I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

True, but I think Trump is better than that, otherwise he'll just let them rot away on the vine while he shows this country how to be a giant in the world again.

No excuse for what the Democrat's along with their weak fecklace rhino buddies have done to this country, but it's time to move on without their bull shite dragging us down anymore.
I just really hate to see Hunter Biden and his dad get away with what they've done. It's almost as if they base their persecution of trump on their own crimes . Saul Alinsky said, accuse your enemy of doing what you are. Such a dishonest strategy but effective. It's not good for the country for the Biden's to escape Justice. I think moving on would be the easy way out but if that's what happens so be it.
I am not a liar. I dont think you are a liar either. I think you are a typical leftist, who watches leftwing media (ex. CNN, MSNBC, PBS), and when I itemize for you the 3 recessions Biden had, you will probably say > "Oh, those were not recessions", because the left media has duped it's viewers, by redefining what a recession is (regardless that we have had a perfectly acceptable definition for 50 years -the Shiskin.) This is what the left does. Anything (reality) that doesnt suit them, they redefine their way out of the problem. :rolleyes:

So here are the numbers. As we see in the BEA chart (Biden's own numbers) GDP declined in 2 consecutive quarters 3 times.

View attachment 1016089

1. 2.7.....2.6.....2.2
2. 2.6.....2.2.....2.1
3. 4.9.....3.4.....1.4
(ie. 3 recessions - note that the word "recession"comes from the verb > "recede")

and...2 below zero quarters
1. minus 2
2. minus 0.6
Those are not critical recessions because they are not significant enough to be declared to be a recession.

This is a recession:

A recession is a significant decline in economic activity that lasts for months or even years. Experts declare a recession when a nation’s economy experiences negative gross domestic product (GDP), rising levels of unemployment, falling retail sales, and contracting measures of income and manufacturing for an extended period of time
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Those are not critical recessions because they are not significant enough to be declared to be a recession.

This is a recession:

A recession is a significant decline in economic activity that lasts for months or even years. Experts declare a recession when a nation’s economy experiences negative gross domestic product (GDP), rising levels of unemployment, falling retail sales, and contracting measures of income and manufacturing for an extended period of time
HA HA. What did I tell you folks ? He's going to come in with a revised definition of what a recession is (which has been in existence for a whole 3 years - after Obama racked up 7 of them).

They think they can wash away half a century of definition - which I learned in school, my kids learned, and my grandkids have learned - and just replace with one they like better (to cover for Obama & Biden's awful economic records). And then all the lefty media and lefty schools go along with it.

Sorry boys. Not a damn thing has changed. The Shiskin definition of a recession is as it has been for 50 years > 3 consecutive quarters with declining GDPs twice.

I posted the specific GDPs og biden's 3 recessions and they are there for all to see, and know, who arent gullible enought to be duped by leftwing media
absolutely not!

The last US recession was under Trump February 2020 thru April 2020.
Absolutely YES!

The last US recession was under Biden 2023 (Q 3 & 4) and 2024 Q1 whn GDP declined twice in a row.
4.9.....3.4.....1.4 (the 50 years long Jerome Shiskin definition)

And since the word "liar" was mentioned, we should be clear.The liars are all those who perpetuate this deliberately CONCOCTED redefinition of a recession, so as to cover for Obama & Biden. Only the lowest IQs will fall for this scam.
HA HA. What did I tell you folks ? He's going to come in with a revised definition of what a recession is (which has been in existence for a whole 3 years - after Obama racked up 7 of them).

They think they can wash away half a century of definition - which I learned in school, my kids learned, and my grandkids have learned - and just replace with one they like better (to cover for Obama & Biden's awful economic records). And then all the lefty media and lefty schools go along with it.

Sorry boys. Not a damn thing has changed. The Shiskin definition of a recession is as it has been for 50 years > 3 consecutive quarters with declining GDPs twice.

I posted the specific GDPs og biden's 3 recessions and they are there for all to see, and know, who arent gullible enought to be duped by leftwing media
The 21st Century has had three recessions

That is it. Here they are.

21st Century Recessions​

The 21st century experienced three recessions in its first decade. Each was worse than the one before but for different reasons.


The 2001 recession lasted eight months from March to November.14 It was caused by a boom and subsequent bust in dot.com businesses. The Y2K scare partially created the boom in 2000. Companies bought billions of dollars worth of new software because they were afraid the old systems weren't designed to transition from the 1900s to the 2000s. Many dot-com businesses were significantly overvalued and failed.34

The 9/11 attack worsened the recession. The economy contracted in two quarters: in the first quarter by -1.3% and in the third quarter by -1.6%.19Unemployment continued rising until it peaked at 6.3% in June 2003.35

2008 to 2009​

The Great Recession lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, the longest contraction since the Great Depression.14The subprime mortgage crisis triggered a global bank credit crisis in 2007. The damage had spread to the general economy through the widespread use of derivatives by 2008.36

GDP shrank in three quarters in 2008, including an 8.5% drop in the fourth quarter. The unemployment rate rose to 10% in October 2009, lagging behind the recession that caused it.3719


The recession ended in the third quarter of 2009 when GDP turned positive, thanks to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.38

2020 Recession​

The 2020 recession was the worst since the Great Depression. The Federal Reserve lowered the fed funds rate to basically 0% in March 2020. 39 Congress issued billions of dollars in aid.40

The U.S. economy contracted a record 31.2% in the second quarter after falling 5.1% in the previous quarter.19

The U.S. economy lost an astonishing 20.5 million jobs in April 2020,41 sending the unemployment rate skyrocketing to 14.7%.

It remained in the double digits until August. Uncertainty over the pandemic's impact also contributed to the 2020 stock market crash.

The economy grew 33.8% in the third quarter, but it wasn't enough to make up for earlier losses.4419
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The 21st Century has had three recessions

That is it. Here they are.

21st Century Recessions​

The 21st century experienced three recessions in its first decade. Each was worse than the one before but for different reasons.


The 2001 recession lasted eight months from March to November.14 It was caused by a boom and subsequent bust in dot.com businesses. The Y2K scare partially created the boom in 2000. Companies bought billions of dollars worth of new software because they were afraid the old systems weren't designed to transition from the 1900s to the 2000s. Many dot-com businesses were significantly overvalued and failed.34

The 9/11 attack worsened the recession. The economy contracted in two quarters: in the first quarter by -1.3% and in the third quarter by -1.6%.19Unemployment continued rising until it peaked at 6.3% in June 2003.35

2008 to 2009​

The Great Recession lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, the longest contraction since the Great Depression.14The subprime mortgage crisis triggered a global bank credit crisis in 2007. The damage had spread to the general economy through the widespread use of derivatives by 2008.36

GDP shrank in three quarters in 2008, including an 8.5% drop in the fourth quarter. The unemployment rate rose to 10% in October 2009, lagging behind the recession that caused it.3719


The recession ended in the third quarter of 2009 when GDP turned positive, thanks to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.38

2020 Recession​

The 2020 recession was the worst since the Great Depression. The Federal Reserve lowered the fed funds rate to basically 0% in March 2020. 39 Congress issued billions of dollars in aid.40

The U.S. economy contracted a record 31.2% in the second quarter after falling 5.1% in the previous quarter.19

The U.S. economy lost an astonishing 20.5 million jobs in April 2020,41 sending the unemployment rate skyrocketing to 14.7%.

It remained in the double digits until August. Uncertainty over the pandemic's impact also contributed to the 2020 stock market crash.

The economy grew 33.8% in the third quarter, but it wasn't enough to make up for earlier losses.4419
Biden's economy has sucked no matter what you call it. You continue to flail and put lipstick on a pig, you are part of the problem not the solution.
Biden's economy has sucked no matter what you call it.
If you say so but Trump’s was much worse in that he way it ended.

2020: The U.S. economy contracted a record 31.2% in the second quarter after falling 5.1% in the previous quarter.

The U.S. economy lost an astonishing 20.5 million jobs in April 2020, sending the unemployment rate skyrocketing to 14.7%.
It remained in the double digits until August.
If you say so but Trump’s was worsening:

2020: The U.S. economy contracted a record 31.2% in the second quarter after falling 5.1% in the previous quarter.

The U.S. economy lost an astonishing 20.5 million jobs in April 2020, sending the unemployment rate skyrocketing to 14.7%.
It remained in the double digits until August.
Yeah the pandemic was pretty awful
The 21st Century has had three recessions

That is it. Here they are.

21st Century Recessions​

The 21st century experienced three recessions in its first decade. Each was worse than the one before but for different reasons.


The 2001 recession lasted eight months from March to November.14 It was caused by a boom and subsequent bust in dot.com businesses. The Y2K scare partially created the boom in 2000. Companies bought billions of dollars worth of new software because they were afraid the old systems weren't designed to transition from the 1900s to the 2000s. Many dot-com businesses were significantly overvalued and failed.34

The 9/11 attack worsened the recession. The economy contracted in two quarters: in the first quarter by -1.3% and in the third quarter by -1.6%.19Unemployment continued rising until it peaked at 6.3% in June 2003.35

2008 to 2009​

The Great Recession lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, the longest contraction since the Great Depression.14The subprime mortgage crisis triggered a global bank credit crisis in 2007. The damage had spread to the general economy through the widespread use of derivatives by 2008.36

GDP shrank in three quarters in 2008, including an 8.5% drop in the fourth quarter. The unemployment rate rose to 10% in October 2009, lagging behind the recession that caused it.3719


The recession ended in the third quarter of 2009 when GDP turned positive, thanks to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.38

2020 Recession​

The 2020 recession was the worst since the Great Depression. The Federal Reserve lowered the fed funds rate to basically 0% in March 2020. 39 Congress issued billions of dollars in aid.40

The U.S. economy contracted a record 31.2% in the second quarter after falling 5.1% in the previous quarter.19

The U.S. economy lost an astonishing 20.5 million jobs in April 2020,41 sending the unemployment rate skyrocketing to 14.7%.

It remained in the double digits until August. Uncertainty over the pandemic's impact also contributed to the 2020 stock market crash.

The economy grew 33.8% in the third quarter, but it wasn't enough to make up for earlier losses.4419
All this means is that you do not accept the definition of a recession that schools have been teaching for 50 years (Shiskin), and instead, you go with a recent goofball concoction of a recession, developed by Democrats to dodge the 7 recessions of Obama, and 3 of Biden.

Well, there goes your credibility in this forum, if you will go with this, who know what other wacko redefinitions you might attach to. :rolleyes:
If you say so but Trump’s was much worse in that he way it ended.

2020: The U.S. economy contracted a record 31.2% in the second quarter after falling 5.1% in the previous quarter.

The U.S. economy lost an astonishing 20.5 million jobs in April 2020, sending the unemployment rate skyrocketing to 14.7%.
It remained in the double digits until August.
The fallacy of your post here is your use of the word > "Trump's".

NO! It absolutely was NOT Trump's. It was Democrats' totally connected to the pandemic, which was started by Democrats (Obama's NIH funding of the Wuhan lab), and maintained by them (Pelosi blocking stimulus checks & Democrat governors enacting shutdowns).

And when Republicans realized they were being snookered, they opened up the economy again, and in Q3 of 2020, we had the best GDP in US history (34.8%), and Trump;s last quarter was a quite respectable 4.2.
i. Arrival Date Covid in Italy January 31, 2020.

ii. 2020 Super Bowl:
Patrick Mahomes leads Chiefs to late comeback win over 49ers in thrilling game Feb 2, 2020

iii. Trump told Bob Woodward he knew in February that COVID-19 was ‘deadly stuff’ but wanted to ‘play it down’. •. "This is deadly stuff," Trump told Woodward in a Feb. 7 phone call. • “You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed,” Trump told Woodward, according to The Post. “And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu.” •. The book says Trump was given dire warnings in January about the virus that would lead to a worldwide pandemic in March. •. “This will be the biggest national security threat you face in your presidency,” national security adviser Robert O’Brien told Trump on Jan. 28, according to the book. “This is going to be the roughest thing you face.”
iv. You know, a lot of people think that goes away in April with the heat — as the heat comes in. Typically, that will go away in April. President Trump. February, 10 2020

The fallacy of your post here is your use of the word > "Trump's".

Was a Democrats the President when she let the killer covid virus invade our borders while being absolutely unprepared on how to protect all Americans as our President is obliged to do.?

I’m pretty sure she wasn’t so all the death and economic misery during his term is on Trump.

My wife is an epidemiologist. She and I went to NYC that Suer.Bowl Weekend to see the see the Phantom of the opera musical. When we arrived in our hotel, February.1 bus of Asian tourists were in the lobby. She told me to put on a mask as we walk through the crowd and she did not want to take the elevator
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How will it benefit only Trump to bring the criminal Biden to Justice?
First of all, this discussion has been about Trump vowing revenge and that is not ONLY revenge against Biden. If Trump becomes president he will seek revenge on everyone that did anything to him and according to him, that would be revenge on over 150 million people (women who believe in their rights of choice, gay and LBGT, Republicans that turned against him, judges and prosecutors that came after him or judged him and the 145.000 Democrats that voted against him).

The only one that such action benefits is Trump as he becomes a dictator that can do whatever he wants. Americans will not benefit one iota from this, including yourself because if you ever disagree with him about anything, he will also seek revenge on you. This means becoming a minion.
Are you stupid ? I am middle class, and I was doing way better in the Trump year's prior too when Covid hit. Heck I still did good even after getting over Covid myself, but of course I'm in a red state where the Democrat fanatics weren't in control of it.

Biden and Kamala's war on energy took this nation literally into a dark place. They are trying to kill the middle class. FACT !!
If I am stupid, then the Brookins Institute must be stupid as well as the article where this was stated came from then.

The Brookings Institution, often stylized as Brookings, is an American think tank that conducts research and education in the social sciences, primarily in economics (and tax policy), metropolitan policy, governance, foreign policy, global economy, and economic development.

Brookings states that its staff "represent diverse points of view" and describes itself as nonpartisan. Media outlets have variously described Brookings as centrist, conservative, liberal, center-right, and center-left.

Of course, you know more than they do, don't you?
Biden has had zero.
Trump had one Feb thru Apr 2020
Obama had zero.
Obama delivered Americans out from under the Great Bush Recession which lasted from mid-2007 to June of 2009.
Under Biden, you must remember that beginning in 2022, investors were almost unanimous that a recession was on its way but it never materialized. Trump has been praying for a recession ever since.

There was no Biden recession and the old fat demented bastard knew that when he said he wants a recession to hit in 2024.

https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/trump-hopes-economic-crash-comes-on-bidens-watch-134105a4. Former President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at a campaign event in Iowa. PHOTO: CHENEY ORR/REUTERS​
Former President Donald Trump said that he expects the economy to crash, despite diminishing signs the U.S. is heading for a recession, and that he hopes the downturn comes during the next year, before he would take office if he won another term in November.​
“And when there’s a crash, I hope it’s going to be during these next 12 months,​

You are a liar. Biden had zero recessions. It does not appear to be the case that asshole Don Trump with get his wish.
Just go on an admit who you are and what your agenda is, just so we can understand why you hate Trump or Christian conservatives like you do.

Bush had a war too deal with, and a nation in turmoil from the previous screw ups by Democrat's, otherwise who think that they can just walk up on a wild bear and pet it without any consequences to immediately come afterwards.

People being allowed to come here, otherwise like we are some kind of huge hippie commune, uhhh has been part of the downfall of this country.

It led to 9-11. FACT !!

Knuckleheads in this country getting empowered without merit and without proper character checks, has been leading to the downfall of this nation. FACT !!!

Anyone with a smidgen of common sense knows the score, and why the score is what it is today. It is exactly what is driving your kind of crazyness found within your hatred, because you want this abnormal utopia that most people that has any sense left in their body doesn't want it in the forms that y'all want it in.

So here it all stands.
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First of all, this discussion has been about Trump vowing revenge and that is not ONLY revenge against Biden. If Trump becomes president he will seek revenge on everyone that did anything to him and according to him, that would be revenge on over 150 million people (women who believe in their rights of choice, gay and LBGT, Republicans that turned against him, judges and prosecutors that came after him or judged him and the 145.000 Democrats that voted against him).

The only one that such action benefits is Trump as he becomes a dictator that can do whatever he wants. Americans will not benefit one iota from this, including yourself because if you ever disagree with him about anything, he will also seek revenge on you. This means becoming a minion.
Interesting post here.. So what causes you to fear such reprisals or so called vengeance by a president that wants nothing more than just fairness and prosperity for all, otherwise when they respect each other, and when they honor each other's religious values, their decency and their dignity in life ?

I know you know what's been going on, but you will spin and deflect because you are part of a cult that has an agenda to shove it's wants and desires down everyone's throats without their having any say in it.

This nation will not find peace anymore or a balance in it all, because pandora's box has been completely opened up, and some terrible thing's (in a lot of folk's opinions), have been loosed from it.

Until people's rights and beliefs are again honored and respected, then it only gets worse and not better.

People refuse to stay in their lanes in a multi-faceted society, and that has become a major problem for many.
I just really hate to see Hunter Biden and his dad get away with what they've done. It's almost as if they base their persecution of trump on their own crimes . Saul Alinsky said, accuse your enemy of doing what you are. Such a dishonest strategy but effective. It's not good for the country for the Biden's to escape Justice. I think moving on would be the easy way out but if that's what happens so be it.
I agree, and sometimes the way to defeat evil is to render it weakened and inaffective in the winning of the battle, and then too let it watch the prosperity of a righteous people grow in the face of it's downfall. It will either save their soul's or it will send them to hell crying and gnashing of teeth for what they attempted to do or had done. Yes it would be great to send them to prison for the pure hell that they've caused, and hopefully Hunter does serve time, but Joe will be punished by father time as his mind becomes his worst enemy going forward. If Joe had any sense he would drop to his knees while he still has a mind left to do so, and beg for mercy after what he has done.
Interesting post here.. So what causes you to fear such reprisals or so called vengeance by a president that wants nothing more than just fairness and prosperity for all, otherwise when they respect each other, and when they honor each other's religious values, their decency and their dignity in life ?

Pure blindness on your part. Trump's MAIN talking points is debasing his opposers, crowd sizes, and revenge on all that oppose him. He does not key on fairness and prosperity for ALL!

Here is a video where he makes a statement where he says that all liars, cheaters, imposters, etc.. (meaning everyone that has been against him) will suffer. Pay close attention to HIS words:

I know you know what's been going on, but you will spin and deflect because you are part of a cult that has an agenda to shove it's wants and desires down everyone's throats without their having any say in it.

I am not in a cult as there is no one and no party that I blindly follow. I follow my own thoughts and ideas. I do personally have an agenda and that is to prevent anyone (in this case Trump) that has no morals, ethics, principles or humanity from becoming a leader of our nation. Anyone that has none of those (no matter what party that person is in), I will be against. That is my cult.............to ensure that whoever is our leader has at least one of those 4 things. Just having ONE will prevent that person from doing something truly harmful and long lasting. For example with Trump, he wants to change or get rid of our Constitution and that would be extremely harmful and long lasting damage to our country.
This nation will not find peace anymore or a balance in it all, because pandora's box has been completely opened up, and some terrible thing's (in a lot of folk's opinions), have been loosed from it.

You are right here but that is across the board (on both sides of the coin). Our country (as well as the entire world) is going south. Some of the problem is overpopulation that is occurring world-wide
Until people's rights and beliefs are again honored and respected, then it only gets worse and not better.

It is Trump and the Republicans are trying to get rid of people's rights. Perfect example is Roe vs Wade and the fact that Trump wants to change our justice system. A justice system where he was found guilty by a jury of his peers. That is not honoring the rights of the people.
People refuse to stay in their lanes in a multi-faceted society, and that has become a major problem for many.

That is human nature and that will never change as you would have to change what humans are.

You truly are blind-by-choice. You refuse to see things that are extremely clear. Proof of each and every one of the points I made above has been given to you many times over in the past, and you turn a blind eye to them. It is you that is the problem that needs to be fixed.

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