I know you don't want to but...

I know you don't want to but...

Don't want to is right. We are weary of war, from fighting wars we never should have and didn't need to, not to mention, wars we lost...
I know you don't want to but...

Don't want to is right. We are weary of war, from fighting wars we never should have and didn't need to, not to mention, wars we lost...

But we can provide arms and air support without putting any boots on the ground.
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When "presidents" cannot comprehend that wars are fought to be won then what you'll get is a loss. That's why we now have a "Loser-in-Chief" instead of a "Commander-in-Chief".
We need to help the Kurd's, I served with them in Northern Iraq. They are pro America and pro women. They are good peaceful decent people. Tell your congressman or women to do all that they can to help the People of Kurdistan.

ISIS and Kurdistan: The future of Iraq depends on a thriving Kurdish population.

Wanna go back and risk your life go right ahead. But before volunteering me or anyone to go fight a battle you yourself wont be attending consider first that many Arabs now our enemies were once 'our friends who're pro-women and pro-America.' Taliban comes to mind.
I know you don't want to but...

Don't want to is right. We are weary of war, from fighting wars we never should have and didn't need to, not to mention, wars we lost...

Really Paint my house? did you fight so hard that you're weary of it?

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