I know who's REALLY running the White House! KENNEDY's hilarious (and terrifying) warning as Jungle Joe snoozes and World War Three looms


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I know who's REALLY running the White House! KENNEDY's hilarious (and terrifying) warning as Jungle Joe snoozes and World War Three looms​

22 Nov 2024 ~~ By Kennedy

Is anyone else getting serious World War III vibes?
The Russkies are threatening to bomb US air bases in Poland after launching nuclear-capable hypersonic missiles at Ukraine.
This Putin escalation comes after a White House decision to greenlight Kyiv's lobbing of long-range American-made rockets into Mad Vlad's backyard, killing North Korean mercenaries.
Hey, 2024, it's 1914 calling. They want their global insanity back.
At a time like this, one prays for a steady hand on the Oval Office tiller. So, it's too bad Drowsy Joe's crinkly, sun-spotted digits are too slippery with chocolate ice cream to get a grip.
Who in God's name is really in charge right now, because it sure as hell can't be Commander-Non-Compos-Mentis?
Biden, who turned 82 on Wednesday, just sleep-shuffled through an international swan song this week while visiting Rio de Janeiro for the G20 summit.
The media was so desperate to talk to him that they resorted to writing questions on signs and screaming like groupies as he boarded Air Force One.
Yet somehow, amidst all the doddering, snoozing, aimless staring and pointless posing, Joe signed off on arming Ukrainian President Zelensky with Uncle Sam's state-of-the-art weaponry.
Well, color me skeptical.
So, who would these presidential string-pullers be?
Perhaps National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, who memorably declared that the Middle East was 'quieter today than it has been in two decades,' just eight days before October 7.
Or Secretary of State Antony Blinken – the human equivalent of a lukewarm cup of Sanka.
Or Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who may go AWOL at any given moment. Or Mayor Pete, still on paternity leave (maybe).
Hey, at least we know it's not Katastrophe Kamala – she's slinked to sun her buns with dumpy nanny-schtupper Doug on a vacation in Hawaii.
Which leaves one person to guide humanity through this crucible: Dr. Strangelove herself.
Come on, Jill. It's time to put that doctoral degree from the University of Delaware to work!
January 20 can't come soon enough.

I can only imagine all the sick videos of Hunter the Chinese have as blackmail material. Heck, probably even videos of Joe himself with under age children.
All eyes on Russia.. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, while China quietly takes over the world.
Personally, I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas when it comes to January 20 and inauguration. I hope Trump lives, lives up to our expectations and we live to see it happen.
The times we live in today remind me of 1979.
Today seems much the same. Then thankfully Ronald Reagan was elected and destroyed the Soviet Union without firing one damn bullet.
Reagan used oil and economics to destroy the Soviet Union and with the assistance of the Saudi Arabia. Reagan built up our military and the Soviets could not match us due to their poor economy. They did not have enough money to match us. Oddly at that time our oil production in the USA was close to an all time low. Saudi and the Persian Gulf States produced the hell out of oil per request of President Reagan. The price of oil collapsed to 32 dollars a barrel from 153 dollars a barrel (in present day inflation adjusted dollars) and the Soviet Union collapsed economically due to their reliance on oil as the prime source of income. We could not have done this without Saudi and the Persian Gulf Nations.
Presidents Bush (41) Clinton, Bush (43) and Obama ignored the new Russia as inconsequential after the Soviet Union collapse. That was a major error. The West should have welcomed them as fellow nations in peace but at the same time binded them to us with economic policy so as not to be an aggressor again. Our leaders were idiots in relationship to post Soviet Union policy. Regan was brilliant in destroying the Soviet Union but they still have nukes that can destroy us as we can destroy them even after a first strike. To quote Senator Graham, Russia is nothing but a filling station with nukes. We again can wipe out that filling station via our massive potential to produce oil. Saudi and the Persian Gulf nations will welcome this and cooperate as they did in the 80s.
Putin started ths war. He escalated everything.
Indeed..., and Obama sent blankets and MRE's to the Ukraine instead of Bullets for defense. to stave off the Putin invasion.
Obama was to busy bowing in obeisance to the Ayatollah to see what Putin was up to. Then here's that famous open microphone slip with Medvedev...

"When Obama came into office, he compounded Bush’s mistake. Instead of pivoting to punish Russia for its aggression, he tasked his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, with launching a “reset” in relations, wiping the slate clean of Russia’s misdeeds in Georgia. More significantly, Obama scrapped the Bush administration’s plans for a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe, a decision Putin personally cheered.
"In 2014, after Russia had already annexed Crimea, shot down MH17, and sent Russian troops and security services into combat in Ukraine’s Donbas, Obama staunchly opposed sending arms to Ukraine. He responded to the Russian invasion of Crimea with only minor sanctions targeting Russian individuals, state banks, and a handful of companies. He rejected a leading U.S. role in diplomatic efforts to end Russia’s war, delegating responsibility to France and Germany. "
"Obama doubled down on his weak response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea and aggression in eastern Ukraine in 2014. “We challenged Putin with the tools that we had at the time, given where Ukraine was,” Obama claimed. It’s true that in the early days after Russia’s shock invasion, Ukraine’s degraded armed forces were not ready to fight back to reclaim occupied territory. But Obama neglected to mention that within months, Ukraine had significantly rebuilt its armed forces, in large measure aided by the heroism of volunteer fighters who enlisted by the tens of thousands in a vast civic movement to protect their country. And that means that the most important tool Obama had at that time was to give these fighters lethal weapons, which he steadfastly refused to deploy for the rest of his presidency."

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One. Big. Ass. Mistake. America.

I can’t believe that liberals were so in love with the idea of a black man as president that they were willing to overlook that he continued to belong to a church in which the pastor, in a fiery sermon, said America should be damned by Gd.

This is what happens when a person who hates this country becomes its president.
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Putin started ths war. He escalated everything.
Time to face some facts, the DNC has refused to admit that Joe Biden is too infirm to carry on as Commander in Chief, while admitting, at the same time, that he is too infirm to debate Donald Trump for an hour in front of the country because they removed him.

Had the Hur report been allowed to be made public, this could have been all out in the open long beforehand with another democrat trying to obtain the DNC nomination, but no. Merrick Garland and company hid this from the public and planned to allow an infirm sitting President to jeopardize the nation by allowing him to remain in place.

What could have been done to help deescalate the situation since that time, God only knows. All we know is, no one is in charge of the situation nor has been for a very long time.

And at the end of the day, anything bad that may happen, will be blamed on Trump with you leading the way.
One. Big. Ass. Mistake. America.

I can’t believe that liberals were so in love with the idea of a black man as president that they were willing to overlook that he continued to belong to a church in which the pastor, in a fiery sermon, said America should be damned by Gd.

This is what happens when a person who hates this country becomes its president.
The Halfrican was too lazy to hate America, but Big Mike made up for it.

I know who's REALLY running the White House! KENNEDY's hilarious (and terrifying) warning as Jungle Joe snoozes and World War Three looms​

January 20 can't come soon enough.

That's an interesting date .
Will Civil War break out ?
My guess is that it will , if it has not already done so by then.

If Moscow is smart they will rub Ukraine and Israel off the map ( metaphorically) on that very day .

This chat site will be priceless in that type of scenario .
Biden's dementia has gotten worse.
Oh please. Biden has worsening for a long time. There is no way he is running any of this. No way. None. The billions to Ukraine, the deliberate escalation of antagonism w8th Russia, millions donated to the UN. Finland, Norway and Sweden are preparing for war. They are not taking actions based on meetings with Biden. We have no idea who is running things.

An immediate demand should be made to remove Biden at once and accelerate the inauguration within 24 hours and and vacate all decisions made in the last 30 days.

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