I Think Biden Has Killed MLB

I never much cared for baseball. Although I did get to see Hank Aaron in 1971 at Candlestick park while on a trip in California I only played the game until I was nine.
My dad took me to a game at the old old St. Louis Stadium (old girders and all) to see Stan Musial play when we were driving back to NY from TX when I was six. I got sick from the hotdogs tho that night and barfed all over the back seat of our car. Poor dad. Mom and baby sis had flown back.
What does Trump have to do with this????

Stupid asshole.
He really is. Trying to get Biden's wrinkled butt of a sling but by bringing up Trump's name
is the mark of a real dolt with nowhere to go.

The woke mob that pulls Joe's levers got the Lords of Baseball to punish Atlanta for what the Georgia
legislature did, reacting to voter fraud in the state in 2020.

That tells me they are desperate to fight any attempts to tighten up electoral integrity.
Moving the all star game doesn't do a thing to stop the movement. Dopes like BoBob are only
pouring gasoline on the fire, in their own stupid way.
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Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.

It is easy to vote in America, in my state I register to vote and the state does all the rest to make it possible for me to vote. Democrats have been LYING for some time now about it, it is still quite easy to vote in the State of Georgia.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.
Republicans hate America.

Next they will boycott Hot Dogs and Apple Pie
Just like the cops. Republicans loved cops when they were murdering blacks. But not if they arrest people for not social distancing or when they defend the capitol from rioters.
Yeah....social distancing.....throw them in jail for not staying 6 feet from everyone outside.
This should be classified as attempted murder, right?

Question, can you breathe on your own without the approval of the Democrat Party?
I know you aren't capable otherwise.
Arnold swartsanigger a republican said it best. Of course global warming is real and of course we need to get away from fossil fuels.

Let me put you in a room with a gas car, or battery car, for a day. Which one you pick?

I listen to rational honest republicans
Yeah, Arnold who drives an original Hummer and flys everywhere in a Gulfstream private jet and lives in several huge mansions. That’s someone who really believes in AGW.
The stupid bastards will do what their lord and master Trump tells them to do, what a bunch of tools and fools.

Let’s see......

Trump hates the NFL, NBA, PGA, NASCAR
Remember him being boo'd at that World Series game last year?

Too far back for me to remember. Let's go with something more recent.

Only a Conservative would boo a moment of silence for 400,000 dead
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

I HOPE not but if it's gone woke then hell; why not a rival League?? is there one?? (not a Rounders fan)

The stupid bastards will do what their lord and master Trump tells them to do, what a bunch of tools and fools.

Let’s see......

Trump hates the NFL, NBA, PGA, NASCAR
Remember him being boo'd at that World Series game last year?

Too far back for me to remember. Let's go with something more recent.

Only a Conservative would boo a moment of silence for 400,000 dead

Perfect description of Biden; SILENT!!!

The stupid bastards will do what their lord and master Trump tells them to do, what a bunch of tools and fools.

Let’s see......

Trump hates the NFL, NBA, PGA, NASCAR
Remember him being boo'd at that World Series game last year?

Too far back for me to remember. Let's go with something more recent.

Only a Conservative would boo a moment of silence for 400,000 dead

Snopes says you're a lying shitweasel!! Stuff you Demsplaining lying SKKKum!!!

Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Why boycott major league baseball because ex-President Chaos tells you to do that?
Everything he touches dies. Baseball is essentially dead anyway, but why allow Trump to put the final nail in the coffin? Can't any of you think?
What does Trump have to do with this????

Stupid asshole.
He agreed with the idea of a boycott and you Trump fanatics are now drooling.
Stupid asshole.
so if he agreed with something...then by definition he wasn't the one pushing the issue. Geez....President Trump is no longer in office. He is the former President. Xiden is the President, he was the one that used influrence, lies propaganda, and threat of brown shirt storm troopers to force MLB to make this choice, that will greatly impact the future of the sport.
Corporations are also telling Georgia they won’t do business with them if they pass voter suppression laws.
Good they shouldn't...but GA hasn't passed any voter suppression laws. What we see from Delta, and Coke etc are companies reacting to threats from a totalarian regime, using lies and propaganda.
What threats?
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Why boycott major league baseball because ex-President Chaos tells you to do that?
Everything he touches dies. Baseball is essentially dead anyway, but why allow Trump to put the final nail in the coffin? Can't any of you think?
What does Trump have to do with this????

Stupid asshole.
He agreed with the idea of a boycott and you Trump fanatics are now drooling.
Stupid asshole.
so if he agreed with something...then by definition he wasn't the one pushing the issue. Geez....President Trump is no longer in office. He is the former President. Xiden is the President, he was the one that used influrence, lies propaganda, and threat of brown shirt storm troopers to force MLB to make this choice, that will greatly impact the future of the sport.
Corporations are also telling Georgia they won’t do business with them if they pass voter suppression laws.
Good they shouldn't...but GA hasn't passed any voter suppression laws. What we see from Delta, and Coke etc are companies reacting to threats from a totalarian regime, using lies and propaganda.
What threats?
when he told them to leave GA....MLB, like every other company has seen what the DNC Brown Shirts have done to cities and businesses....they don't live in a bubble.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Why boycott major league baseball because ex-President Chaos tells you to do that?
Everything he touches dies. Baseball is essentially dead anyway, but why allow Trump to put the final nail in the coffin? Can't any of you think?
What does Trump have to do with this????

Stupid asshole.
He agreed with the idea of a boycott and you Trump fanatics are now drooling.
Stupid asshole.
so if he agreed with something...then by definition he wasn't the one pushing the issue. Geez....President Trump is no longer in office. He is the former President. Xiden is the President, he was the one that used influrence, lies propaganda, and threat of brown shirt storm troopers to force MLB to make this choice, that will greatly impact the future of the sport.
Corporations are also telling Georgia they won’t do business with them if they pass voter suppression laws.
Good they shouldn't...but GA hasn't passed any voter suppression laws. What we see from Delta, and Coke etc are companies reacting to threats from a totalarian regime, using lies and propaganda.
What threats?
when he told them to leave GA....MLB, like every other company has seen what the DNC Brown Shirts have done to cities and businesses....they don't live in a bubble.
Did he tell them to leave or did he just agree with the idea?
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Why boycott major league baseball because ex-President Chaos tells you to do that?
Everything he touches dies. Baseball is essentially dead anyway, but why allow Trump to put the final nail in the coffin? Can't any of you think?
What does Trump have to do with this????

Stupid asshole.
He agreed with the idea of a boycott and you Trump fanatics are now drooling.
Stupid asshole.
so if he agreed with something...then by definition he wasn't the one pushing the issue. Geez....President Trump is no longer in office. He is the former President. Xiden is the President, he was the one that used influrence, lies propaganda, and threat of brown shirt storm troopers to force MLB to make this choice, that will greatly impact the future of the sport.
Corporations are also telling Georgia they won’t do business with them if they pass voter suppression laws.
Good they shouldn't...but GA hasn't passed any voter suppression laws. What we see from Delta, and Coke etc are companies reacting to threats from a totalarian regime, using lies and propaganda.
What threats?
when he told them to leave GA....MLB, like every other company has seen what the DNC Brown Shirts have done to cities and businesses....they don't live in a bubble.
Did he tell them to leave or did he just agree with the idea?
Under threat of the DNC Brownshirts...look what they did to small and large businesses around the country when the Dems told them not to accept the 2016 election

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