I Still Don't Know What It Is That Trump Opponents (Haters) Are Upset About

Well then, if your are brining up the so-called dirty laundry, why don't you try to explain this:

and as far as mass murders, here is the graph

View attachment 1015259

You continue to ignore facts, data and statistics.
1. The highest number in your chart was reached by Biden - TWICE.

2. Did somebody say something about "facts, data and statistics" ?

Not much. I mostly get around on my bike. I'm not dismissing the plight of others, who aren't doing as well. And I'm plenty aware of the inflation triggered by all the covid spending. But Trump was in on that as much as Biden. Trying to spin Trump as anything but a disaster as President just doesn't fly. He has zero leadership ability. As I said, he's just a troll.
So much for your credibility in this forum. Inflation was zero at times during 2020 and was 1.4% in Jan 2021. :rolleyes:
So if one puts themself in a category or shows a biased opinion because of their speak, and it is then being found on certain issue's where possible lights or conclusions begin to be drawn or is then being spot lighted by other's because of that speak, then are people not allowed to explore the possible forgone conclusions of one's speak, otherwise if it is a speaking that might begin to show a pattern of what a person believes or is suggesting that they believe with the very speak coming out of their own mouths ??

Just curious about the so called rules on such things around here.

Subjects can be touchy and revealing, so it is suggested that people be very careful in their speak and opinions if they don't want people drawing a conclusion on what that speak or language used might actually mean.

i don't give a rat's ass what that asshole thinks of me, based on HIS ignorance ... but calling me a pedophile on a MB when the rules CLEARLY state that it goes against them is a whole other story.

Rotflmbo 🤣... Gaslighting eh ? No one is gaslighting America like you people are right now.

so, just like the law shouldn't apply to yer chosen one, the rules shouldn't apply to that asshole?
1. The highest number in your chart was reached by Biden - TWICE.

2. Did somebody say something about "facts, data and statistics" ? View attachment 1015586

The conversation between us was not about gun control, it was about what president generated the most hate crimes.
i don't give a rat's ass what that asshole thinks of me, based on HIS ignorance ... but calling me a pedophile on a MB when the rules CLEARLY state that it goes against them is a whole other story.

so, just like the law shouldn't apply to yer chosen one, the rules shouldn't apply to that asshole?
If people violate the rules, then yes the rules should apply, but how does one violate the rules if they are basically being analytical after one's own word's might be showing signs of a mounting defense concerning some topics or conversations in which these back and forths begin to reveal in a conversation ??????

Are there positions being taken in the conversations discussed, otherwise that reveal a person's slant or lean within a conversation ??????
The mention of Obama's first years is a deflection, to avoid discussing his last years (as I was talking about)

The words "your statement about "awful declining GPS (aka recession)" is totally wrong", are themselves totally wrong. The BEA numbers I posted are FACT & REALITY. They, in 2015 & 2016, 3 times show declining GDP QUARTERS (the definition of recession).

When deranged liberals are unable to face those facts & realities, they simply claim that they are not facts & reality. Then they post their own graphs (by years insted of quarters - how recessions are measured) in foolish attempts to scoot away from the FACTS & REALITIES. This somehow makes them feel better, as they lie not only to all of us, but to themselves, and in their strange psychotic state, live in this make believe world.

Oddest of all, is the claim >> "In the OP itself, there is a GDP graph that clearly shows that Trump did not improve GDP in any way."
The OP does not contain ANY graph at all, and where there IS a graph (post 2985), it clearly shows Trump having improved GDP 6 consecutive times.
View attachment 1015581

This is why I do not talk TO the liberal psychotics, but only talk about them, and their crazed ravings.
Facts are facts. First of all, Obama brought us out of the worst recession since the great 1929 depression. Secondly, GDP goes up and down every year and every quarter and it does not mean a recession is occurring. Nonetheless, when GDP does go below zero, that does mean recession, so using YOUR type of evaluation, then it can be said that Trump put us into a horrible recession as GDP dropped down to -6.5% in 2020.


last but not least, most (if not all) economists have clearly stated that Obama did a good job. This was in spite of the fact that during his 8 years of his presidency, the Republicans tried everything in their power to make him fail. He succeeded in spite of that.

Trump had success for one reason only and it was the tax cut, which will always help an economy "at first" If it had not seen for that, Trump would not have had any success. To finish it off, Trump was not the one that cut taxes. It was the Senate McConnell and the House, which had wanted to cut taxes way before Trump came into the picture and since they had the majority in 2017, they were able to do it. All Trump did, was sign the bill. It was a done thing without Trump's help. As such, that cannot be said that Trump was the one that made GDP fo up. Nonetheless, the best GDP year in Trump's presidency was 3.3% and that is a low GDP when compared to past years and past presidencies.

With Obama, there was a reason for GDP not going up as he inherited a recession and then always had the Republicans 100% against him. Trump inherited a good economy and was not able to make it as good as other presidents in spite of the fact that he had Congress with him the first 2 years.

You are the one that a Trumper that you are, cannot see facts.
Facts are facts. First of all, Obama brought us out of the worst recession since the great 1929 depression. Secondly, GDP goes up and down every year and every quarter and it does not mean a recession is occurring. Nonetheless, when GDP does go below zero, that does mean recession, so using YOUR type of evaluation, then it can be said that Trump put us into a horrible recession as GDP dropped down to -6.5% in 2020.

View attachment 1015634

last but not least, most (if not all) economists have clearly stated that Obama did a good job. This was in spite of the fact that during his 8 years of his presidency, the Republicans tried everything in their power to make him fail. He succeeded in spite of that.

Trump had success for one reason only and it was the tax cut, which will always help an economy "at first" If it had not seen for that, Trump would not have had any success. To finish it off, Trump was not the one that cut taxes. It was the Senate McConnell and the House, which had wanted to cut taxes way before Trump came into the picture and since they had the majority in 2017, they were able to do it. All Trump did, was sign the bill. It was a done thing without Trump's help. As such, that cannot be said that Trump was the one that made GDP fo up. Nonetheless, the best GDP year in Trump's presidency was 3.3% and that is a low GDP when compared to past years and past presidencies.

With Obama, there was a reason for GDP not going up as he inherited a recession and then always had the Republicans 100% against him. Trump inherited a good economy and was not able to make it as good as other presidents in spite of the fact that he had Congress with him the first 2 years.

You are the one that a Trumper that you are, cannot see facts.
Pffft, you love to clean up the Obama year's with the suspect use of numbers, but then you ignore all the social unrest Obama and his racist rhetoric caused, and then you ignore the lean to the radical left in which revealed some very strange thing's about Obama and his character. You ignore how Obama picked one of the most controversial VP picks of this nations history, and then promoted him for president although knowing the complete screw up the man was (said it himself).

No one is fooled by your bull shite on here lucky, just so you know.
Pffft, you love to clean up the Obama year's with the suspect use of numbers, but then you ignore all the social unrest Obama and his racist rhetoric caused, and then you ignore the lean to the radical left in which revealed some very strange thing's about Obama and his character. You ignore how Obama picked one of the most controversial VP picks of this nations history, and then promoted him for president although knowing the complete screw up the man was (said it himself).

No one is fooled by your bull shite on here lucky, just so you know.
As always, you provide free words but don't provide facts to support them. As I have stated since day one, I deal with data, statistics and facts. Opinions mean nothing as everyone has an opinion that they believe is correct but facts are that most are wrong.

I do not have communication with those that cannot prove their opinions have facts supporting them.
As always, you provide free words but don't provide facts to support them. As I have stated since day one, I deal with data, statistics and facts. Opinions mean nothing as everyone has an opinion that they believe is correct but facts are that most are wrong.

I do not have communication with those that cannot prove their opinions have facts supporting them.
If you think this world exist only in the numbers, and that there is no organic substance to any of it, then you are totally disconnected with your own human being, and with what the creator had purposed it to be in this life.

We are multifaceted creature's that encompass a multitude of attributes and gifts that help us to discern all points of life and it's meaning.
Now adv001 Saint Beagle is blaming former two term President Obama’s father for being black for all the social unrest in the country.
Go spew your idiocy to those who are stupid enough too fall for your bull shite, and thankfully it's because your idiocy has no affect on people that have more than just an ounce of brain power in their life.

Low information voter's are your target audience, so go be their hero in order to get some sort of ego stroking that you strive for in life.

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