Zone1 I remember back in Saudi Arabia having to listen to "Call to Prayer" 6 times a day. But now in Paterson New Jersey. Glad i live in Florida.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
City Approves ‘Blaring’ Muslim Call To Prayer Over Loudspeakers At Dawn
Yeah, the Rag Heads are trying to justify that since Churches can ring bells in the morning to call mass, then they Muslims can do their religious thing also. But six times a day, morning, noon and night? I heard a story once, in Colorado, that some Muslim hooked up a very loud speaker on his house, and started calling for prayer very early in the morning. A very angry neighbor came out and with a shotgun, blew the speaker off the house. I see some very bad things happening in N.J. coming to a city near you. Yeah, freedom of religion allows Muslims to do their religion, but once that very loud voice infringes upon the other citizens right to privacy, then there is going to be conflict.
MSN Yeah, the Rag Heads are trying to justify that since Churches can ring bells in the morning to call mass, then they Muslims can do their religious thing also. But six times a day, morning, noon and night? I heard a story once, in Colorado, that some Muslim hooked up a very loud speaker on his house, and started calling for prayer very early in the morning. A very angry neighbor came out and with a shotgun, blew the speaker off the house. I see some very bad things happening in N.J. coming to a city near you. Yeah, freedom of religion allows Muslims to do their religion, but once that very loud voice infringes upon the other citizens right to privacy, then there is going to be conflict.
Hey, take it up with those dead guys who wrote the Constitution.
MSN Yeah, the Rag Heads are trying to justify that since Churches can ring bells in the morning to call mass, then they Muslims can do their religious thing also. But six times a day, morning, noon and night? I heard a story once, in Colorado, that some Muslim hooked up a very loud speaker on his house, and started calling for prayer very early in the morning. A very angry neighbor came out and with a shotgun, blew the speaker off the house. I see some very bad things happening in N.J. coming to a city near you. Yeah, freedom of religion allows Muslims to do their religion, but once that very loud voice infringes upon the other citizens right to privacy, then there is going to be conflict.

Muslims aren't "Rag Heads", they are actually "Towel Heads".

The folks who wear rags on their craniums are people of the Sikh religion, who BTW, don't usually jockey camels either.
Actually, the Islamic "Call to Prayer" is 5 times a day not 6
My mistake. Seemed that over in Saudi Arabia, every time needed to do something, prayer closed down everything.
Yeah, freedom of religion allows Muslims to do their religion, but once that very loud voice infringes upon the other citizens right to privacy, then there is going to be conflict.
A few hundred years before Mohammed and Muslim prayer was the Christian prayer(s), The Liturgy of the Hours. This is mainly said (required) of priests and nuns, but the laity can participate as well. Can't help but smiling at the idea of Muslims calling for their prayer hours to be announced, followed by Christians deciding their prayer hours should also be announced...bells/announcements ringing all over cities at all hours calling people to prayer.
A few hundred years before Mohammed and Muslim prayer was the Christian prayer(s), The Liturgy of the Hours. This is mainly said (required) of priests and nuns, but the laity can participate as well. Can't help but smiling at the idea of Muslims calling for their prayer hours to be announced, followed by Christians deciding their prayer hours should also be announced...bells/announcements ringing all over cities at all hours calling people to prayer.

I think that if the muslims did their call to prayer using traditional bells instead of an electronically ampliified voice, it would be more discreet and acceptable.

Using bells would provide employment opportunities for the Hunchback Americans in the community.
We had the same issue when the mosque I attended installed loud speakers for the call to prayer.
People that lived in the area main objection was the 1st call to prayer which takes place well before sunrise and disturbed their sleep.
The city officials and leaders of the mosque meet and reached an agreement to lower the volume way down on the early morning call to prayer so it wouldn't disturb people's sleep. And the other 4 calls to prayers during the day were to be no louder than the church bells constantly ringing just down the street.

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