I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Pastor Calls Out Trump’s Bible Blasphemy In EXPLOSIVE Sermon. 240515 {post•224}. NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpcotb: Trump used his freedom of speech to tell the world he activated a criminal plan to overturn the election he lost.

“All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN. nfbw 240515 Spcotb00224

All fifty states certified their results mid December and Joe Biden won.

The loser has no legal path to decertify the certified state results.

There is no way that Don Trump becomes President “legally” on January e, 2022

So what was Don Trump saying to His losers when he said this;

“All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.” 21JAN06-DJT-jEASTMAN. nfbw 240515 Spcotb00224

How does Trump “legally” become president after having lost the election and all fifty states certified that lies?

Are you saying the loser can decide to not count electors that his opponent won until the loser becomes the winner and the winner becomes the loser?
Are you being a disingenuous knucklehead along with your leftist good buddies here again ?

Pence to send it back to the states for recertification needed to occur, but only if the evidence and facts moved the process in that direction.

OK, so the action to send it back to the states would only occur after a hearing of the voices/testimony, and upon the conclusions of the facts presented, and therefore it then would prompt the contesting of the election within the chambers on that day if valid evidence and testimonies lead it in that direction correct ?

Were the facts and protest ignored for fear of the machine/deep state ? Many thousand's think that it was.

Could such facts or the contesting prove (if the process was given a proper vetting or chance), otherwise through evidence presented allow Pence to stall the certification until a valid investigation of the facts presented would next occur ?

So if those facts were proven legitimate and correct, then the state's would be prompted to look at the process again, and consider an investigation into the matter itself (i.e a recertification would be needed).
When? What day exactly? Where? Who?

Were they wearing Pin Head white robes when they testified?
Attempting to make something racist is just another attempt by you leftist to muddy the waters in hopes to create a distraction when someone challenges your narratives, agendas and bull shite.

No one is fooled by the tactic anymore. Well except for those without the ability to think for themselves anymore.
Are you being a disingenuous knucklehead along with your leftist good buddies here again ?

Pence to send it back to the states for recertification needed to occur, but only if the evidence and facts moved the process in that direction.

OK, so the action to send it back to the states would only occur after a hearing of the voices/testimony, and upon the conclusions of the facts presented, and therefore it then would prompt the contesting of the election within the chambers on that day if valid evidence and testimonies lead it in that direction correct ?

Were the facts and protest ignored for fear of the machine/deep state ? Many thousand's think that it was.

Could such facts or the contesting prove (if the process was given a proper vetting or chance), otherwise through evidence presented allow Pence to stall the certification until a valid investigation of the facts presented would next occur ?

So if those facts were proven legitimate and correct, then the state's would be prompted to look at the process again, and consider an investigation into the matter itself (i.e a recertification would be needed).
None of that was supposed to happen regarding any facts on January 6.

What Pence was supposed to do was recognize there were two slates of electors from Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, New Mexico, Nevada and then say based on dual sets of electors from a state that he was not going to count the elections from those states. Pence was to announce the fraudulent reality that Donald Trump and himself had therefore won the 2020 election..

Once you understand, that truth will be able to understand that the reason there was two slates of electors to my pants because Donald Trump and Republican officials in seven states of electors, claiming that Trump had won the state. There was no investigation or fax, prompting the Republican fake elector slates.

None of that is “free speech“.
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