I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

First of all, this discussion has been about Trump vowing revenge and that is not ONLY revenge against Biden. If Trump becomes president he will seek revenge on everyone that did anything to him and according to him, that would be revenge on over 150 million people (women who believe in their rights of choice, gay and LBGT, Republicans that turned against him, judges and prosecutors that came after him or judged him and the 145.000 Democrats that voted against him).

The only one that such action benefits is Trump as he becomes a dictator that can do whatever he wants. Americans will not benefit one iota from this, including yourself because if you ever disagree with him about anything, he will also seek revenge on you. This means becoming a minion.
You are out of your mind. LOL
a president that wants nothing more than just fairness

The following is not Trump being fair to nonwhite Americans who voted for Biden.. You are a white Christian liar.

Leading a criminal enterprise in an attempt to overturn the election by strongarming his vice president to participate in the corruption of his criminal scheme on January 6, 2021, which would have resulted in disenfranchising 81 million Biden voters just so he could stay in office and be inaugurated on January 20, 2021.

Many of those Biden voters are non-white Americans only recently gained the privileges that you white Christian Americans have enjoyed since 1800.

We are not going back to 1800 or 1900 or 1950.
Pure blindness on your part. Trump's MAIN talking points is debasing his opposers, crowd sizes, and revenge on all that oppose him. He does not key on fairness and prosperity for ALL!

Here is a video where he makes a statement where he says that all liars, cheaters, imposters, etc.. (meaning everyone that has been against him) will suffer. Pay close attention to HIS words:

I am not in a cult as there is no one and no party that I blindly follow. I follow my own thoughts and ideas. I do personally have an agenda and that is to prevent anyone (in this case Trump) that has no morals, ethics, principles or humanity from becoming a leader of our nation. Anyone that has none of those (no matter what party that person is in), I will be against. That is my cult.............to ensure that whoever is our leader has at least one of those 4 things. Just having ONE will prevent that person from doing something truly harmful and long lasting. For example with Trump, he wants to change or get rid of our Constitution and that would be extremely harmful and long lasting damage to our country.

You are right here but that is across the board (on both sides of the coin). Our country (as well as the entire world) is going south. Some of the problem is overpopulation that is occurring world-wide

It is Trump and the Republicans are trying to get rid of people's rights. Perfect example is Roe vs Wade and the fact that Trump wants to change our justice system. A justice system where he was found guilty by a jury of his peers. That is not honoring the rights of the people.

That is human nature and that will never change as you would have to change what humans are.

You truly are blind-by-choice. You refuse to see things that are extremely clear. Proof of each and every one of the points I made above has been given to you many times over in the past, and you turn a blind eye to them. It is you that is the problem that needs to be fixed.

The biggest problem with all your banter, is that on one side you have the majority who has been hurt badly by the otherside, and then you have the otherside that is directly or indirectly hurting the one side either in an open way or in a very slick way. The side doing the hurting is the Democrat side, because it has adopted some very bad habits and trendy things that are poisonous unto not only themselves, but unto everyone else.

You are picking your side, so saying you don't support either side is total bull shite.
The following is not Trump being fair to nonwhite Americans who voted for Biden.. You are a white Christian liar.

Leading a criminal enterprise in an attempt to overturn the election by strongarming his vice president to participate in the corruption of his criminal scheme on January 6, 2021, which would have resulted in disenfranchising 81 million Biden voters just so he could stay in office and be inaugurated on January 20, 2021.

Many of those Biden voters are non-white Americans only recently gained the privileges that you white Christian Americans have enjoyed since 1800.

We are not going back to 1800 or 1900 or 1950.
You talk this bull shite while ignoring the facts of what the Democrat's are all about, along with the policies they want, and the actions or inactions they take. No one is fooled by your tripe, so it best you just stop wasting your time here.
Gas still 3.70 where I live in Chicago
Shop around.
Be smarter about your purchases.

Screenshot 2024-09-22 at 9.39.56 AM.png
The biggest problem with all your banter, is that on one side you have the majority who has been hurt badly by the otherside, and then you have the otherside that is directly or indirectly hurting the one side either in an open way or in a very slick way. The side doing the hurting is the Democrat side, because it has adopted some very bad habits and trendy things that are poisonous unto not only themselves, but unto everyone else.

You are picking your side, so saying you don't support either side is total bull shite.
One thing for certain, one or the other has to stop for it to be fixed and Trump is not even trying to stop. In addition, he is the one that started it all

Here he is debasing Hillary at the first Debate in 2016. He who starts is the one that needs to end it.
One thing for certain, one or the other has to stop for it to be fixed and Trump is not even trying to stop. In addition, he is the one that started it all

Here he is debasing Hillary at the first Debate in 2016. He who starts is the one that needs to end it.
Trump didn't bring Hillary up for prosecution by leveraging the doj. He threatened to do it but he never did.
What's wrong with simplifying the situation ? 😂
First of all, saying "you are out of your mind" is hilarious as it can mean a thousand different things. It could mean that I am simply mad or foolish and that could be because someone slapped me in the face for no reason (and therefore I am mad) or foolish, could mean That I ate a piece of pie being diabetic.

In other words, it says nothing.

This situation with Trump and his detractors is far from simple. It is so complex, that even our 247 year-old Constitution is at risk. This has nothing to do with being "mad or foolish", it has to do with revenge on a major scale, with major incompetence, or major repercussions.

His reply does not even begin to address the problem, meaning that he has no idea of what is involved................it is not about me, but about our entire nation with all 340 million people that live here.........................your out of of your mind? ridiculous!!!!!
Will you ever acknowledge that the OPEC+ agreement, signed by trump, an agreement to reduce foreign oil production, for 2 years....... had an effect on supply.
Nope, Trump kept that as a non factor. Facts are, creepy Scamala have not had gas near trump. There’s a reason. And you can’t absorb it
Trump didn't bring Hillary up for prosecution by leveraging the doj. He threatened to do it but he never did.
Just like biden talked about fossil fuels, but never decreased production. Domestic OIL production is at an ALL-TIME High.

But you won't admit the truth.
What other way do you respond to a retarded, outlandish, outrageous, ridiculous poster like you? Did you catch that MAGA rally yesterday? AMAZING
So you can't address the problem and prove it wrong with data, statistics and facts, so you revert to the Trumper approach, which is to debase the messenger.

Like I said, you are a sorry sight.
Nope, Trump kept that as a non factor. Facts are, creepy Scamala have not had gas near trump. There’s a reason. And you can’t absorb it
Cool, you are denying a FACT.
OPEC+ deal reduced foreign oil production for 2 years, and your devotion to trump (TDS) won't allow you to say YES to a FACT.

Very Cult Like.
Trump didn't bring Hillary up for prosecution by leveraging the doj. He threatened to do it but he never did.
He debasingly said "you should be in jail". This was a national debate where the issues affecting the nation was the objective. Debasing the opponent does not accomplish that. It was an insult and Trump started it.
Just like biden talked about fossil fuels, but never decreased production. Domestic OIL production is at an ALL-TIME High.

But you won't admit the truth.
Biden has already destroyed our oil industry and emptied our Reserve. What a disaster. Glad Trump is coming back
He debasingly said "you should be in jail". This was a national debate where the issues affecting the nation was the objective. Debasing the opponent does not accomplish that. It was an insult and Trump started it.
She should have gone to jail. Trump let her slide

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