I just watched ABC news. Trying to make Americans feel bad for the pager/walky talky explosions? Israel Baaaaaaad!!!

Naw, stupid is going into someone else's part of the world and not expecting them to fight back.

WE CREATED THE TALIBAN when we armed these goatfuckers to fight those dirty stinking commies who were trying to teach girls how to read.
Then it turned around, bit us in the ass, and off we went with no plan and no exit strategy.

Biden just got stuck with the bill.

But don't worry, Trump isn't getting back in the White House. Even he know it, which is why he's trying to grift every dollar he can from you people on the way out.
LOL Trump is your next president. Biden sure fucked up on that Afghanistan withdrawal, repercussions felt around the world. You should definitely do us all a favor and not vote in the next election. MAGA
Nope, he's trailing in all the polls and just getting crazier by the day.
Trump is surging. We are just beginning to find out how stupid Kamala Harris is. Biden admitted yesterday that Harris is responsible for all of his disastrous policies including that embarrassing withdrawal from Afghanistan. I can see why you would like her brainless platitudes and half policies. Kamala Harris policies of thoughtlessness and laziness, just like you.
If we hadn't funded them, the Soviets would have crushed them in a year.

Another case of us creating a monster and having it turn on us.

But let's blame Joe for 40 years of stupid policies. (Mostly Republican).
Stupid, weak foreign policy started with Barack Obama. Democrats hate America and will never make the right decisions for strength and prosperity. MAGA
keep taking that Copium, bud.

Trump will lose because women and young people are turning on him. There aren't enough angry old white people to keep him afloat.
Surging, a virtual tie . The American people are smarter than to vote for a feckless empty headed Democrat like Kamala harris. Old white people are angry because of communist like you. Your lack of intelligence is irritating because you have had the same chances at education as the rest of us but blew it.
Surging, a virtual tie . The American people are smarter than to vote for a feckless empty headed Democrat like Kamala harris. Old white people are angry because of communist like you. Your lack of intelligence is irritating because you have had the same chances at education as the rest of us but blew it.
Not even close.

Trump will lose because people will remember last time he was in charge, we were using refrigerator trucks as makeshift morgues.
They've been trying for 80 years. Nearly the whole world hates them at this point.
Yeah you do. It is hard to find Freedom in the Middle East so I understand your hatred. You need a stiff arm government to tell you what to do obviously. There won't be any Palestinians left pretty soon so we won't have to worry about that. Looks like Israel's doing a pretty good job of Defending themselves. Got to give them some kudos.
Yeah you do. It is hard to find Freedom in the Middle East so I understand your hatred. You need a stiff arm government to tell you what to do obviously. There won't be any Palestinians left pretty soon so we won't have to worry about that. Looks like Israel's doing a pretty good job of Defending themselves. Got to give them some kudos.

Actually, the Zionists are already stuck. Bibi can't win in Gaza, and he can't stop because his own people are ready to vote him out.

Not everyone in the world defines "Freedom" the way we do.
Actually, the Zionists are already stuck. Bibi can't win in Gaza, and he can't stop because his own people are ready to vote him out.

Not everyone in the world defines "Freedom" the way we do.
He probably will win in Gaza, despite what you terrorist like. You sure are wrong a lot. Do you get taken advantage of by a lot of spammers?
He probably will win in Gaza, despite what you terrorist like. You sure are wrong a lot. Do you get taken advantage of by a lot of spammers?

Yeah, unless the Zionists are willing to ethnically cleanse both Gaza and the West Bank, they are not going to solve their problem.
If they do go that route, they'll become an international pariah, and the world will collapse their economy.

Hamas was barbaric on October 7th. Joe is down with that though.

Hey, stick your dick in a hornet's nest, expect to get stung.

The stupidity is living next to people who want to kill you because you stole their land and have been murdering their children for 80 years.

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