact that we have invaded, bombed, or occupied 14 Islamic countries since 1980.

Or that we support Israel no matter what horrible things it does to the Palestinians.

They totally hate our freedoms. I know you need to believe that.
What we need to do is elect a strong leader like Trump and end forever Wars.

You mean like the horrible things that were done on October 7th?
Right... Um, Trump couldn't even get the military fully staffed, and he abjectly surrendered to the Taliban at Doha.

Foriegn leaders consider Trump to be a joke. They know that you can manipulate him by playing to his boundless ego, which is what Kim and Putin did.
So to what end did Kim and Putin's manipulation of trump work to? Absolutely nothing. Try again

The Afghanistan debacle is all on Biden. Next.
What we need to do is elect a strong leader like Trump and end forever Wars.

You mean like the horrible things that were done on October 7th?
He had four years to end the "Forever Wars". He surrendered to the Taliban at Doha, but still left the mess for Joe to clean up.

If you are stupid enough to live next to people who want to kill you for very good reasons, I just can't work up a lot of sympathy.

So to what end did Kim and Putin's manipulation of trump work to? Absolutely nothing. Try again
Kim got to keep making missiles and bombs with no problem.
Putin got Trump to try go get him back into the G-7 (but the other six said no).

The Afghanistan debacle is all on Biden. Next.
No, guy, the debacle happened at Doha, where Trump arranged the release of 5000 Taliban fighters and reduced our troop level to 2500 support and service personnel.

the Tribal leaders all saw he was selling out the Afghan Government and switched their allegiance to the Taliban.

Which I am fine with, but at least don't leave the mess for the next guy, which is what Trump did.
He had four years to end the "Forever Wars". He surrendered to the Taliban at Doha, but still left the mess for Joe to clean up.

If you are stupid enough to live next to people who want to kill you for very good reasons, I just can't work up a lot of sympathy.

Kim got to keep making missiles and bombs with no problem.
Putin got Trump to try go get him back into the G-7 (but the other six said no).

No, guy, the debacle happened at Doha, where Trump arranged the release of 5000 Taliban fighters and reduced our troop level to 2500 support and service personnel.

the Tribal leaders all saw he was selling out the Afghan Government and switched their allegiance to the Taliban.

Which I am fine with, but at least don't leave the mess for the next guy, which is what Trump did.
No, the debacle was Biden pulling out all of our troops before the civilians were out of there. Created quite a mess.
He had four years to end the "Forever Wars". He surrendered to the Taliban at Doha, but still left the mess for Joe to clean up.

If you are stupid enough to live next to people who want to kill you for very good reasons, I just can't work up a lot of sympathy.

Kim got to keep making missiles and bombs with no problem.
Putin got Trump to try go get him back into the G-7 (but the other six said no).

No, guy, the debacle happened at Doha, where Trump arranged the release of 5000 Taliban fighters and reduced our troop level to 2500 support and service personnel.

the Tribal leaders all saw he was selling out the Afghan Government and switched their allegiance to the Taliban.

Which I am fine with, but at least don't leave the mess for the next guy, which is what Trump did.
Kim is still making missiles, try and keep up k. Putin wait until Trump was out of office and Biden was in to invade Ukraine. You should really work harder to stay up to date
No, the debacle was Biden pulling out all of our troops before the civilians were out of there. Created quite a mess.
The Civilians were warned months before that we were getting out, but they were picking off the last bit of Contractor Cash.

No, the debacle was pulling the rug out from under the Provisional government without a plan to move people out that day.
Kim is still making missiles, try and keep up k. Putin wait until Trump was out of office and Biden was in to invade Ukraine. You should really work harder to stay up to date

Trump cut off military aid to Ukraine... that's why Putin didn't need to attack.
I'm supposed to feel sorry for these murdering, rapist Hezbollah assholes? Jesus holy fuck. What the hell is wrong with the media in this country?
The terrorists can all die a painful death as far as I'm concerned.
What happened to America? The one we loved so well?
Rapist Hezbollah what are you barking about?
It is bad. Those are not the action of legitimate government. This is how terrorists behave.

Israel has become what they claim to despise. Their already slim international support is evaporating like an ice cube on a summer sidewalk.

They are dooming themselves with their behavior.
If people can be arsed to look at the history of Israel the whole rancid State has been built on terror from day one.
knowingly allowing known terrorist walk around freely on the streets of your country makes you a terrorist not civilian/regular citizen,,

and actually I heard earlier somewhere that they confirmed 11 of the 12 killed were terrorists,,
not sure of that was before or after the walkie talkies went boom,,
Well there are no civilians in Israel then, got it.

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