I Think Biden Has Killed MLB

Only question was do you think you’re 100% right and I am 100% wrong.

Very few things in life are 100%, including this.

Not my fault you’re so simple-minded that you asked this.
Give me a %? Scared? Silly leftist.

I don’t have a percentage to give you.

You’re not very bright if I need to explain this to you.
50% fair? So because of this one conversation you deemed me not to be very bright? LOL

No. 50% is not fair. A simple-minded moron would think that two events must be equally likely to happen.
LOL then what is fair? Insult my kids some more. It’s funny.

Quit whining, Trumpster. Don’t insult people if you don’t want to be insulted back.

And I was insulting you. Not your kids.
Only question was do you think you’re 100% right and I am 100% wrong.

Very few things in life are 100%, including this.

Not my fault you’re so simple-minded that you asked this.
Give me a %? Scared? Silly leftist.

I don’t have a percentage to give you.

You’re not very bright if I need to explain this to you.
50% fair? So because of this one conversation you deemed me not to be very bright? LOL

No. 50% is not fair. A simple-minded moron would think that two events must be equally likely to happen.
LOL then what is fair? Insult my kids some more. It’s funny.

Quit whining, Trumpster. Don’t insult people if you don’t want to be insulted back.

And I was insulting you. Not your kids.
Whining is what you do daily. You’re a leftist. Your 49ers made a stupid trade and will suck for the next 10 years. You were insulting my kids but it’s OK as I do not respect you or your stupid opinions.
Only question was do you think you’re 100% right and I am 100% wrong.

Very few things in life are 100%, including this.

Not my fault you’re so simple-minded that you asked this.
Give me a %? Scared? Silly leftist.

I don’t have a percentage to give you.

You’re not very bright if I need to explain this to you.
50% fair? So because of this one conversation you deemed me not to be very bright? LOL

No. 50% is not fair. A simple-minded moron would think that two events must be equally likely to happen.
LOL then what is fair? Insult my kids some more. It’s funny.

Quit whining, Trumpster. Don’t insult people if you don’t want to be insulted back.

And I was insulting you. Not your kids.
Whining is what you do daily. You’re a leftist. Your 49ers made a stupid trade and will suck for the next 10 years. You were insulting my kids but it’s OK as I do not respect you or your stupid opinions.

You have no argument. You’re just whining.

Your reading comprehension deficiencies are your problem, not mine.
Only question was do you think you’re 100% right and I am 100% wrong.

Very few things in life are 100%, including this.

Not my fault you’re so simple-minded that you asked this.
Give me a %? Scared? Silly leftist.

I don’t have a percentage to give you.

You’re not very bright if I need to explain this to you.
50% fair? So because of this one conversation you deemed me not to be very bright? LOL

No. 50% is not fair. A simple-minded moron would think that two events must be equally likely to happen.
LOL then what is fair? Insult my kids some more. It’s funny.

Quit whining, Trumpster. Don’t insult people if you don’t want to be insulted back.

And I was insulting you. Not your kids.
Whining is what you do daily. You’re a leftist. Your 49ers made a stupid trade and will suck for the next 10 years. You were insulting my kids but it’s OK as I do not respect you or your stupid opinions.

You have no argument. You’re just whining.

Your reading comprehension deficiencies are your problem, not mine.
My argument is that your argument has zero basis. It’s just a hunch. But your reasoning is at best flawed. Then again you’re an idiot leftist so it’s par for the course.
Only question was do you think you’re 100% right and I am 100% wrong.

Very few things in life are 100%, including this.

Not my fault you’re so simple-minded that you asked this.
Give me a %? Scared? Silly leftist.

I don’t have a percentage to give you.

You’re not very bright if I need to explain this to you.
50% fair? So because of this one conversation you deemed me not to be very bright? LOL

No. 50% is not fair. A simple-minded moron would think that two events must be equally likely to happen.
LOL then what is fair? Insult my kids some more. It’s funny.

Quit whining, Trumpster. Don’t insult people if you don’t want to be insulted back.

And I was insulting you. Not your kids.
Whining is what you do daily. You’re a leftist. Your 49ers made a stupid trade and will suck for the next 10 years. You were insulting my kids but it’s OK as I do not respect you or your stupid opinions.

You have no argument. You’re just whining.

Your reading comprehension deficiencies are your problem, not mine.
My argument is that your argument has zero basis. It’s just a hunch. But your reasoning is at best flawed. Then again you’re an idiot leftist so it’s par for the course.

Then watch and learn.

Your lack of reasoning capabilities is your problem.
Only question was do you think you’re 100% right and I am 100% wrong.

Very few things in life are 100%, including this.

Not my fault you’re so simple-minded that you asked this.
Give me a %? Scared? Silly leftist.

I don’t have a percentage to give you.

You’re not very bright if I need to explain this to you.
50% fair? So because of this one conversation you deemed me not to be very bright? LOL

No. 50% is not fair. A simple-minded moron would think that two events must be equally likely to happen.
LOL then what is fair? Insult my kids some more. It’s funny.

Quit whining, Trumpster. Don’t insult people if you don’t want to be insulted back.

And I was insulting you. Not your kids.
Whining is what you do daily. You’re a leftist. Your 49ers made a stupid trade and will suck for the next 10 years. You were insulting my kids but it’s OK as I do not respect you or your stupid opinions.

You have no argument. You’re just whining.

Your reading comprehension deficiencies are your problem, not mine.
My argument is that your argument has zero basis. It’s just a hunch. But your reasoning is at best flawed. Then again you’re an idiot leftist so it’s par for the course.

Then watch and learn.

Your lack of reasoning capabilities is your problem.
Bars are still open and TVs are on so those viewers are being captured. Your rationale doesn’t make any sense.
Only question was do you think you’re 100% right and I am 100% wrong.

Very few things in life are 100%, including this.

Not my fault you’re so simple-minded that you asked this.
Give me a %? Scared? Silly leftist.

I don’t have a percentage to give you.

You’re not very bright if I need to explain this to you.
50% fair? So because of this one conversation you deemed me not to be very bright? LOL

No. 50% is not fair. A simple-minded moron would think that two events must be equally likely to happen.
LOL then what is fair? Insult my kids some more. It’s funny.

Quit whining, Trumpster. Don’t insult people if you don’t want to be insulted back.

And I was insulting you. Not your kids.
Whining is what you do daily. You’re a leftist. Your 49ers made a stupid trade and will suck for the next 10 years. You were insulting my kids but it’s OK as I do not respect you or your stupid opinions.

You have no argument. You’re just whining.

Your reading comprehension deficiencies are your problem, not mine.
My argument is that your argument has zero basis. It’s just a hunch. But your reasoning is at best flawed. Then again you’re an idiot leftist so it’s par for the course.

Then watch and learn.

Your lack of reasoning capabilities is your problem.
Bars are still open and TVs are on so those viewers are being captured. Your rationale doesn’t make any sense.

I explained it already and you’re not smart enough to understand.

Your stupidity isn’t my problem. Watch and learn.
Hacked the DNC server and provided Trump information he could use against Hillary

:link: :link: :link: :link:

The DNC server was an inside job as no evidence was found of internet data transfer. In other words, somebody from the inside (a Democrat) got in there with a jump drive and copied that material.

Furthermore the commies refused to let the FBI investigate those servers for obvious reasons. They decided to hire a private company (one they could control) instead.

It had absolutely nothing to do with Russia.

The only people known to deal with Russia to get dirt on an opponent was Hillary Clinton and the DNC.
US intelligence determined it was Russia
Only Trump claimed otherwise
Only question was do you think you’re 100% right and I am 100% wrong.

Very few things in life are 100%, including this.

Not my fault you’re so simple-minded that you asked this.
Give me a %? Scared? Silly leftist.

I don’t have a percentage to give you.

You’re not very bright if I need to explain this to you.
50% fair? So because of this one conversation you deemed me not to be very bright? LOL

No. 50% is not fair. A simple-minded moron would think that two events must be equally likely to happen.
LOL then what is fair? Insult my kids some more. It’s funny.

Quit whining, Trumpster. Don’t insult people if you don’t want to be insulted back.

And I was insulting you. Not your kids.
Whining is what you do daily. You’re a leftist. Your 49ers made a stupid trade and will suck for the next 10 years. You were insulting my kids but it’s OK as I do not respect you or your stupid opinions.

You have no argument. You’re just whining.

Your reading comprehension deficiencies are your problem, not mine.
My argument is that your argument has zero basis. It’s just a hunch. But your reasoning is at best flawed. Then again you’re an idiot leftist so it’s par for the course.

Then watch and learn.

Your lack of reasoning capabilities is your problem.
Bars are still open and TVs are on so those viewers are being captured. Your rationale doesn’t make any sense.

I explained it already and you’re not smart enough to understand.

Your stupidity isn’t my problem. Watch and learn.
Your explanation doesn’t make any sense. You lash out like my kids. Lol
. I believe it is actually less restrictive to vote in Georgia than it is in New York State or California.

Neither requires voter ID
Neither places limits on absentee voting.
Neither allows the state to overrule local elections
Neither will arrest you for giving a drink of water

Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.

You may be right, or you may be wrong on this.

But the point is that MLB has decided to become involved in a contentious political issue instead of concerning itself with the legality of the spit ball and the bean ball.

Stupid ass move IMHO. Alienating tens of millions of fans is bad, as well as alienating tens of millions of taxpayers. MLB plays their games largely in government owned facilities and broadcasts their games over the public airwaves.
Tens of millions of fans are not supportive of Georgia's racist voter suppression efforts.
What do you do if those players pull out?

May come as something of a surprise but a huge portion of the people you worship on the fields are the same ones you would try to keep from voting.

Maybe if you fix what's broken you don't have to attack what isn't?

Tens of millions of fans believe the lies people like you have spread about Georgia's law. I believe it is actually less restrictive to vote in Georgia than it is in New York State or California.
Well guess what?
No one cares what you believe because, and listen closely....
Those laws were passed to prevent Black people from voting and in the off chance they do get to vote...
To make absolutely sure their votes don't count.

Those aren't lies.
You can express an opinion about the effect of the laws but you cannot deny their intent.

You are a lying propagandist and I won't waste time reading your stupidity.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Yeah, like Y'all demolished Twitter when Trump got banned. Twitter has millions more followers than a year ago. But you folks go right ahead and pout. I like the sound of the bat hitting the ball on a lazy summer afternoon, and I'm not about to let politics interfere with that.
Only question was do you think you’re 100% right and I am 100% wrong.

Very few things in life are 100%, including this.

Not my fault you’re so simple-minded that you asked this.
Give me a %? Scared? Silly leftist.

I don’t have a percentage to give you.

You’re not very bright if I need to explain this to you.
50% fair? So because of this one conversation you deemed me not to be very bright? LOL

No. 50% is not fair. A simple-minded moron would think that two events must be equally likely to happen.
LOL then what is fair? Insult my kids some more. It’s funny.

Quit whining, Trumpster. Don’t insult people if you don’t want to be insulted back.

And I was insulting you. Not your kids.
Whining is what you do daily. You’re a leftist. Your 49ers made a stupid trade and will suck for the next 10 years. You were insulting my kids but it’s OK as I do not respect you or your stupid opinions.

You have no argument. You’re just whining.

Your reading comprehension deficiencies are your problem, not mine.
My argument is that your argument has zero basis. It’s just a hunch. But your reasoning is at best flawed. Then again you’re an idiot leftist so it’s par for the course.

Then watch and learn.

Your lack of reasoning capabilities is your problem.
Bars are still open and TVs are on so those viewers are being captured. Your rationale doesn’t make any sense.

I explained it already and you’re not smart enough to understand.

Your stupidity isn’t my problem. Watch and learn.
Your explanation doesn’t make any sense. You lash out like my kids. Lol

I’m sure a lot of things don’t make sense to you.

Your deficiencies aren’t my problem.
Only question was do you think you’re 100% right and I am 100% wrong.

Very few things in life are 100%, including this.

Not my fault you’re so simple-minded that you asked this.
Give me a %? Scared? Silly leftist.

I don’t have a percentage to give you.

You’re not very bright if I need to explain this to you.
50% fair? So because of this one conversation you deemed me not to be very bright? LOL

No. 50% is not fair. A simple-minded moron would think that two events must be equally likely to happen.
LOL then what is fair? Insult my kids some more. It’s funny.

Quit whining, Trumpster. Don’t insult people if you don’t want to be insulted back.

And I was insulting you. Not your kids.
Whining is what you do daily. You’re a leftist. Your 49ers made a stupid trade and will suck for the next 10 years. You were insulting my kids but it’s OK as I do not respect you or your stupid opinions.

You have no argument. You’re just whining.

Your reading comprehension deficiencies are your problem, not mine.
My argument is that your argument has zero basis. It’s just a hunch. But your reasoning is at best flawed. Then again you’re an idiot leftist so it’s par for the course.

Then watch and learn.

Your lack of reasoning capabilities is your problem.
Bars are still open and TVs are on so those viewers are being captured. Your rationale doesn’t make any sense.

I explained it already and you’re not smart enough to understand.

Your stupidity isn’t my problem. Watch and learn.
Your explanation doesn’t make any sense. You lash out like my kids. Lol

I’m sure a lot of things don’t make sense to you.

Your deficiencies aren’t my problem.
More lashing out. You said bars were closed. They aren’t. Your argument is invalid. At least you’re consistent. Still watching...but many no longer are
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Most of America is going to boycott MLB.

No, no they're not.

Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball

Baseball has recovered from the strike generations ago and will continue to strive moving forward without you slack jawed knuckle draggers.
Only question was do you think you’re 100% right and I am 100% wrong.

Very few things in life are 100%, including this.

Not my fault you’re so simple-minded that you asked this.
Give me a %? Scared? Silly leftist.

I don’t have a percentage to give you.

You’re not very bright if I need to explain this to you.
50% fair? So because of this one conversation you deemed me not to be very bright? LOL

No. 50% is not fair. A simple-minded moron would think that two events must be equally likely to happen.
LOL then what is fair? Insult my kids some more. It’s funny.

Quit whining, Trumpster. Don’t insult people if you don’t want to be insulted back.

And I was insulting you. Not your kids.
Whining is what you do daily. You’re a leftist. Your 49ers made a stupid trade and will suck for the next 10 years. You were insulting my kids but it’s OK as I do not respect you or your stupid opinions.

You have no argument. You’re just whining.

Your reading comprehension deficiencies are your problem, not mine.
My argument is that your argument has zero basis. It’s just a hunch. But your reasoning is at best flawed. Then again you’re an idiot leftist so it’s par for the course.

Then watch and learn.

Your lack of reasoning capabilities is your problem.
Bars are still open and TVs are on so those viewers are being captured. Your rationale doesn’t make any sense.

I explained it already and you’re not smart enough to understand.

Your stupidity isn’t my problem. Watch and learn.
Your explanation doesn’t make any sense. You lash out like my kids. Lol

I’m sure a lot of things don’t make sense to you.

Your deficiencies aren’t my problem.
More lashing out. You said bars were closed. They aren’t. Your argument is invalid. At least you’re consistent. Still watching...but many no longer are

Sorry you're not smart enough to follow. It's ok, I know you tried.
Only question was do you think you’re 100% right and I am 100% wrong.

Very few things in life are 100%, including this.

Not my fault you’re so simple-minded that you asked this.
Give me a %? Scared? Silly leftist.

I don’t have a percentage to give you.

You’re not very bright if I need to explain this to you.
50% fair? So because of this one conversation you deemed me not to be very bright? LOL

No. 50% is not fair. A simple-minded moron would think that two events must be equally likely to happen.
LOL then what is fair? Insult my kids some more. It’s funny.

Quit whining, Trumpster. Don’t insult people if you don’t want to be insulted back.

And I was insulting you. Not your kids.
Whining is what you do daily. You’re a leftist. Your 49ers made a stupid trade and will suck for the next 10 years. You were insulting my kids but it’s OK as I do not respect you or your stupid opinions.

You have no argument. You’re just whining.

Your reading comprehension deficiencies are your problem, not mine.
My argument is that your argument has zero basis. It’s just a hunch. But your reasoning is at best flawed. Then again you’re an idiot leftist so it’s par for the course.

Then watch and learn.

Your lack of reasoning capabilities is your problem.
Bars are still open and TVs are on so those viewers are being captured. Your rationale doesn’t make any sense.

I explained it already and you’re not smart enough to understand.

Your stupidity isn’t my problem. Watch and learn.
Your explanation doesn’t make any sense. You lash out like my kids. Lol

I’m sure a lot of things don’t make sense to you.

Your deficiencies aren’t my problem.
More lashing out. You said bars were closed. They aren’t. Your argument is invalid. At least you’re consistent. Still watching...but many no longer are

Sorry you're not smart enough to follow. It's ok, I know you tried.
We agree!!! You are sorry. You’re just back pedaling now. It’s OK, leftist.
Only question was do you think you’re 100% right and I am 100% wrong.

Very few things in life are 100%, including this.

Not my fault you’re so simple-minded that you asked this.
Give me a %? Scared? Silly leftist.

I don’t have a percentage to give you.

You’re not very bright if I need to explain this to you.
50% fair? So because of this one conversation you deemed me not to be very bright? LOL

No. 50% is not fair. A simple-minded moron would think that two events must be equally likely to happen.
LOL then what is fair? Insult my kids some more. It’s funny.

Quit whining, Trumpster. Don’t insult people if you don’t want to be insulted back.

And I was insulting you. Not your kids.
Whining is what you do daily. You’re a leftist. Your 49ers made a stupid trade and will suck for the next 10 years. You were insulting my kids but it’s OK as I do not respect you or your stupid opinions.

You have no argument. You’re just whining.

Your reading comprehension deficiencies are your problem, not mine.
My argument is that your argument has zero basis. It’s just a hunch. But your reasoning is at best flawed. Then again you’re an idiot leftist so it’s par for the course.

Then watch and learn.

Your lack of reasoning capabilities is your problem.
Bars are still open and TVs are on so those viewers are being captured. Your rationale doesn’t make any sense.

I explained it already and you’re not smart enough to understand.

Your stupidity isn’t my problem. Watch and learn.
Your explanation doesn’t make any sense. You lash out like my kids. Lol

I’m sure a lot of things don’t make sense to you.

Your deficiencies aren’t my problem.
More lashing out. You said bars were closed. They aren’t. Your argument is invalid. At least you’re consistent. Still watching...but many no longer are

Sorry you're not smart enough to follow. It's ok, I know you tried.
We agree!!! You are sorry. You’re just back pedaling now. It’s OK, leftist.

Whatever you need to tell yourself, Trumpster.

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