I Think Biden Has Killed MLB

Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

That's what they said about the NFL. Then every conservative on TV gets so excited about football as soon as it started up last fall.
I beg to differ.
I grew up loving Baseball..playing baseball...but after the second time they went on strike, me....and many like me,....stopped following MLB.
Baseball isn't football. Baseball used to be America's game. Those days are long-gone.
Baseball is something we listened to on a radio in 7th grade.
Football is totally different.
I know I watched it up until the second strike, I quit watching it also. Done with football also college and pro, sucks because I'm a lifelong Clemson fan.
conservatives are such Snowflakes
No, not at all. Baseball players making millions, strike for a second time hurting their fans. Screw them. Football i stopped watching because of the kneeling, which totally disrespects our troops. Started watching again, after Jones said not one of his players would kneel. Being a ex cowboy fan i started watching again. Then this year they embraced blm, college too, screw them too. I watched football to get away from politics.
What business is it of yours how much money they make.?

I thought you liked rich people?
Baseball thinks that Black Lives Matter
They oppose voter suppression laws.

No wonder conservatives hate them
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.

You may be right, or you may be wrong on this.

But the point is that MLB has decided to become involved in a contentious political issue instead of concerning itself with the legality of the spit ball and the bean ball.

Stupid ass move IMHO. Alienating tens of millions of fans is bad, as well as alienating tens of millions of taxpayers. MLB plays their games largely in government owned facilities and broadcasts their games over the public airwaves.
Tens of millions of fans are not supportive of Georgia's racist voter suppression efforts.
What do you do if those players pull out?

May come as something of a surprise but a huge portion of the people you worship on the fields are the same ones you would try to keep from voting.

Maybe if you fix what's broken you don't have to attack what isn't?

I don't "worship" anyone who plays ball, as I am no longer 10 years old.

However, I expect people who perform services- whether its to pour me a shot and beer, cut my hair, shine my shoes or give me a prostate exam to do it without regards to their political beliefs. I don't want to know theirs, and I'm not going to bother discussing mine with them.

Dividing this country into rigidly defined political castes that no one can cross is sort of stupid. We are a country based upon the idea of being able to disagree civilly and not break off all contact because we disagree.
There was ample evidence that Russia tampered with the 2016 election. Our Intelligence agencies and Justice Dept confirmed it

Yeah, they ran some Facebook adds, like anybody makes their voting decisions based on what somebody posted on Facebook. :rolleyes:
Hacked the DNC server and provided Trump information he could use against Hillary
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.

You may be right, or you may be wrong on this.

But the point is that MLB has decided to become involved in a contentious political issue instead of concerning itself with the legality of the spit ball and the bean ball.

Stupid ass move IMHO. Alienating tens of millions of fans is bad, as well as alienating tens of millions of taxpayers. MLB plays their games largely in government owned facilities and broadcasts their games over the public airwaves.
Tens of millions of fans are not supportive of Georgia's racist voter suppression efforts.
What do you do if those players pull out?

May come as something of a surprise but a huge portion of the people you worship on the fields are the same ones you would try to keep from voting.

Maybe if you fix what's broken you don't have to attack what isn't?

Tens of millions of fans believe the lies people like you have spread about Georgia's law. I believe it is actually less restrictive to vote in Georgia than it is in New York State or California.
Baseball is something we listened to on a radio in 7th grade.
Football is totally different.

To me it's pretty much the same. I could never get enjoyment listening to a baseball game on the radio. It's kind of like watching a rock concert on TV with the sound turned off.
Baseball radio announcers used to be good.
. I believe it is actually less restrictive to vote in Georgia than it is in New York State or California.

Neither requires voter ID
Neither places limits on absentee voting.
Neither allows the state to overrule local elections
Neither will arrest you for giving a drink of water
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.

You may be right, or you may be wrong on this.

But the point is that MLB has decided to become involved in a contentious political issue instead of concerning itself with the legality of the spit ball and the bean ball.

Stupid ass move IMHO. Alienating tens of millions of fans is bad, as well as alienating tens of millions of taxpayers. MLB plays their games largely in government owned facilities and broadcasts their games over the public airwaves.
Tens of millions of fans are not supportive of Georgia's racist voter suppression efforts.
What do you do if those players pull out?

May come as something of a surprise but a huge portion of the people you worship on the fields are the same ones you would try to keep from voting.

Maybe if you fix what's broken you don't have to attack what isn't?

Tens of millions of fans believe the lies people like you have spread about Georgia's law. I believe it is actually less restrictive to vote in Georgia than it is in New York State or California.
Democrats think they can make up any bullshit lie and repeat it every 15 mins for a month.....and eventually most people will think their bullshit lie is reality.

But Democrat voters believe everything Democrats say immediately. They're used to being pissed on and having it called rain. They expect it.

It's why they never believe anything a Republican says. They're used to being lied to. The truth to them is basically who is telling the lie.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.

You may be right, or you may be wrong on this.

But the point is that MLB has decided to become involved in a contentious political issue instead of concerning itself with the legality of the spit ball and the bean ball.

Stupid ass move IMHO. Alienating tens of millions of fans is bad, as well as alienating tens of millions of taxpayers. MLB plays their games largely in government owned facilities and broadcasts their games over the public airwaves.
Tens of millions of fans are not supportive of Georgia's racist voter suppression efforts.
What do you do if those players pull out?

May come as something of a surprise but a huge portion of the people you worship on the fields are the same ones you would try to keep from voting.

Maybe if you fix what's broken you don't have to attack what isn't?
Yet MLB will play 81 games this year in racist Georgia.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.

You may be right, or you may be wrong on this.

But the point is that MLB has decided to become involved in a contentious political issue instead of concerning itself with the legality of the spit ball and the bean ball.

Stupid ass move IMHO. Alienating tens of millions of fans is bad, as well as alienating tens of millions of taxpayers. MLB plays their games largely in government owned facilities and broadcasts their games over the public airwaves.
Tens of millions of fans are not supportive of Georgia's racist voter suppression efforts.
What do you do if those players pull out?

May come as something of a surprise but a huge portion of the people you worship on the fields are the same ones you would try to keep from voting.

Maybe if you fix what's broken you don't have to attack what isn't?

I don't "worship" anyone who plays ball, as I am no longer 10 years old.

However, I expect people who perform services- whether its to pour me a shot and beer, cut my hair, shine my shoes or give me a prostate exam to do it without regards to their political beliefs. I don't want to know theirs, and I'm not going to bother discussing mine with them.

Dividing this country into rigidly defined political castes that no one can cross is sort of stupid. We are a country based upon the idea of being able to disagree civilly and not break off all contact because we disagree.
If you don't like it. Don't do it.
Based on your comment I'd say Augusta National around 1970 is perfect for you.
None of them allowed to be members.
Only allowed as tournament players
No women members
Women not allowed to play without their husbands
Even though Blacks and Women couldn't join or play you'll be happy to know they kept their mouths shut while serving those lily white members.

Welcome home.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.

You may be right, or you may be wrong on this.

But the point is that MLB has decided to become involved in a contentious political issue instead of concerning itself with the legality of the spit ball and the bean ball.

Stupid ass move IMHO. Alienating tens of millions of fans is bad, as well as alienating tens of millions of taxpayers. MLB plays their games largely in government owned facilities and broadcasts their games over the public airwaves.
Tens of millions of fans are not supportive of Georgia's racist voter suppression efforts.
What do you do if those players pull out?

May come as something of a surprise but a huge portion of the people you worship on the fields are the same ones you would try to keep from voting.

Maybe if you fix what's broken you don't have to attack what isn't?

Tens of millions of fans believe the lies people like you have spread about Georgia's law. I believe it is actually less restrictive to vote in Georgia than it is in New York State or California.
Well guess what?
No one cares what you believe because, and listen closely....
Those laws were passed to prevent Black people from voting and in the off chance they do get to vote...
To make absolutely sure their votes don't count.

Those aren't lies.
You can express an opinion about the effect of the laws but you cannot deny their intent.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.

You may be right, or you may be wrong on this.

But the point is that MLB has decided to become involved in a contentious political issue instead of concerning itself with the legality of the spit ball and the bean ball.

Stupid ass move IMHO. Alienating tens of millions of fans is bad, as well as alienating tens of millions of taxpayers. MLB plays their games largely in government owned facilities and broadcasts their games over the public airwaves.
Tens of millions of fans are not supportive of Georgia's racist voter suppression efforts.
What do you do if those players pull out?

May come as something of a surprise but a huge portion of the people you worship on the fields are the same ones you would try to keep from voting.

Maybe if you fix what's broken you don't have to attack what isn't?
Yet MLB will play 81 games this year in racist Georgia.
To a bunch of pictures in the stands.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Why boycott major league baseball because ex-President Chaos tells you to do that?
Everything he touches dies. Baseball is essentially dead anyway, but why allow Trump to put the final nail in the coffin? Can't any of you think?
What does Trump have to do with this????

Stupid asshole.
He agreed with the idea of a boycott and you Trump fanatics are now drooling.
Stupid asshole.
so if he agreed with something...then by definition he wasn't the one pushing the issue. Geez....President Trump is no longer in office. He is the former President. Xiden is the President, he was the one that used influrence, lies propaganda, and threat of brown shirt storm troopers to force MLB to make this choice, that will greatly impact the future of the sport.
Corporations are also telling Georgia they won’t do business with them if they pass voter suppression laws.
Good they shouldn't...but GA hasn't passed any voter suppression laws. What we see from Delta, and Coke etc are companies reacting to threats from a totalarian regime, using lies and propaganda.
What threats?
when he told them to leave GA....MLB, like every other company has seen what the DNC Brown Shirts have done to cities and businesses....they don't live in a bubble.
Did he tell them to leave or did he just agree with the idea?
Under threat of the DNC Brownshirts...look what they did to small and large businesses around the country when the Dems told them not to accept the 2016 election
Dems did not tell anybody not to accept the 2016 election. You got the year wrong.
The facts are that President cockroach told his gullible supporters that the 2020 election was "stolen", an outright falsehood that many of his conned supporters still believe and which culminated in the "lovefest" of Jan 6.
Democrats claimed that Republicans stole the election for 5 years. Stacey Abrams claimed she was robbed when she lost the Georgia governor's race. They claimed that Bush stole the 2000 election....and still do to this day. When they lose....they claim they were ripped off. This was by design.....so that when they pulled it off in 2020 everyone would say election fraud is a lie.
Democrats did not claim that the Republicans stole anything and the courts decided, just like they decided in Trump's case. Of course, the issue was "hanging chads" and not phony voter fraud.
Abram's complaint was that the Republican governor was subverting the vote.
Dems objected to Bush's win until it was settled by the Vice President who did his lawful duty. They did not mount an insurrection of our Capitol to prevent that electoral win and Gore was not doing anything unlawful to incite his minions. In fact, he conceded rather than have any whining, complaining, or meowing. To Gore, our Democracy operating efficiently was more important than his personal feelings. I applaud him.
Then there is the one and only ex-president Trump, whose huge ego was more important than a smooth transition, and he proceeded to encourage his easily conned minions to erupt. The guy doesn't care about America or you. He cares only about himself.
apppf...the Dems started their insurrections against Trump on election day in 2016 and continued it for four years!
As if the GOP didn't do the same to every Democrat President.......:heehee:
No, no GOP President encouraged insurretions for four years, or used their office to undermine the next admin with a fake Russian conspiracy hoax.
What was fake about the Russian con-spiracy?
That there wasn't one....and Obama, Biden etc knew it in 2016....but still pushed it

Here you are, years later...even years after the Mueller Report, and his testimony and you still believe the propaganda...sad
And you believe the con that ex-president Trump lays on all his fanatics.
what con?
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

My question is how many folks that don't like sports leagues and companies putting their economic thumb on the political scale have actually voiced their opinions to them?

Here's an email address for MLB.

[email protected]

For Home Depot

[email protected]

Coke has a message link on their site as does Delta Airlines.

Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

That's what they said about the NFL. Then every conservative on TV gets so excited about football as soon as it started up last fall.
I beg to differ.
I grew up loving Baseball..playing baseball...but after the second time they went on strike, me....and many like me,....stopped following MLB.
Baseball isn't football. Baseball used to be America's game. Those days are long-gone.
Baseball is something we listened to on a radio in 7th grade.
Football is totally different.
I know I watched it up until the second strike, I quit watching it also. Done with football also college and pro, sucks because I'm a lifelong Clemson fan.
conservatives are such Snowflakes
No, not at all. Baseball players making millions, strike for a second time hurting their fans. Screw them. Football i stopped watching because of the kneeling, which totally disrespects our troops. Started watching again, after Jones said not one of his players would kneel. Being a ex cowboy fan i started watching again. Then this year they embraced blm, college too, screw them too. I watched football to get away from politics.
What business is it of yours how much money they make.?

I thought you liked rich people?
None of my business, but if I disagree with their reactions and respond to it the way I see fit. It's none of your business. Oh, and I don't call anyone out or threat anyone that wants to watch it. See, that's how it works in a sane world.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

My question is how many folks that don't like sports leagues and companies putting their economic thumb on the political scale have actually voiced their opinions to them?

Here's an email address for MLB.

[email protected]

For Home Depot

[email protected]

Coke has a message link on their site as does Delta Airlines.

The only feedback they care about is $$$$
Only question was do you think you’re 100% right and I am 100% wrong.

Very few things in life are 100%, including this.

Not my fault you’re so simple-minded that you asked this.
Give me a %? Scared? Silly leftist.

I don’t have a percentage to give you.

You’re not very bright if I need to explain this to you.
50% fair? So because of this one conversation you deemed me not to be very bright? LOL

No. 50% is not fair. A simple-minded moron would think that two events must be equally likely to happen.
LOL then what is fair? Insult my kids some more. It’s funny.

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