I Think Biden Has Killed MLB

Conservatives are such whiny snowflakes. Everything offends them.
They said Kaepernick had killed the NFL, too.

Is viewership up or down in the NFL since that half-breed started pulling off his stunts?

His “stunts” were several years ago.

Viewership is down this year primarily due to covid.
Is that a fact or a guess on your part?

Why else would ratings suddenly tank several years after he left the league?

He hasn’t even played since 2017 and you want to blame the sudden 2020 decline on him?

This is common sense.
I explained why

Sounds ridiculous.

Ratings will obviously go back up when covid restrictions are gone. Watch and see.
Conservatives are such whiny snowflakes. Everything offends them.
They said Kaepernick had killed the NFL, too.

Is viewership up or down in the NFL since that half-breed started pulling off his stunts?

His “stunts” were several years ago.

Viewership is down this year primarily due to covid.
Is that a fact or a guess on your part?

Why else would ratings suddenly tank several years after he left the league?

He hasn’t even played since 2017 and you want to blame the sudden 2020 decline on him?

This is common sense.
I explained why

Sounds ridiculous.

Ratings will obviously go back up when covid restrictions are gone. Watch and see.
If I told you we would be locked down for a year in February 2020, you would have said the same thing. Sometimes the ridiculous becomes factual. I hope I am wrong and you are right
What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege

When you allow people who are disqualified from voting to vote, you tarnish legitimate voters.

When you stuff ballot boxes with "votes" from imaginary voters, you tarnish legitimate voters.
Wrong again Skippy.

Mail in ballots only go to Registered Voters
Nobody is stuffing ballot boxes. Witnesses from both parties are watching

Who then throw out the ballots, which are then harvested by anyone wanting to do so.

Registered voter rolls are bloated with dead people and ineligible voters such as felons and people who moved.

And when someone tries to clean up the voter rolls, progs throw a fit.

Throw out ballots?
From someone’s mailbox?
Are you accusing mailmen of destroying ballots?

No, some people just get rid of them, others never report their moving, or the person in question dying.

I'm talking about recipients.

In that case, the ballot is not cast, nor should it be.
If you requested a mail in and someone threw it out before you received it you can request another or vote in person with a contingency ballot

or it's harvested by operatives and filed.

How does that work?
Most states ban harvesting.

How do you propose to harvest without being caught?
What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege

When you allow people who are disqualified from voting to vote, you tarnish legitimate voters.

When you stuff ballot boxes with "votes" from imaginary voters, you tarnish legitimate voters.
Wrong again Skippy.

Mail in ballots only go to Registered Voters
Nobody is stuffing ballot boxes. Witnesses from both parties are watching

Who then throw out the ballots, which are then harvested by anyone wanting to do so.

Registered voter rolls are bloated with dead people and ineligible voters such as felons and people who moved.

And when someone tries to clean up the voter rolls, progs throw a fit.

Throw out ballots?
From someone’s mailbox?
Are you accusing mailmen of destroying ballots?

No, some people just get rid of them, others never report their moving, or the person in question dying.

I'm talking about recipients.

In that case, the ballot is not cast, nor should it be.
If you requested a mail in and someone threw it out before you received it you can request another or vote in person with a contingency ballot

or it's harvested by operatives and filed.

How does that work?
Most states ban harvesting.

How do you propose to harvest without being caught?

So all crime is caught 100% of the time?

All States ban murder, how many murders go unsolved?
You mean with just a signature?

Mail in votes have been done for over 50 years
Trump votes by mail in.....Is that OK?

Trump also flew around on Air force 1, but that doesn't mean we have to do it. Donald Trump like all presidents follow the advice of the SS as to where he should go and not go.

We've had mail in voting but restricted to only those who couldn't vote in person, namely our military. Other exceptions were made as well, but very few.

The commies want to get as many uninformed and stupid people to vote as possible because they will vote Democrat. It's the only reason they're pushing so hard for it.
If I told you we would be locked down for a year in February 2020, you would have said the same thing. Sometimes the ridiculous becomes factual. I hope I am wrong and you are right

Predicting that covid has had a negative impact on sports isn’t ridiculous. It’s common sense.

Watch and learn.
Signature matches are ALWAYS done. If you stole someone’s ballot, how do you plan to forge the signature?

The person you stole from can claim the ballot as missing, he has enough time.

If they're voting by mail, it's either because they will not be there to vote or are a worthless lazy American. They won't check for it and will likely forget. The only way (and there have been instances of it) that they knew somebody cast their mail-in is when they went to the polls in person and were informed of it. But again, most lazy people won't do that.
If I told you we would be locked down for a year in February 2020, you would have said the same thing. Sometimes the ridiculous becomes factual. I hope I am wrong and you are right

Predicting that covid has had a negative impact on sports isn’t ridiculous. It’s common sense.

Watch and learn.
Why are you so defensive? More people should be watching on TV not fewer but the opposite is true.
If I told you we would be locked down for a year in February 2020, you would have said the same thing. Sometimes the ridiculous becomes factual. I hope I am wrong and you are right

Predicting that covid has had a negative impact on sports isn’t ridiculous. It’s common sense.

Watch and learn.
Why are you so defensive? More people should be watching on TV not fewer but the opposite is true.

People haven't been able to watch sports in restaurants, bars, or with friends and family.

If you don't think this had a negative impact on ratings, then watch and learn when ratings obviously go back up after covid restrictions are ended.
What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege

When you allow people who are disqualified from voting to vote, you tarnish legitimate voters.

When you stuff ballot boxes with "votes" from imaginary voters, you tarnish legitimate voters.
Wrong again Skippy.

Mail in ballots only go to Registered Voters
Nobody is stuffing ballot boxes. Witnesses from both parties are watching

Who then throw out the ballots, which are then harvested by anyone wanting to do so.

Registered voter rolls are bloated with dead people and ineligible voters such as felons and people who moved.

And when someone tries to clean up the voter rolls, progs throw a fit.

Throw out ballots?
From someone’s mailbox?
Are you accusing mailmen of destroying ballots?

No, some people just get rid of them, others never report their moving, or the person in question dying.

I'm talking about recipients.

In that case, the ballot is not cast, nor should it be.
If you requested a mail in and someone threw it out before you received it you can request another or vote in person with a contingency ballot

or it's harvested by operatives and filed.

How does that work?
Most states ban harvesting.

How do you propose to harvest without being caught?

So all crime is caught 100% of the time?

All States ban murder, how many murders go unsolved?

Again you are claiming there is a crime without any evidence.
People haven't been able to watch sports in restaurants, bars, or with friends and family.

They rate viewership by how many televisions they're monitoring--not by how many people are in a bar or restaurant. If there was any truth to what you say, those 75 people at the bar would have been watching the Super Bowl on 75 different televisions instead of one.
Signature matches are ALWAYS done. If you stole someone’s ballot, how do you plan to forge the signature?

The person you stole from can claim the ballot as missing, he has enough time.

If they're voting by mail, it's either because they will not be there to vote or are a worthless lazy American. They won't check for it and will likely forget. The only way (and there have been instances of it) that they knew somebody cast their mail-in is when they went to the polls in person and were informed of it. But again, most lazy people won't do that.
Is Trump too lazy or too stupid to vote in person?

Maybe he just thinks voting by mail is more convenient
What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege

When you allow people who are disqualified from voting to vote, you tarnish legitimate voters.

When you stuff ballot boxes with "votes" from imaginary voters, you tarnish legitimate voters.
Wrong again Skippy.

Mail in ballots only go to Registered Voters
Nobody is stuffing ballot boxes. Witnesses from both parties are watching

Who then throw out the ballots, which are then harvested by anyone wanting to do so.

Registered voter rolls are bloated with dead people and ineligible voters such as felons and people who moved.

And when someone tries to clean up the voter rolls, progs throw a fit.

Throw out ballots?
From someone’s mailbox?
Are you accusing mailmen of destroying ballots?

No, some people just get rid of them, others never report their moving, or the person in question dying.

I'm talking about recipients.

In that case, the ballot is not cast, nor should it be.
If you requested a mail in and someone threw it out before you received it you can request another or vote in person with a contingency ballot

or it's harvested by operatives and filed.

How does that work?
Most states ban harvesting.

How do you propose to harvest without being caught?

So all crime is caught 100% of the time?

All States ban murder, how many murders go unsolved?

Again you are claiming there is a crime without any evidence.

What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege

When you allow people who are disqualified from voting to vote, you tarnish legitimate voters.

When you stuff ballot boxes with "votes" from imaginary voters, you tarnish legitimate voters.
Wrong again Skippy.

Mail in ballots only go to Registered Voters
Nobody is stuffing ballot boxes. Witnesses from both parties are watching

Who then throw out the ballots, which are then harvested by anyone wanting to do so.

Registered voter rolls are bloated with dead people and ineligible voters such as felons and people who moved.

And when someone tries to clean up the voter rolls, progs throw a fit.

Throw out ballots?
From someone’s mailbox?
Are you accusing mailmen of destroying ballots?

No, some people just get rid of them, others never report their moving, or the person in question dying.

I'm talking about recipients.

In that case, the ballot is not cast, nor should it be.
If you requested a mail in and someone threw it out before you received it you can request another or vote in person with a contingency ballot

or it's harvested by operatives and filed.

How does that work?
Most states ban harvesting.

How do you propose to harvest without being caught?

So all crime is caught 100% of the time?

All States ban murder, how many murders go unsolved?

Again you are claiming there is a crime without any evidence.

There was ample evidence that Russia tampered with the 2016 election. Our Intelligence agencies and Justice Dept confirmed it

There is no evidence of consequential voter fraud. Trumps own Justice Dept and Republican Sec States confirmed it.
If I told you we would be locked down for a year in February 2020, you would have said the same thing. Sometimes the ridiculous becomes factual. I hope I am wrong and you are right

Predicting that covid has had a negative impact on sports isn’t ridiculous. It’s common sense.

Watch and learn.
Why are you so defensive? More people should be watching on TV not fewer but the opposite is true.

People haven't been able to watch sports in restaurants, bars, or with friends and family.

If you don't think this had a negative impact on ratings, then watch and learn when ratings obviously go back up after covid restrictions are ended.
So why would they not watch at home? I don't follow your logic. Again, I 100% hope you're right. Why are you so defensive about it?
If I told you we would be locked down for a year in February 2020, you would have said the same thing. Sometimes the ridiculous becomes factual. I hope I am wrong and you are right

Predicting that covid has had a negative impact on sports isn’t ridiculous. It’s common sense.

Watch and learn.
Why are you so defensive? More people should be watching on TV not fewer but the opposite is true.

People haven't been able to watch sports in restaurants, bars, or with friends and family.

If you don't think this had a negative impact on ratings, then watch and learn when ratings obviously go back up after covid restrictions are ended.
So why would they not watch at home? I don't follow your logic. Again, I 100% hope you're right. Why are you so defensive about it?

People are less inclined to watch sports when they can't do it in a fun setting like with their friends and family, or in a bar or restaurant.

Not complicated.
If I told you we would be locked down for a year in February 2020, you would have said the same thing. Sometimes the ridiculous becomes factual. I hope I am wrong and you are right

Predicting that covid has had a negative impact on sports isn’t ridiculous. It’s common sense.

Watch and learn.
Why are you so defensive? More people should be watching on TV not fewer but the opposite is true.

People haven't been able to watch sports in restaurants, bars, or with friends and family.

If you don't think this had a negative impact on ratings, then watch and learn when ratings obviously go back up after covid restrictions are ended.
So why would they not watch at home? I don't follow your logic. Again, I 100% hope you're right. Why are you so defensive about it?

People are less inclined to watch sports when they can't do it in a fun setting like with their friends and family, or in a bar or restaurant.

Not complicated.
Why do you say that? For example I have to watch Pats games solo as I get nervous and when people ask me questions I can sometimes snap, LOL. Many prefer to watch at home in close quarters. Unless you have a link that shows otherwise of course?
Why do you say that? For example I have to watch Pats games solo

Right. Because everyone who watches sports wants to do it the same way you do. That's why we don't see bars and restaurants packed when the big game is on.

Awesome reasoning there.
Why do you say that? For example I have to watch Pats games solo

Right. Because everyone who watches sports wants to do it the same way you do. That's why we don't see bars and restaurants packed when the big game is on.

Awesome reasoning there.
But that is only a few TVs, aren't they captured in the demographics since they are on and some people are watching so those are included. If the bars are packed or people are scared they watch at home and they aren't doing it. Why? Protest. NHL ratings are steady for the most part.

Same for NASCAR

The NASCAR Cup Series, between its partners Fox, Fox Sports 1, NBC and NBCSN, is seeing viewership stabilize after several years on the decline. This year, amid the pandemic and with four mid-week races (not including the All-Star Race), viewership is off 1% compared with 2019.

So maybe your theory is incorrect and mine is correct. Is it possible? Yes or no?

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