I just watched ABC news. Trying to make Americans feel bad for the pager/walky talky explosions? Israel Baaaaaaad!!!

The Civilians were warned months before that we were getting out, but they were picking off the last bit of Contractor Cash.

No, the debacle was pulling the rug out from under the Provisional government without a plan to move people out that day.
The debacle was Biden's method of exiting that country. Shameful
Biden is the debacle. What a horrible surrender and withdrawal from that miserable Nation.

Um, somehow I don't think 2500 mechanics were going to change the course of the war, but that's what Trump left Bush with.

What was Biden supposed to do? Tear up Doha and send in the 82nd Airborne? I want to hear your brilliant military strategy.
Um, somehow I don't think 2500 mechanics were going to change the course of the war, but that's what Trump left Bush with.

What was Biden supposed to do? Tear up Doha and send in the 82nd Airborne? I want to hear your brilliant military strategy.
The Taliban had not kept to Trump's agreement. That made the agreement null and void. There's a lot of finger-pointing going on with that debacle, I tend to blame the person that was actually in charge at the time, Joe the buffoon Biden. You may feel differently, you are usually wrong however.
The Taliban had not kept to Trump's agreement. That made the agreement null and void. There's a lot of finger-pointing going on with that debacle, I tend to blame the person that was actually in charge at the time, Joe the buffoon Biden. You may feel differently, you are usually wrong however.

The Taliban were violating the agreement when Trump was still disgracing the Oval Office.

Facts First: There is no legitimate argument that Afghanistan experienced anything resembling “stability” after the US deal with the Taliban. While Pence is correct that no more US troops were killed in combat after the deal, the war continued to rage, and large numbers of Afghan troops and civilians continued to be killed or injured.

The inspector general for the Department of Defense reported that “the Taliban escalated violence further” in the immediate aftermath of the signing of the agreement. The United Nations reported that while “there was a drop in the number of civilian casualties documented in the first nine months” of 2020, “in stark contrast, the last three months of the year marked an uncharacteristic rise in civilian casualties – a critical indicator of the nature of the conflict. The year ended with increased focus on levels of violence and diminishing hopes for lasting peace.”

“The anguish caused by the armed conflict continued to be widespread and felt in cities and rural areas by people of all ages, genders, ethnicities and social-economic backgrounds,” the UN said in its annual report on the war – in which it noted that civilian casualties were up 45% in the fourth quarter of 2020 compared to the fourth quarter of 2019.

I notice you can't tell me what Joe SHOULD have done with the shit agreement he was stuck with.
The Taliban were violating the agreement when Trump was still disgracing the Oval Office.

Facts First: There is no legitimate argument that Afghanistan experienced anything resembling “stability” after the US deal with the Taliban. While Pence is correct that no more US troops were killed in combat after the deal, the war continued to rage, and large numbers of Afghan troops and civilians continued to be killed or injured.

The inspector general for the Department of Defense reported that “the Taliban escalated violence further” in the immediate aftermath of the signing of the agreement. The United Nations reported that while “there was a drop in the number of civilian casualties documented in the first nine months” of 2020, “in stark contrast, the last three months of the year marked an uncharacteristic rise in civilian casualties – a critical indicator of the nature of the conflict. The year ended with increased focus on levels of violence and diminishing hopes for lasting peace.”

“The anguish caused by the armed conflict continued to be widespread and felt in cities and rural areas by people of all ages, genders, ethnicities and social-economic backgrounds,” the UN said in its annual report on the war – in which it noted that civilian casualties were up 45% in the fourth quarter of 2020 compared to the fourth quarter of 2019.

I notice you can't tell me what Joe SHOULD have done with the shit agreement he was stuck with.
Maybe we should have stayed there until it was safe to leave moron .It's obvious that it was Biden's fault for the debacle that was the Afghanistan withdrawal. You are just to partisan to recognize it. Your brain must be made of cement.

The report found that Biden and Vice President Harris were advised by top leaders that the Taliban were already in violation of the conditions of the Doha agreement and, therefore, the U.S. was not obligated to leave.
Maybe we should have stayed there until it was safe to leave moron .

We had been there for 20 years. When was it going to be "safe"? The whole problem we always had is that most Afghans agreed with the Taliban and what they wanted to do. The minute we pulled out, they would be falling all over themselves to get back in their good graces.

It's obvious that it was Biden's fault for the debacle that was the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Um, that would be the guy who reduced the military presence down to 2500 support personnel while making no provision to remove most of the civilians. In fact, Human Reptile Steven Miller actually made it HARDER for Afghan Civilians who worked with us to relocate to America.

You are just to partisan to recognize it. Your brain must be made of cement.

Nope. I just look at all the factors, because I haven't drunk the bleach. The only reason why most Americans didn't see what an absolute betrayal Doha was is because they were too busy seeing all the other shit Trump had fucked up.

The report found that Biden and Vice President Harris were advised by top leaders that the Taliban were already in violation of the conditions of the Doha agreement and, therefore, the U.S. was not obligated to leave.

Again, so what? It wasn't the Taliban who blew up those folks at the airport, it was ISIS-K. They didn't sign any agreements.

Staying would have required sending in more troops. The Mechanics certainly weren't going to hold off the Taliban by themselves without putting a bunch of additional combat troops in place.
We had been there for 20 years. When was it going to be "safe"? The whole problem we always had is that most Afghans agreed with the Taliban and what they wanted to do. The minute we pulled out, they would be falling all over themselves to get back in their good graces.

Um, that would be the guy who reduced the military presence down to 2500 support personnel while making no provision to remove most of the civilians. In fact, Human Reptile Steven Miller actually made it HARDER for Afghan Civilians who worked with us to relocate to America.

Nope. I just look at all the factors, because I haven't drunk the bleach. The only reason why most Americans didn't see what an absolute betrayal Doha was is because they were too busy seeing all the other shit Trump had fucked up.

Again, so what? It wasn't the Taliban who blew up those folks at the airport, it was ISIS-K. They didn't sign any agreements.

Staying would have required sending in more troops. The Mechanics certainly weren't going to hold off the Taliban by themselves without putting a bunch of additional combat troops in place.
You're pretty dense. I'm going to go with the guy that was in charge being responsible for the debacle that was. That would be Joe the buffoon Biden. You can think what you want IDC
Biden should have kept Bagram Air Base open until all civilians who collaborated with us were evacuated and sensitive military equipment was disabled.
But sadly, stupid old Joe didn't want to deal with that.
Because, sadly, he was an incompetent politician, commander in chief of disaster.
And even more Terrifying to me is the fact that Harris is far worse than Joe.
And the cell phone addicted idiots may actually elect this completely unqualified person.
God help us.
You're pretty dense. I'm going to go with the guy that was in charge being responsible for the debacle that was. That would be Joe the buffoon Biden. You can think what you want IDC

I'm going to go with the guy who signed an agreement selling out to the enemy.

That would be Trump the Cheeto Nazi.
I'm going to go with the guy who signed an agreement selling out to the enemy.

That would be Trump the Cheeto Nazi.
A Nazi would side with terrorists and China. That would be you.

Right... Um, Trump couldn't even get the military fully staffed, and he abjectly surrendered to the Taliban at Doha.

Foriegn leaders consider Trump to be a joke. They know that you can manipulate him by playing to his boundless ego, which is what Kim and Putin did.
LOL.........you idiots swallow big time. If Biden had had any brains, he would have stuck by Trumps agreement, and if it failed, he could blame it totally on Trump.................but he didn't, and now he owns it.
LOL.........you idiots swallow big time. If Biden had had any brains, he would have stuck by Trumps agreement, and if it failed, he could blame it totally on Trump.................but he didn't, and now he owns it.

He did stick by Trump's agreement,
Trump sold out the Afghan Government to the Taliban.
by the time Joe got there, half the tribal leaders switched their alleigences.

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