"I shot at White House to bring attention to impending Armageddon" Hatred of Obamas

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008

Warning to other hateful, religiously political, gun nuts with like minded ideas. Hatred will surely speed up impending Armageddon -- for you personally

Lengthy Sentence Upheld for Man Who Fired at the White House
By REUTERSOCT. 27, 2015

A United States appeals court on Tuesday upheld the 25-year prison sentence of an Idaho man who fired at least eight rounds from a semiautomatic rifle at the White House in 2011. The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit found that the man, Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, had waived his right to challenge the length of the sentence when he pleaded guilty in 2013. Prosecutors said Mr. Ortega-Hernandez’s hatred of President Obama spurred his shooting. Mr. Obama and his wife, Michelle, were not in Washington, and no one was hurt. Defense lawyers called Mr. Ortega-Hernandez a confused, desperate man who shot at the White House to draw attention to what he thought was an impending Armageddon.

Should have gotten the death penalty
Whether the Mexican actually hurt anyone or not, he should have gotten the death penalty
Warning to other hateful, religiously political, gun nuts with like minded ideas. Hatred will surely speed up impending Armageddon -- for you personally

Lengthy Sentence Upheld for Man Who Fired at the White House
By REUTERSOCT. 27, 2015

A United States appeals court on Tuesday upheld the 25-year prison sentence of an Idaho man who fired at least eight rounds from a semiautomatic rifle at the White House in 2011. The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit found that the man, Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, had waived his right to challenge the length of the sentence when he pleaded guilty in 2013. Prosecutors said Mr. Ortega-Hernandez’s hatred of President Obama spurred his shooting. Mr. Obama and his wife, Michelle, were not in Washington, and no one was hurt. Defense lawyers called Mr. Ortega-Hernandez a confused, desperate man who shot at the White House to draw attention to what he thought was an impending Armageddon.

Should have gotten the death penalty
shoulda made him read Dante's USMB posts
While it's true the White House is literally a tank and you could fire at it all day with any rifle you like and do little more than chip the paint, there are people outside it often enough, and the odd open-door. Shoulda gotten the death penalty.
Should have gotten the death penalty

Because. People who would threaten to shoot politicians and then attempt to carry out those threats deserve the death penalty. They would put the whole nation in turmoil

If they managed to shoot SOME politicians and then attempt to carry out those threats, they would earn the gratitude of the nation.
This is why we need the government 'watching' the web

we have kooks out there like FJO
Should have gotten the death penalty

John Hinckley actually wounded Reagan, yet he was about to granted weekend release.
But then again, Denny Hastert, Dnesh D'Souza, and David Petraeus all get tried convicted and sentenced while Lois Lerner skates and DOJ fiddles away the time over Hillary's server.
All you need to know about government under Democrat Party rule, especially this current thugocracy from Chicago is Elijah Cummings siccing almost all the Governments's regulatory agencies down on Catherine Engelbrecht because of her work on "True The Vote"
There's a political sea change coming though. It will be right after Obama's legacy Iranian nuke deal comes to fruition with Iranian nukes detonating over America's cities. Most of the dead will be Democrats in the cities.
Should have gotten the death penalty

John Hinckley actually wounded Reagan, yet he was about to granted weekend release.
But then again, Denny Hastert, Dnesh D'Souza, and David Petraeus all get tried convicted and sentenced while Lois Lerner skates and DOJ fiddles away the time over Hillary's server.
All you need to know about government under Democrat Party rule, especially this current thugocracy from Chicago is Elijah Cummings siccing almost all the Governments's regulatory agencies down on Catherine Engelbrecht because of her work on "True The Vote"
There's a political sea change coming though. It will be right after Obama's legacy Iranian nuke deal comes to fruition with Iranian nukes detonating over America's cities. Most of the dead will be Democrats in the cities.

John Hinckley was mental ill.

I guess you can make the case that Denny Hastert, Dnesh D'Souza, and David Petraeus are all mentally ill too.

go ahead

make Dante's day
Should have gotten the death penalty

Because. People who would threaten to shoot politicians and then attempt to carry out those threats deserve the death penalty. They would put the whole nation in turmoil
Name one person on death row for attempted murder. Are you also saying that John Hinkley Jr. should be executed?
D'Oh! that is the point

Anyone who shoots at or attempts to shoot at the President of the United States or any other national politician should be charged and tried with the expectation of a death penalty sentence.

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