I Think Biden Has Killed MLB

Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

That's what they said about the NFL. Then every conservative on TV gets so excited about football as soon as it started up last fall.
I beg to differ.
I grew up loving Baseball..playing baseball...but after the second time they went on strike, me....and many like me,....stopped following MLB.
Baseball isn't football. Baseball used to be America's game. Those days are long-gone.
Baseball is something we listened to on a radio in 7th grade.
Football is totally different.
I know I watched it up until the second strike, I quit watching it also. Done with football also college and pro, sucks because I'm a lifelong Clemson fan.
Maybe Rodger Goodell will fly into a mountain some day......then they're replace him with a black female transsexual.
OK leftist. You were raised poorly as you don’t even answer questions. Pretty sad.

Not my fault you’re an idiot.
Why? Because you refuse to answer questions and then go on personal attacks? Your theory is just that. It’s unproven.

You personally attack me. I attack you back.

Have fun whining about that. Don’t care.
I was only retaliating. Don’t tread on me.

As was I. You attack me and I attack back.
“Watch and learn” you fired the first shot little man.

Not my problem if you’re sensitive.
Not my problem you were raised poorly

Your parents raised a moron who asks stupid questions.
They didn't raise you? I'll ask, maybe they did after I moved out.

Lame attempt at a childish insult.

It’s a shame that you are raising anyone at all.
Only question was do you think you’re 100% right and I am 100% wrong.

Very few things in life are 100%, including this.

Not my fault you’re so simple-minded that you asked this.
Give me a %? Scared? Silly leftist.

I don’t have a percentage to give you.

You’re not very bright if I need to explain this to you.
50% fair? So because of this one conversation you deemed me not to be very bright? LOL
OK leftist. You were raised poorly as you don’t even answer questions. Pretty sad.

Not my fault you’re an idiot.
Why? Because you refuse to answer questions and then go on personal attacks? Your theory is just that. It’s unproven.

You personally attack me. I attack you back.

Have fun whining about that. Don’t care.
I was only retaliating. Don’t tread on me.

As was I. You attack me and I attack back.
“Watch and learn” you fired the first shot little man.

Not my problem if you’re sensitive.
Not my problem you were raised poorly

Your parents raised a moron who asks stupid questions.
They didn't raise you? I'll ask, maybe they did after I moved out.

Lame attempt at a childish insult.

It’s a shame that you are raising anyone at all.
Could be worse. I've seen it firsthand. Why diss my kids? Not cool.
Only question was do you think you’re 100% right and I am 100% wrong.

Very few things in life are 100%, including this.

Not my fault you’re so simple-minded that you asked this.
Give me a %? Scared? Silly leftist.

I don’t have a percentage to give you.

You’re not very bright if I need to explain this to you.
50% fair? So because of this one conversation you deemed me not to be very bright? LOL

No. 50% is not fair. A simple-minded moron would think that two events must be equally likely to happen.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.

Then they should love Georgia's new laws.
OK leftist. You were raised poorly as you don’t even answer questions. Pretty sad.

Not my fault you’re an idiot.
Why? Because you refuse to answer questions and then go on personal attacks? Your theory is just that. It’s unproven.

You personally attack me. I attack you back.

Have fun whining about that. Don’t care.
I was only retaliating. Don’t tread on me.

As was I. You attack me and I attack back.
“Watch and learn” you fired the first shot little man.

Not my problem if you’re sensitive.
Not my problem you were raised poorly

Your parents raised a moron who asks stupid questions.
They didn't raise you? I'll ask, maybe they did after I moved out.

Lame attempt at a childish insult.

It’s a shame that you are raising anyone at all.
Could be worse. I've seen it firsthand. Why diss my kids? Not cool.

I respond in kind. So that’s your problem.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

So what exactly did Biden do?
Did he pass a bunch of "Jim Crow" legislation to keep PoC from voting? no
Did he take ownership of MLB? No

Maybe stop doing racist crap rather than blaming biden for your doing racist crap is a better solution?
There was ample evidence that Russia tampered with the 2016 election. Our Intelligence agencies and Justice Dept confirmed it

Yeah, they ran some Facebook adds, like anybody makes their voting decisions based on what somebody posted on Facebook. :rolleyes:
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.
Pro less restrictive voting rights? Is that even a thing?

Don't you mean anti-voter oppression?

What you really mean is you think most of America wants illegal migrants voting in our elections, right?
Also, you think stealing elections is a right....if you're a Democrat.

Yes I mean what the republicans are doing is suppression of the vote and the all star Baseball league can boycott Atlanta whenever they see fit.

There has been NO PROOF that the election was fraudulent and really tramp did win. Biden won fair and square and TRAMP LOST.

"Biden won fair and square..."

Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.
Pro less restrictive voting rights? Is that even a thing?

Don't you mean anti-voter oppression?

What you really mean is you think most of America wants illegal migrants voting in our elections, right?
Also, you think stealing elections is a right....if you're a Democrat.

Yes I mean what the republicans are doing is suppression of the vote and the all star Baseball league can boycott Atlanta whenever they see fit.

There has been NO PROOF that the election was fraudulent and really tramp did win. Biden won fair and square and TRAMP LOST.

"Biden won fair and square..."

They rate viewership by how many televisions they're monitoring --not by how many people are in a bar or restaurant.

You made that up.

No, your link said the same thing. It monitors televisions in various way to see who and how many are watching.

You clearly don't understand how tv ratings work.

If you did, you'd know that your argument doesn't work.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Like the author, I grew up listening to Koufax and Drysdale and when I became an adult went to 81 Angels games a year for years. MLB Baseball became dead to me a few years ago. I’ve pleaded with our local minor league team to stay out of politics. We’ll see if that lasts.
What business is it of yours?

If you want to vote in person, by all means do it.

Everybody should have to do it. No more catering to the stupid and politically ignorant to get them to vote. If you are too lazy to vote in person, it means you don't care enough about it, and likely don't know WTF you are even voting on which is why the commies are doing what they are doing.

The more stupid lazy people who vote, the better chances Democrats have of winning, and they know that fully well.

Everyone should be able to vote without bossy A-Holes telling them it can’t be too easy or everyone will want to do it.

You want it hard to vote?
How about we make everyone run five miles before they are allowed to vote?
How about we put the voting booths at the top of the Empire State Building and everyone has to walk to the top to be allowed to vote.

That way, people will appreciate the privilege

When you allow people who are disqualified from voting to vote, you tarnish legitimate voters.

When you stuff ballot boxes with "votes" from imaginary voters, you tarnish legitimate voters.
Wrong again Skippy.

Mail in ballots only go to Registered Voters
Nobody is stuffing ballot boxes. Witnesses from both parties are watching

Who then throw out the ballots, which are then harvested by anyone wanting to do so.

Registered voter rolls are bloated with dead people and ineligible voters such as felons and people who moved.

And when someone tries to clean up the voter rolls, progs throw a fit.

Throw out ballots?
From someone’s mailbox?
Are you accusing mailmen of destroying ballots?

No, some people just get rid of them, others never report their moving, or the person in question dying.

I'm talking about recipients.

In that case, the ballot is not cast, nor should it be.
If you requested a mail in and someone threw it out before you received it you can request another or vote in person with a contingency ballot

or it's harvested by operatives and filed.

How does that work?
Most states ban harvesting.

How do you propose to harvest without being caught?

So all crime is caught 100% of the time?

All States ban murder, how many murders go unsolved?

Again you are claiming there is a crime without any evidence.

There was ample evidence that Russia tampered with the 2016 election. Our Intelligence agencies and Justice Dept confirmed it

There is no evidence of consequential voter fraud. Trumps own Justice Dept and Republican Sec States confirmed it.

Baseball is something we listened to on a radio in 7th grade.
Football is totally different.

To me it's pretty much the same. I could never get enjoyment listening to a baseball game on the radio. It's kind of like watching a rock concert on TV with the sound turned off.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.

You may be right, or you may be wrong on this.

But the point is that MLB has decided to become involved in a contentious political issue instead of concerning itself with the legality of the spit ball and the bean ball.

Stupid ass move IMHO. Alienating tens of millions of fans is bad, as well as alienating tens of millions of taxpayers. MLB plays their games largely in government owned facilities and broadcasts their games over the public airwaves.
Tens of millions of fans are not supportive of Georgia's racist voter suppression efforts.
What do you do if those players pull out?

May come as something of a surprise but a huge portion of the people you worship on the fields are the same ones you would try to keep from voting.

Maybe if you fix what's broken you don't have to attack what isn't?
Baseball is something we listened to on a radio in 7th grade.
Football is totally different.

To me it's pretty much the same. I could never get enjoyment listening to a baseball game on the radio. It's kind of like watching a rock concert on TV with the sound turned off.
Baseball is made for the radio. The slower action makes the broadcast perfect for a "family" get together.
No offense but it's obvious you never heard Harry Carey, Bob Prince, Joe Nuxall, and others from the 50s and 60s on the radio.
Listening to them you got to feel you actually knew every player on the team.

Of course now days that's useless information since half the team is gone every year.
And maybe that's the trouble with radio today?

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