I Think Biden Has Killed MLB

Consider you think this past election was rigged, so who gives a fuck what a brainwashed nut thinks. Wrong both times ray

I'm absolutely right. Nobody cried more in the past about election fraud than you on the left. Now the commies are trying to pass election law so they can never lose.
Yes the Georgia and kentucky republicans are trying to pass laws to help them win elections by making it harder for poor people. Aka black people.
Poor people need an ID to get their benefits anyway.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.
Republicans hate America.

Next they will boycott Hot Dogs and Apple Pie
Just like the cops. Republicans loved cops when they were murdering blacks. But not if they arrest people for not social distancing or when they defend the capitol from rioters.
Yeah....social distancing.....throw them in jail for not staying 6 feet from everyone outside.
This should be classified as attempted murder, right?

Question, can you breathe on your own without the approval of the Democrat Party?
I know you aren't capable otherwise.
Arnold swartsanigger a republican said it best. Of course global warming is real and of course we need to get away from fossil fuels.

Let me put you in a room with a gas car, or battery car, for a day. Which one you pick?

I listen to rational honest republicans
Yeah, Arnold who drives an original Hummer and flys everywhere in a Gulfstream private jet and lives in several huge mansions. That’s someone who really believes in AGW.
You can own a private jet and ten homes and still believe man made climate change is a problem.

Youre trying to al gore him bitch. It’s a tactic. Slander the messenger.

Fact is he believes in global warming and wants humans to do something about it.

No, he wants other people to suffer to do something about it while he keeps his own lifestyle.

And rubes like you slurp it up because you see them as "your betters" and think you will get some crumbs while the rest of us starve.
Soon he will pay more for gas and have solar panels and windmills on his acres of land. Idiot.

While others have to give up their cars and their access to 100% uptime on their power.

You are a rube for the supposed ruling class, you gutless fucktard.
You just private messaged me basically may I live to see my children die?

What kind of evil person are you? I hate a lot of you republicans but I would never wish that on any of you. What did I say that warranted that?

And the pussy ass way you said it too. My you outlive you’re progeny. I had to look the word up.

What a little bitch you must be. I bet you are miserable and unhappy. I hope so.

You deserve it, you SJW cuckwad.
Like I said, you must not be a happy person. Broke?

I just paid $1700 for a electric bike.

Did you remove the seat so the pole impales your ass?
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.
Republicans hate America.

Next they will boycott Hot Dogs and Apple Pie
Just like the cops. Republicans loved cops when they were murdering blacks. But not if they arrest people for not social distancing or when they defend the capitol from rioters.
Yeah....social distancing.....throw them in jail for not staying 6 feet from everyone outside.
This should be classified as attempted murder, right?

Question, can you breathe on your own without the approval of the Democrat Party?
I know you aren't capable otherwise.
Arnold swartsanigger a republican said it best. Of course global warming is real and of course we need to get away from fossil fuels.

Let me put you in a room with a gas car, or battery car, for a day. Which one you pick?

I listen to rational honest republicans
That agree with you.
Nope. If you are an honest republican you admit gw is a problem but then you say we can’t force corporations to completely foot the bill.

And I don’t like nuclear but if it’s done save and right it sounds like the future without coal and oil will need nuclear. How come you guys aren’t pushing for nuclear? Why are you stuck on oil and coal? We all know why. The coal and oil lobbyists.
If most of the poor people in their state are black, or a large percent are black, the law was designed to hurt those poor blacks.

Jim crow 2.0.

I used to explain a lot more when talking to you but now I realize you aren’t the moderate I thought you were.

Most of their state are black voters? I don't think there is one state in the union where blacks are a majority or close to it.

According to Wiki, blacks comprise about 30% of their population.

It's impossible to write policy that applies to all citizens that disadvantages any group of people. If they did, you tell me what changes they made. As has been pointed out, the state of Delaware, Biden's state, has more restrictions than Georgia ever had. Is Biden a racist?
Consider you think this past election was rigged, so who gives a fuck what a brainwashed nut thinks. Wrong both times ray

I'm absolutely right. Nobody cried more in the past about election fraud than you on the left. Now the commies are trying to pass election law so they can never lose.
Yes the Georgia and kentucky republicans are trying to pass laws to help them win elections by making it harder for poor people. Aka black people.
Poor people need an ID to get their benefits anyway.
Progeny. What a dick thing to say.

What did I say to get you to wish that I see my kids die you little bitch? You like to private message people that you wish they live to see their kids die? fuck off
What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege
What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege
Nothing wrong with making lazy dregs, yourself included, get off your pelosi, walk or drive to nearest voting station, show an ID to prove who you are, and vote. Easier than going to the 7-11 and getting your 40oz.
Consider you think this past election was rigged, so who gives a fuck what a brainwashed nut thinks. Wrong both times ray

I'm absolutely right. Nobody cried more in the past about election fraud than you on the left. Now the commies are trying to pass election law so they can never lose.
Yes the Georgia and kentucky republicans are trying to pass laws to help them win elections by making it harder for poor people. Aka black people.
Poor people need an ID to get their benefits anyway.
Progeny. What a dick thing to say.

What did I say to get you to wish that I see my kids die you little bitch? You like to private message people that you wish they live to see their kids die? fuck off

Just returning the disdain you have for people like me in a tangible way.

At least I am honest about it.
What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege

When you allow people who are disqualified from voting to vote, you tarnish legitimate voters.

When you stuff ballot boxes with "votes" from imaginary voters, you tarnish legitimate voters.
What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege

When you allow people who are disqualified from voting to vote, you tarnish legitimate voters.

When you stuff ballot boxes with "votes" from imaginary voters, you tarnish legitimate voters.
What does dimwinger care about tarnishing the vote? He supports it.
What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege
Nothing wrong with making lazy dregs, yourself included, get off your pelosi, walk or drive to nearest voting station, show an ID to prove who you are, and vote. Easier than going to the 7-11 and getting your 40oz.

Or, I could go over my ballot, vote on my Kitchen Table and drop it in the mailbox.
I am done weeks before you are
What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege
Nothing wrong with making lazy dregs, yourself included, get off your pelosi, walk or drive to nearest voting station, show an ID to prove who you are, and vote. Easier than going to the 7-11 and getting your 40oz.

Or, I could go over my ballot, vote on my Kitchen Table and drop it in the mailbox.
I am done weeks before you are
Why would you be allowed to fill out a fake mailin ballot? Only military should have that option, way too easy to corrupt the voting process with fake mailins like your dead voters fill out.
What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege

When you allow people who are disqualified from voting to vote, you tarnish legitimate voters.

When you stuff ballot boxes with "votes" from imaginary voters, you tarnish legitimate voters.
Wrong again Skippy.

Mail in ballots only go to Registered Voters
Nobody is stuffing ballot boxes. Witnesses from both parties are watching
What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege
Nothing wrong with making lazy dregs, yourself included, get off your pelosi, walk or drive to nearest voting station, show an ID to prove who you are, and vote. Easier than going to the 7-11 and getting your 40oz.

Or, I could go over my ballot, vote on my Kitchen Table and drop it in the mailbox.
I am done weeks before you are
Why would you be allowed to fill out a fake mailin ballot? Only military should have that option, way too easy to corrupt the voting process with fake mailins like your dead voters fill out.

How exactly can you “fake” a mail in?

Explain the process to me
What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege

When you allow people who are disqualified from voting to vote, you tarnish legitimate voters.

When you stuff ballot boxes with "votes" from imaginary voters, you tarnish legitimate voters.
Wrong again Skippy.

Mail in ballots only go to Registered Voters
Nobody is stuffing ballot boxes. Witnesses from both parties are watching

Who then throw out the ballots, which are then harvested by anyone wanting to do so.

Registered voter rolls are bloated with dead people and ineligible voters such as felons and people who moved.

And when someone tries to clean up the voter rolls, progs throw a fit.
What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege

When you allow people who are disqualified from voting to vote, you tarnish legitimate voters.

When you stuff ballot boxes with "votes" from imaginary voters, you tarnish legitimate voters.
Wrong again Skippy.

Mail in ballots only go to Registered Voters
Nobody is stuffing ballot boxes. Witnesses from both parties are watching
There is no quality control on these "mailins". I received four for this last election and never requested any of them. Show up if you want to vote, stay home if you are on welfare. Simple as that.
What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege

When you allow people who are disqualified from voting to vote, you tarnish legitimate voters.

When you stuff ballot boxes with "votes" from imaginary voters, you tarnish legitimate voters.
Wrong again Skippy.

Mail in ballots only go to Registered Voters
Nobody is stuffing ballot boxes. Witnesses from both parties are watching

Who then throw out the ballots, which are then harvested by anyone wanting to do so.

Registered voter rolls are bloated with dead people and ineligible voters such as felons and people who moved.

And when someone tries to clean up the voter rolls, progs throw a fit.

Throw out ballots?
From someone’s mailbox?
Are you accusing mailmen of destroying ballots?
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.
Republicans hate America.

Next they will boycott Hot Dogs and Apple Pie
Just like the cops. Republicans loved cops when they were murdering blacks. But not if they arrest people for not social distancing or when they defend the capitol from rioters.
Yeah....social distancing.....throw them in jail for not staying 6 feet from everyone outside.
This should be classified as attempted murder, right?

Question, can you breathe on your own without the approval of the Democrat Party?
I know you aren't capable otherwise.
Arnold swartsanigger a republican said it best. Of course global warming is real and of course we need to get away from fossil fuels.

Let me put you in a room with a gas car, or battery car, for a day. Which one you pick?

I listen to rational honest republicans
That agree with you.
Nope. If you are an honest republican you admit gw is a problem but then you say we can’t force corporations to completely foot the bill.

And I don’t like nuclear but if it’s done save and right it sounds like the future without coal and oil will need nuclear. How come you guys aren’t pushing for nuclear? Why are you stuck on oil and coal? We all know why. The coal and oil lobbyists.
That's dumb. We push for nuclear, especially the new designs that are all but impossible to melt down, but it's so insanely expensive and takes so long to build a new reactor that it's practically impossible to do it. Same with building new refineries.
What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege

When you allow people who are disqualified from voting to vote, you tarnish legitimate voters.

When you stuff ballot boxes with "votes" from imaginary voters, you tarnish legitimate voters.
Wrong again Skippy.

Mail in ballots only go to Registered Voters
Nobody is stuffing ballot boxes. Witnesses from both parties are watching
There is no quality control on these "mailins". I received four for this last election and never requested any of them. Show up if you want to vote, stay home if you are on welfare. Simple as that.

There is plenty of QC on mail ins.
Many are discarded for improper signature, envelope not proper
What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege
Nothing wrong with making lazy dregs, yourself included, get off your pelosi, walk or drive to nearest voting station, show an ID to prove who you are, and vote. Easier than going to the 7-11 and getting your 40oz.

Or, I could go over my ballot, vote on my Kitchen Table and drop it in the mailbox.
I am done weeks before you are
Why would you be allowed to fill out a fake mailin ballot? Only military should have that option, way too easy to corrupt the voting process with fake mailins like your dead voters fill out.

How exactly can you “fake” a mail in?

Explain the process to me
Sure dimmer.....you collect massive amounts of these fake leftyvirus mailins, and drive them to the voting station after you claim to have stopped counting for the night. Then you mark "Biden" only and scribble a signature and do as many of these as you can in about 6 hours. They all count for Pinochijoe, nobody ever bothers to check the actual ballots, and you make up the deficit overnight. repeat in 4 other states. What you were napping on election night??

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