I Think Biden Has Killed MLB

What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege

When you allow people who are disqualified from voting to vote, you tarnish legitimate voters.

When you stuff ballot boxes with "votes" from imaginary voters, you tarnish legitimate voters.
Wrong again Skippy.

Mail in ballots only go to Registered Voters
Nobody is stuffing ballot boxes. Witnesses from both parties are watching
There is no quality control on these "mailins". I received four for this last election and never requested any of them. Show up if you want to vote, stay home if you are on welfare. Simple as that.

There is plenty of QC on mail ins.
Many are discarded for improper signature, envelope not proper
Really? Prove it. Certainly not in the cases I mentioned.
Sure dimmer.....you collect massive amounts of these fake leftyvirus mailins,

Where do you get fake mailins? Each has a barcode traceable to a registered voter. How do you fake that barcode?

and drive them to the voting station after you claim to have stopped counting for the night.

Then what? The counting station is carefully monitored by reps from each party. How are you going to just “slip them in?”

Then you mark "Biden" only and scribble a signature and do as many of these as you can in about 6 hours.

How do you fake the signature of a registered voter with his signature on file? How do you know he hasn’t already voted?

They all count for Pinochijoe, nobody ever bothers to check the actual ballots,

Each mail in ballot is checked for signature and whether that person has voted yet

and you make up the deficit overnight. repeat in 4 other states. What you were napping on election night??

See above
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What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege

When you allow people who are disqualified from voting to vote, you tarnish legitimate voters.

When you stuff ballot boxes with "votes" from imaginary voters, you tarnish legitimate voters.
Wrong again Skippy.

Mail in ballots only go to Registered Voters
Nobody is stuffing ballot boxes. Witnesses from both parties are watching

Who then throw out the ballots, which are then harvested by anyone wanting to do so.

Registered voter rolls are bloated with dead people and ineligible voters such as felons and people who moved.

And when someone tries to clean up the voter rolls, progs throw a fit.

Throw out ballots?
From someone’s mailbox?
Are you accusing mailmen of destroying ballots?

No, some people just get rid of them, others never report their moving, or the person in question dying.

I'm talking about recipients.
Conservatives are such whiny snowflakes. Everything offends them.

They have become perpetual victims.
It's easier than actually having decent policies.

Yeah... The constant crying is getting hilarious.

It used to be the "war on Christmas" which was made up. Acknowledging that some people are not Christians is not a indictment of Christianity. Almost as if eating a roast beef sandwich is a war on chicken.
Sure dimmer.....you collect massive amounts of these fake leftyvirus mailins,

Where do you get fake mailins? Each has a barcode traceable to a registered voter. How do you fake that barcode?

and drive them to the voting station after you claim to have stopped counting for the night.

Then what? The counting station is carefully monitored by reps from each party. How are you going to just “slip them in?”

Then you mark "Biden" only and scribble a signature and do as many of these as you can in about 6 hours.

How do you fake the signature of a registered voter with his signature on file? How do you know he hasn’t already voted?

They all count for Pinochijoe, nobody ever bothers to check the actual ballots,

Each mail in ballot is checked for signature and whether that person has voted yet

and you make up the deficit overnight. repeat in 4 other states. What you were napping on election night??

See above
And if any of your babble was correct, then simply taking a representative sampling of the leftyvirus mailin ballots and quality checking them would prove your point. That's why nobody has been allowed to do so.
Sure dimmer.....you collect massive amounts of these fake leftyvirus mailins,

Where do you get fake mailins? Each has a barcode traceable to a registered voter. How do you fake that barcode?

and drive them to the voting station after you claim to have stopped counting for the night.

Then what? The counting station is carefully monitored by reps from each party. How are you going to just “slip them in?”

Then you mark "Biden" only and scribble a signature and do as many of these as you can in about 6 hours.

How do you fake the signature of a registered voter with his signature on file? How do you know he hasn’t already voted?

They all count for Pinochijoe, nobody ever bothers to check the actual ballots,

Each mail in ballot is checked for signature and whether that person has voted yet

and you make up the deficit overnight. repeat in 4 other states. What you were napping on election night??

See above
I received multiple leftyvirus mailin ballots to fill out that I didn't request the first one of.....quality check number 1, failed.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Why boycott major league baseball because ex-President Chaos tells you to do that?
Everything he touches dies. Baseball is essentially dead anyway, but why allow Trump to put the final nail in the coffin? Can't any of you think?
What does Trump have to do with this????

Stupid asshole.
He agreed with the idea of a boycott and you Trump fanatics are now drooling.
Stupid asshole.
so if he agreed with something...then by definition he wasn't the one pushing the issue. Geez....President Trump is no longer in office. He is the former President. Xiden is the President, he was the one that used influrence, lies propaganda, and threat of brown shirt storm troopers to force MLB to make this choice, that will greatly impact the future of the sport.
Corporations are also telling Georgia they won’t do business with them if they pass voter suppression laws.
Good they shouldn't...but GA hasn't passed any voter suppression laws. What we see from Delta, and Coke etc are companies reacting to threats from a totalarian regime, using lies and propaganda.
What threats?
when he told them to leave GA....MLB, like every other company has seen what the DNC Brown Shirts have done to cities and businesses....they don't live in a bubble.
Did he tell them to leave or did he just agree with the idea?
Under threat of the DNC Brownshirts...look what they did to small and large businesses around the country when the Dems told them not to accept the 2016 election
Dems did not tell anybody not to accept the 2016 election. You got the year wrong.
The facts are that President cockroach told his gullible supporters that the 2020 election was "stolen", an outright falsehood that many of his conned supporters still believe and which culminated in the "lovefest" of Jan 6.
Democrats claimed that Republicans stole the election for 5 years. Stacey Abrams claimed she was robbed when she lost the Georgia governor's race. They claimed that Bush stole the 2000 election....and still do to this day. When they lose....they claim they were ripped off. This was by design.....so that when they pulled it off in 2020 everyone would say election fraud is a lie.
Democrats did not claim that the Republicans stole anything and the courts decided, just like they decided in Trump's case. Of course, the issue was "hanging chads" and not phony voter fraud.
Abram's complaint was that the Republican governor was subverting the vote.
Dems objected to Bush's win until it was settled by the Vice President who did his lawful duty. They did not mount an insurrection of our Capitol to prevent that electoral win and Gore was not doing anything unlawful to incite his minions. In fact, he conceded rather than have any whining, complaining, or meowing. To Gore, our Democracy operating efficiently was more important than his personal feelings. I applaud him.
Then there is the one and only ex-president Trump, whose huge ego was more important than a smooth transition, and he proceeded to encourage his easily conned minions to erupt. The guy doesn't care about America or you. He cares only about himself.
apppf...the Dems started their insurrections against Trump on election day in 2016 and continued it for four years!
As if the GOP didn't do the same to every Democrat President.......:heehee:
No, no GOP President encouraged insurretions for four years, or used their office to undermine the next admin with a fake Russian conspiracy hoax.
What was fake about the Russian con-spiracy?
Sure dimmer.....you collect massive amounts of these fake leftyvirus mailins,

Where do you get fake mailins? Each has a barcode traceable to a registered voter. How do you fake that barcode?

and drive them to the voting station after you claim to have stopped counting for the night.

Then what? The counting station is carefully monitored by reps from each party. How are you going to just “slip them in?”

Then you mark "Biden" only and scribble a signature and do as many of these as you can in about 6 hours.

How do you fake the signature of a registered voter with his signature on file? How do you know he hasn’t already voted?

They all count for Pinochijoe, nobody ever bothers to check the actual ballots,

Each mail in ballot is checked for signature and whether that person has voted yet

and you make up the deficit overnight. repeat in 4 other states. What you were napping on election night??

See above
And if any of your babble was correct, then simply taking a representative sampling of the leftyvirus mailin ballots and quality checking them would prove your point. That's why nobody has been allowed to do so.
Who says they've not been allowed to do so?
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Why boycott major league baseball because ex-President Chaos tells you to do that?
Everything he touches dies. Baseball is essentially dead anyway, but why allow Trump to put the final nail in the coffin? Can't any of you think?
What does Trump have to do with this????

Stupid asshole.
He agreed with the idea of a boycott and you Trump fanatics are now drooling.
Stupid asshole.
so if he agreed with something...then by definition he wasn't the one pushing the issue. Geez....President Trump is no longer in office. He is the former President. Xiden is the President, he was the one that used influrence, lies propaganda, and threat of brown shirt storm troopers to force MLB to make this choice, that will greatly impact the future of the sport.
Corporations are also telling Georgia they won’t do business with them if they pass voter suppression laws.
Good they shouldn't...but GA hasn't passed any voter suppression laws. What we see from Delta, and Coke etc are companies reacting to threats from a totalarian regime, using lies and propaganda.
What threats?
when he told them to leave GA....MLB, like every other company has seen what the DNC Brown Shirts have done to cities and businesses....they don't live in a bubble.
Did he tell them to leave or did he just agree with the idea?
Under threat of the DNC Brownshirts...look what they did to small and large businesses around the country when the Dems told them not to accept the 2016 election
Dems did not tell anybody not to accept the 2016 election. You got the year wrong.
The facts are that President cockroach told his gullible supporters that the 2020 election was "stolen", an outright falsehood that many of his conned supporters still believe and which culminated in the "lovefest" of Jan 6.
Democrats claimed that Republicans stole the election for 5 years. Stacey Abrams claimed she was robbed when she lost the Georgia governor's race. They claimed that Bush stole the 2000 election....and still do to this day. When they lose....they claim they were ripped off. This was by design.....so that when they pulled it off in 2020 everyone would say election fraud is a lie.
Democrats did not claim that the Republicans stole anything and the courts decided, just like they decided in Trump's case. Of course, the issue was "hanging chads" and not phony voter fraud.
Abram's complaint was that the Republican governor was subverting the vote.
Dems objected to Bush's win until it was settled by the Vice President who did his lawful duty. They did not mount an insurrection of our Capitol to prevent that electoral win and Gore was not doing anything unlawful to incite his minions. In fact, he conceded rather than have any whining, complaining, or meowing. To Gore, our Democracy operating efficiently was more important than his personal feelings. I applaud him.
Then there is the one and only ex-president Trump, whose huge ego was more important than a smooth transition, and he proceeded to encourage his easily conned minions to erupt. The guy doesn't care about America or you. He cares only about himself.
apppf...the Dems started their insurrections against Trump on election day in 2016 and continued it for four years!
As if the GOP didn't do the same to every Democrat President.......:heehee:
No, no GOP President encouraged insurretions for four years, or used their office to undermine the next admin with a fake Russian conspiracy hoax.
What was fake about the Russian con-spiracy?
That there wasn't one....and Obama, Biden etc knew it in 2016....but still pushed it

Here you are, years later...even years after the Mueller Report, and his testimony and you still believe the propaganda...sad
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

MLB probably isn't willing to put Hunter on the board for a million a year for not attending board meetings. :cranky:
What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege

When you allow people who are disqualified from voting to vote, you tarnish legitimate voters.

When you stuff ballot boxes with "votes" from imaginary voters, you tarnish legitimate voters.
Wrong again Skippy.

Mail in ballots only go to Registered Voters
Nobody is stuffing ballot boxes. Witnesses from both parties are watching

Who then throw out the ballots, which are then harvested by anyone wanting to do so.

Registered voter rolls are bloated with dead people and ineligible voters such as felons and people who moved.

And when someone tries to clean up the voter rolls, progs throw a fit.

Throw out ballots?
From someone’s mailbox?
Are you accusing mailmen of destroying ballots?

No, some people just get rid of them, others never report their moving, or the person in question dying.

I'm talking about recipients.

In that case, the ballot is not cast, nor should it be.
If you requested a mail in and someone threw it out before you received it you can request another or vote in person with a contingency ballot
Sure dimmer.....you collect massive amounts of these fake leftyvirus mailins,

Where do you get fake mailins? Each has a barcode traceable to a registered voter. How do you fake that barcode?

and drive them to the voting station after you claim to have stopped counting for the night.

Then what? The counting station is carefully monitored by reps from each party. How are you going to just “slip them in?”

Then you mark "Biden" only and scribble a signature and do as many of these as you can in about 6 hours.

How do you fake the signature of a registered voter with his signature on file? How do you know he hasn’t already voted?

They all count for Pinochijoe, nobody ever bothers to check the actual ballots,

Each mail in ballot is checked for signature and whether that person has voted yet

and you make up the deficit overnight. repeat in 4 other states. What you were napping on election night??

See above
I received multiple leftyvirus mailin ballots to fill out that I didn't request the first one of.....quality check number 1, failed.
In your name or someone else’s?
The stupid bastards will do what their lord and master Trump tells them to do, what a bunch of tools and fools.

Let’s see......

Trump hates the NFL, NBA, PGA, NASCAR
Mr. RW, congratulations. You have just delivered more hubris in your post than all the garbage dumps in this country combined have. :rolleyes-41:

Ummmm.....Trump does hate the NFL, NBA, PGA and NASCAR
Now he hates MLB

Where have you been?
Sure dimmer.....you collect massive amounts of these fake leftyvirus mailins,

Where do you get fake mailins? Each has a barcode traceable to a registered voter. How do you fake that barcode?

and drive them to the voting station after you claim to have stopped counting for the night.

Then what? The counting station is carefully monitored by reps from each party. How are you going to just “slip them in?”

Then you mark "Biden" only and scribble a signature and do as many of these as you can in about 6 hours.

How do you fake the signature of a registered voter with his signature on file? How do you know he hasn’t already voted?

They all count for Pinochijoe, nobody ever bothers to check the actual ballots,

Each mail in ballot is checked for signature and whether that person has voted yet

and you make up the deficit overnight. repeat in 4 other states. What you were napping on election night??

See above
And if any of your babble was correct, then simply taking a representative sampling of the leftyvirus mailin ballots and quality checking them would prove your point. That's why nobody has been allowed to do so.

It was audited and recounted again and again and again
You didn’t believe it then, why would you believe another one?
Sure dimmer.....you collect massive amounts of these fake leftyvirus mailins,

Where do you get fake mailins? Each has a barcode traceable to a registered voter. How do you fake that barcode?

and drive them to the voting station after you claim to have stopped counting for the night.

Then what? The counting station is carefully monitored by reps from each party. How are you going to just “slip them in?”

Then you mark "Biden" only and scribble a signature and do as many of these as you can in about 6 hours.

How do you fake the signature of a registered voter with his signature on file? How do you know he hasn’t already voted?

They all count for Pinochijoe, nobody ever bothers to check the actual ballots,

Each mail in ballot is checked for signature and whether that person has voted yet

and you make up the deficit overnight. repeat in 4 other states. What you were napping on election night??

See above
I received multiple leftyvirus mailin ballots to fill out that I didn't request the first one of.....quality check number 1, failed.
In your name or someone else’s?
My name but what difference does it make if in fact nobody qc checks it once it is returned? Or if all 4 get filled out and nobody checks them.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

MLB probably isn't willing to put Hunter on the board for a million a year for not attending board meetings. :cranky:

He is an expert in Energy so he must be an expert in Baseball.
How exactly can you “fake” a mail in?

Explain the process to me

A person looks through mailboxes to find those mail-in ballots. Takes them home, and fills it out as the person he took them from. Signature matches are seldom done, and the ones that do reject ballots for signature mismatch is why the commies want to include in their takeover of this country that signature verification is no longer allowed.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Hopefully this ought to send a generation away from Biden Democrats who are lower than snake snot in this divisive maneuver. Because why?

Because they just caused MLB to engage in unsurpassed craven cowardice. :cranky:

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