I Think Biden Has Killed MLB

His “stunts” were several years ago.

Viewership is down this year primarily due to covid.

If anything, viewership should have been record breaking with the amount of people unemployed. One of the many downsides of the Super Bowl is that people have to get up early the next day for work, and many can't stay up to watch the entire game, especially on the east side of the country. I used to have Super Bowl parties for my friends and their wives. I quit doing it because most left before or in the middle of the third quarter.

If the bloom was off Kaperdick's rose, he wouldn't be betting paid tens of millions of dollars by Nike.

By the heart of baseball season and into the playoffs and World Series, Covid will be long behind us. So you better start thinking of more excuses when their ratings take a nose dive as well.
No---that isn't how human nature works. Bidens stunt aside....once you force consumers to change their HABITs (you do know what a habit is right) for any amount of time---these changes in habits often become more and more permanent as time goes on. The consumers habits have been changed and will continue to change away from baseball------consumers will find other pastimes to make their new habits and their offspring who would have been indoctrinated into baseball aren't being indoctrinated into baseball now so will no longer continue the traditional habit. Death by a thousand cuts...

Watch and learn.
No, not really. The problem is voter suppression, not voter oppression. Immigrants are not an issue for most of us, even though you Trump fanatics argue otherwise as an excuse for your opposition.
The "stealing" of the election was an invention of ex-president Chaos in his effort to steal a fair election that he lost. It amazes me that you fanatics allow ex-president Chaos to control your minds.

Oh the irony. You bring up voter suppression in the same post as saying somebody controls our minds? :auiqs.jpg:
It’s obvious republicans have always been about voter suppression.

1. they didn’t like absentee voting, even during a pandemic. They wanted us to hood together on Election Day. Republicans are dumb.

2. Trump appointed a guy to the post office and he removed high speed sorting machines so votes would come in late on Election Day. And trump didn’t want to count any votes that came in late. Where did late votes come from? Big cities like detroit.

Slick. Clever. but also obvious.

Of course we don't want any absentee voting for the reasons I stated. The only people that should be allowed to vote absentee are those who can't vote in person for medical, business, or military reasons.

It's not voter suppression to demand you get your lazy ass out to the polls if you want to vote. If it's too much trouble, stay home. You obviously aren't that interested in voting anyway.
You should be able to vote on the internet. Your way is too 20th century.
No---that isn't how human nature works. Bidens stunt aside....once you force consumers to change their HABITs (you do know what a habit is right) for any amount of time---these changes in habits often become more and more permanent as time goes on. The consumers habits have been changed and will continue to change away from baseball------consumers will find other pastimes to make their new habits and their offspring who would have been indoctrinated into baseball aren't being indoctrinated into baseball now so will no longer continue the traditional habit. Death by a thousand cuts...

Absolutely. Perhaps 30 years ago that wouldn't be the case when we had limited amount of entertainment to fill in any voids like baseball or football. Today we have hundreds of channels on television to choose from, this wonderful internet, several video game systems each with dozens of games, pay-per-view movies and Netflix.
I would have thought professional sports teams would have learned their lesson from Jimmy Carter’s boycott of the Olympics. Sports used to be an escape from politics and stress of day to day living, now sits become a political forum. F-em all. Thank God college sports exists, for the time being. Once the Supreme Court opens up pay to play, title nine will be thrown under the bus, and what used to be an escape will just be another pile of crap.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.
Republicans hate America.

Next they will boycott Hot Dogs and Apple Pie
Just like the cops. Republicans loved cops when they were murdering blacks. But not if they arrest people for not social distancing or when they defend the capitol from rioters.
Yeah....social distancing.....throw them in jail for not staying 6 feet from everyone outside.
This should be classified as attempted murder, right?

Question, can you breathe on your own without the approval of the Democrat Party?
I know you aren't capable otherwise.
Arnold swartsanigger a republican said it best. Of course global warming is real and of course we need to get away from fossil fuels.

Let me put you in a room with a gas car, or battery car, for a day. Which one you pick?

I listen to rational honest republicans
Yeah, Arnold who drives an original Hummer and flys everywhere in a Gulfstream private jet and lives in several huge mansions. That’s someone who really believes in AGW.
You can own a private jet and ten homes and still believe man made climate change is a problem.

Youre trying to al gore him bitch. It’s a tactic. Slander the messenger.

Fact is he believes in global warming and wants humans to do something about it.
Base ball fans love base ball there not going to give it up over political posturing.

Most will, but everybody in my circle has turned off professional sports. The die hard fans switched to college football. The ratings show it. Not just football, but now baseball. Note how the awards programs are all going downhill too? They turned totally political and people resent it.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.
Republicans hate America.

Next they will boycott Hot Dogs and Apple Pie
Just like the cops. Republicans loved cops when they were murdering blacks. But not if they arrest people for not social distancing or when they defend the capitol from rioters.
Yeah....social distancing.....throw them in jail for not staying 6 feet from everyone outside.
This should be classified as attempted murder, right?

Question, can you breathe on your own without the approval of the Democrat Party?
I know you aren't capable otherwise.
Arnold swartsanigger a republican said it best. Of course global warming is real and of course we need to get away from fossil fuels.

Let me put you in a room with a gas car, or battery car, for a day. Which one you pick?

I listen to rational honest republicans
Yeah, Arnold who drives an original Hummer and flys everywhere in a Gulfstream private jet and lives in several huge mansions. That’s someone who really believes in AGW.
You can own a private jet and ten homes and still believe man made climate change is a problem.

Youre trying to al gore him bitch. It’s a tactic. Slander the messenger.

Fact is he believes in global warming and wants humans to do something about it.

No, he wants other people to suffer to do something about it while he keeps his own lifestyle.

And rubes like you slurp it up because you see them as "your betters" and think you will get some crumbs while the rest of us starve.
That is true because the only voter fraud is in ex-President Cockroach's mind,
And what the hell does "voter fraud" have to do with President Biden, who this, that, and the other thing (all nonsense). People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

It's you on the left stating that citing election fraud is only a vehicle on the right when it's your own people who have been doing it for years.

Yes, people in glass houses.
You guys cry elections are rigged as you rig them. Trying to throw out black votes this past election like you did in Florida 2000.
You can own a private jet and ten homes and still believe man made climate change is a problem.

Youre trying to al gore him bitch. It’s a tactic. Slander the messenger.

Fact is he believes in global warming and wants humans to do something about it.

Oh please. It's called praying what you preach and Gore hasn't done any of it.

They feed you this line of bullshit, then when the cameras no longer see anything, laugh their asses off at you while driving around in SUV's, flying around in private jets, and buying mansions on the ocean that's supposed to rise.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.
Republicans hate America.

Next they will boycott Hot Dogs and Apple Pie
Just like the cops. Republicans loved cops when they were murdering blacks. But not if they arrest people for not social distancing or when they defend the capitol from rioters.
Yeah....social distancing.....throw them in jail for not staying 6 feet from everyone outside.
This should be classified as attempted murder, right?

Question, can you breathe on your own without the approval of the Democrat Party?
I know you aren't capable otherwise.
Arnold swartsanigger a republican said it best. Of course global warming is real and of course we need to get away from fossil fuels.

Let me put you in a room with a gas car, or battery car, for a day. Which one you pick?

I listen to rational honest republicans
Yeah, Arnold who drives an original Hummer and flys everywhere in a Gulfstream private jet and lives in several huge mansions. That’s someone who really believes in AGW.
You can own a private jet and ten homes and still believe man made climate change is a problem.

Youre trying to al gore him bitch. It’s a tactic. Slander the messenger.

Fact is he believes in global warming and wants humans to do something about it.

No, he wants other people to suffer to do something about it while he keeps his own lifestyle.

And rubes like you slurp it up because you see them as "your betters" and think you will get some crumbs while the rest of us starve.
Soon he will pay more for gas and have solar panels and windmills on his acres of land. Idiot.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.
Republicans hate America.

Next they will boycott Hot Dogs and Apple Pie
Just like the cops. Republicans loved cops when they were murdering blacks. But not if they arrest people for not social distancing or when they defend the capitol from rioters.
Yeah....social distancing.....throw them in jail for not staying 6 feet from everyone outside.
This should be classified as attempted murder, right?

Question, can you breathe on your own without the approval of the Democrat Party?
I know you aren't capable otherwise.
Arnold swartsanigger a republican said it best. Of course global warming is real and of course we need to get away from fossil fuels.

Let me put you in a room with a gas car, or battery car, for a day. Which one you pick?

I listen to rational honest republicans
Yeah, Arnold who drives an original Hummer and flys everywhere in a Gulfstream private jet and lives in several huge mansions. That’s someone who really believes in AGW.
You can own a private jet and ten homes and still believe man made climate change is a problem.

Youre trying to al gore him bitch. It’s a tactic. Slander the messenger.

Fact is he believes in global warming and wants humans to do something about it.

No, he wants other people to suffer to do something about it while he keeps his own lifestyle.

And rubes like you slurp it up because you see them as "your betters" and think you will get some crumbs while the rest of us starve.
Soon he will pay more for gas and have solar panels and windmills on his acres of land. Idiot.

While others have to give up their cars and their access to 100% uptime on their power.

You are a rube for the supposed ruling class, you gutless fucktard.
You guys cry elections are rigged as you rig them. Trying to throw out black votes this past election like you did in Florida 2000.

Nobody tried to throw out black votes in 2000. More lying MSM garbage.

Gore tried to get his buddies on the state Supreme Court to rig the election for him, and the federal Supreme Court told them they can't legislate from the bench.
You can own a private jet and ten homes and still believe man made climate change is a problem.

Youre trying to al gore him bitch. It’s a tactic. Slander the messenger.

Fact is he believes in global warming and wants humans to do something about it.

Oh please. It's called praying what you preach and Gore hasn't done any of it.

They feed you this line of bullshit, then when the cameras no longer see anything, laugh their asses off at you while driving around in SUV's, flying around in private jets, and buying mansions on the ocean that's supposed to rise.
It doesn’t matter that he has 5 houses. Collectively we have a million houses. We all need to go green.

But rich people will still fly private airplanes, stupid.

What he can’t fly airplanes anymore to be for global warming? Bs.

Then trump can’t be for middle class unless he gives up his billions. Fair?
You guys cry elections are rigged as you rig them. Trying to throw out black votes this past election like you did in Florida 2000.

Nobody tried to throw out black votes in 2000. More lying MSM garbage.

Gore tried to get his buddies on the state Supreme Court to rig the election for him, and the federal Supreme Court told them they can't legislate from the bench.
Consider you think this past election was rigged, so who gives a fuck what a brainwashed nut thinks. Wrong both times ray

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