I Think Biden Has Killed MLB

I have watched perhaps ten baseball games since the “the strike.” Before “the strike“ I regularly watched baseball.

In the 90's, we had a great team with extremely talented players. While I never went inside to watch them unless we had bad weather, I did listen to the Indians games on the radio because I spend much of my time in the yard during global warming. After all, global warming is short lived here up north.

Today I wouldn't watch them even if they were headed to the world series. Besides the bullshit going on now, the management of the team got politically correct last year, changing the emblems of the team to not offend the four or five Indians that protested outside the stadium on opening day, and now even talk about changing the team name entirely.

If we don't start taking a stand against entertainment that takes a political stance, they will keep doing it. As the old saying goes, money talks.

Teams are named after people, animals or things that are admirable. Fans don’t give their favorite team a name like Cockroaches, Mosquitoes or Perverts.

We live in a time when the democrats hope to divide our nation into tribes that all distrust each other and hate the evil white man. The interesting factor in this movement is the Democratic Party is led by evil white men.

Obviously this divide and conquer tactic hopes to destroy our nation as it is. The question is what do the democrats hope to replace the United States with? I suspect the Dems hope a weak Untied States will enable their wonderful socialist Global Government to emerge and implement policies to fight Global Warming (the Democratic Party’s religion). What is more likely is the Chinese will take over the world and rule it with an iron fist.
I have watched perhaps ten baseball games since the “the strike.” Before “the strike“ I regularly watched baseball.

In the 90's, we had a great team with extremely talented players. While I never went inside to watch them unless we had bad weather, I did listen to the Indians games on the radio because I spend much of my time in the yard during global warming. After all, global warming is short lived here up north.

Today I wouldn't watch them even if they were headed to the world series. Besides the bullshit going on now, the management of the team got politically correct last year, changing the emblems of the team to not offend the four or five Indians that protested outside the stadium on opening day, and now even talk about changing the team name entirely.

If we don't start taking a stand against entertainment that takes a political stance, they will keep doing it. As the old saying goes, money talks.

Teams are named after people, animals or things that are admirable. Fans don’t give their favorite team a name like Cockroaches, Mosquitoes or Perverts.

We live in a time when the democrats hope to divide our nation into tribes that all distrust each other and hate the evil white man. The interesting factor in this movement is the Democratic Party is led by evil white men.

Obviously this divide and conquer tactic hopes to destroy our nation as it is. The question is what do the democrats hope to replace the United States with? I suspect the Dems hope a weak Untied States will enable their wonderful socialist Global Government to emerge and implement policies to fight Global Warming (the Democratic Party’s religion). What is more likely is the Chinese will take over the world and rule it with an iron fist.
I guess that you're in the lower educated tribe.
Teams are named after people, animals or things that are admirable. Fans don’t give their favorite team a name like Cockroaches, Mosquitoes or Perverts.

We live in a time when the democrats hope to divide our nation into tribes that all distrust each other and hate the evil white man. The interesting factor in this movement is the Democratic Party is led by evil white men.

Obviously this divide and conquer tactic hopes to destroy our nation as it is. The question is what do the democrats hope to replace the United States with? I suspect the Dems hope a weak Untied States will enable their wonderful socialist Global Government to emerge and implement policies to fight Global Warming (the Democratic Party’s religion). What is more likely is the Chinese will take over the world and rule it with an iron fist.

Absolutely. Sports teams used Indian names because of their past history of bravery, dedication, and honor. Nobody would name their team in mockery.
Now if there was an overwhelmingly outrage by Indian tribes, I would be more acceptable to such changes. But as I pointed out, for years when the Cleveland Indians had their home opening, less than a half-dozen Native Americans showed up and expressed their disapproval.

For whatever reason I have yet to figure out, the communists want to change the entire country over the concerns of a fraction of our society. Eliminate all references to Native Americans. Cater to weirdos who wear dresses that represent a fraction of 1%. Create massive inflation, elimination of jobs, more outsourcing, more industry automation investments, more companies leaving the country by pandering to minimum wage workers, who are around 3% of our workforce, many of them school kids, senior citizens, stay at home housewives none of which really care about their pay. They are either just killing time or trying to make a few bucks.

It makes no sense whatsoever, but liberalism never has.

As I have suggested repeatedly, the only solution to our ongoing problems is to divide this country into two countries. Put a dividing line from north to south right down the middle. One side will be our liberal country, and the other side our conservative country. Anybody in between will just have to decide which side they have most in common with.

If we could accomplish that, then we on the right will erect a huge Trump wall to keep the liberals out of our country. I can't imagine what a great country our side would be without them.
Teams are named after people, animals or things that are admirable. Fans don’t give their favorite team a name like Cockroaches, Mosquitoes or Perverts.

We live in a time when the democrats hope to divide our nation into tribes that all distrust each other and hate the evil white man. The interesting factor in this movement is the Democratic Party is led by evil white men.

Obviously this divide and conquer tactic hopes to destroy our nation as it is. The question is what do the democrats hope to replace the United States with? I suspect the Dems hope a weak Untied States will enable their wonderful socialist Global Government to emerge and implement policies to fight Global Warming (the Democratic Party’s religion). What is more likely is the Chinese will take over the world and rule it with an iron fist.

Absolutely. Sports teams used Indian names because of their past history of bravery, dedication, and honor. Nobody would name their team in mockery.
Now if there was an overwhelmingly outrage by Indian tribes, I would be more acceptable to such changes. But as I pointed out, for years when the Cleveland Indians had their home opening, less than a half-dozen Native Americans showed up and expressed their disapproval.

For whatever reason I have yet to figure out, the communists want to change the entire country over the concerns of a fraction of our society. Eliminate all references to Native Americans. Cater to weirdos who wear dresses that represent a fraction of 1%. Create massive inflation, elimination of jobs, more outsourcing, more industry automation investments, more companies leaving the country by pandering to minimum wage workers, who are around 3% of our workforce, many of them school kids, senior citizens, stay at home housewives none of which really care about their pay. They are either just killing time or trying to make a few bucks.

It makes no sense whatsoever, but liberalism never has.

As I have suggested repeatedly, the only solution to our ongoing problems is to divide this country into two countries. Put a dividing line from north to south right down the middle. One side will be our liberal country, and the other side our conservative country. Anybody in between will just have to decide which side they have most in common with.

If we could accomplish that, then we on the right will erect a huge Trump wall to keep the liberals out of our country. I can't imagine what a great country our side would be without them.
Please stop proving that conservatives are stupid.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.
Republicans hate America.

Next they will boycott Hot Dogs and Apple Pie
The stupid bastards will do what their lord and master Trump tells them to do, what a bunch of tools and fools.
Are you ever an idiot,if he tells me to take the vaccine I will not take it you moron and you keep evading that of course no wrongdoing was found in the investigations,we got the most corrupt court system in the world dumbass not to mention they all never got to present the evidence idiot.
In talking more of this,sure we got the most honest court system in the world which is why there was no vote fraud,our courts have NEVER been corrupt :rofl: our government is looking out for us and we elect our presidents,there is no agenda by the government against the people,AND this is the funniest one of all the trump hating America haters logic have is that we have a democracy and free speech and thst is WHY Twitter and Facebook bans people’s accounts just for going on there questioning if there was vote fraud and asking questions of the inconsistency’s. :abgg2q.jpg: yep there was no agenda against trump that’s why trump supporters get banned from those free speech sites just for asking questions because our government is a democracy and we have free speech, I don’t think people like moonglow,Penelope and sealybobo even read what they post or stop once to think about what they are saying.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::abgg2q.jpg:
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.
Georgia- 19 days early vote and no questions absentee voting.
Biden’s Delaware - no early voting and no absentee voting unless out of State

“Basically, the worst-case scenario is that the state legislature does not like the outcome in a county, takes over and puts in a new board, suspends the existing board, does not certify the elections until they are certifying the election results that they want,” Wan says.
Georgia Has Enacted Sweeping Changes to Its Voting Law | Time

Kemp has a reelection in 2022 and he wants all republicans to win the state, and him included.
Only a Conservative would boo a moment of silence for 400,000 dead

That's not what they were booing at genius.

Afraid it was

Conservatives cheer 550,000 dead and tell us it is no big deal
Truth over facts? We have way fewer deaths from cancer, heart disease and the flu. So it evens out. I guess COVID cured all those illnesses.
So we shouldn’t do anything about COVID until we have cured cancer

Got it
Not what I said at all. It means that we call deaths COVID19 deaths that aren’t that at all.

So you don’t get it.

Truth over Facts
The facts and the truth is that covid 19 weakens the body so that it cannot effectively fight other diseases that need 100% of your body's attention and that you were able to deal with before contracting the covid 19.
So does a common cold.
I am not talking about the common cold, which doesn't compare in any way.
I had it. It is actually very comparable sans the constant runny nose.
That is your experience. I know someone who was in bed with the virus for 6 weeks
and her experience was not that of the common cold. My family had it (all 5 of 'em)
and their experience was not that of the common cold. Everybody is different, aye?
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.
Georgia- 19 days early vote and no questions absentee voting.
Biden’s Delaware - no early voting and no absentee voting unless out of State

“Basically, the worst-case scenario is that the state legislature does not like the outcome in a county, takes over and puts in a new board, suspends the existing board, does not certify the elections until they are certifying the election results that they want,” Wan says.
Georgia Has Enacted Sweeping Changes to Its Voting Law | Time

Kemp has a reelection in 2022 and he wants all republicans to win the state, and him included.
MLB moving from Atlanta, which suppresses voters by requiring ID to vote, to Colorado, which empowers voters by requiring ID to vote.
Teams are named after people, animals or things that are admirable. Fans don’t give their favorite team a name like Cockroaches, Mosquitoes or Perverts.

We live in a time when the democrats hope to divide our nation into tribes that all distrust each other and hate the evil white man. The interesting factor in this movement is the Democratic Party is led by evil white men.

Obviously this divide and conquer tactic hopes to destroy our nation as it is. The question is what do the democrats hope to replace the United States with? I suspect the Dems hope a weak Untied States will enable their wonderful socialist Global Government to emerge and implement policies to fight Global Warming (the Democratic Party’s religion). What is more likely is the Chinese will take over the world and rule it with an iron fist.

Absolutely. Sports teams used Indian names because of their past history of bravery, dedication, and honor. Nobody would name their team in mockery.
Now if there was an overwhelmingly outrage by Indian tribes, I would be more acceptable to such changes. But as I pointed out, for years when the Cleveland Indians had their home opening, less than a half-dozen Native Americans showed up and expressed their disapproval.

For whatever reason I have yet to figure out, the communists want to change the entire country over the concerns of a fraction of our society. Eliminate all references to Native Americans. Cater to weirdos who wear dresses that represent a fraction of 1%. Create massive inflation, elimination of jobs, more outsourcing, more industry automation investments, more companies leaving the country by pandering to minimum wage workers, who are around 3% of our workforce, many of them school kids, senior citizens, stay at home housewives none of which really care about their pay. They are either just killing time or trying to make a few bucks.

It makes no sense whatsoever, but liberalism never has.

As I have suggested repeatedly, the only solution to our ongoing problems is to divide this country into two countries. Put a dividing line from north to south right down the middle. One side will be our liberal country, and the other side our conservative country. Anybody in between will just have to decide which side they have most in common with.

If we could accomplish that, then we on the right will erect a huge Trump wall to keep the liberals out of our country. I can't imagine what a great country our side would be without them.
Please stop proving that conservatives are stupid.
My Cherokee wife is a dedicated Conservative now thanks to you racist Leftards scrubbing minorities from public view.
Only a Conservative would boo a moment of silence for 400,000 dead

That's not what they were booing at genius.

Afraid it was

Conservatives cheer 550,000 dead and tell us it is no big deal
Truth over facts? We have way fewer deaths from cancer, heart disease and the flu. So it evens out. I guess COVID cured all those illnesses.
So we shouldn’t do anything about COVID until we have cured cancer

Got it
Not what I said at all. It means that we call deaths COVID19 deaths that aren’t that at all.

So you don’t get it.

Truth over Facts
The facts and the truth is that covid 19 weakens the body so that it cannot effectively fight other diseases that need 100% of your body's attention and that you were able to deal with before contracting the covid 19.
So does a common cold.
I am not talking about the common cold, which doesn't compare in any way.
I had it. It is actually very comparable sans the constant runny nose.
That is your experience. I know someone who was in bed with the virus for 6 weeks
and her experience was not that of the common cold. My family had it (all 5 of 'em)
and their experience was not that of the common cold. Everybody is different, aye?
My wife only lost smell and taste (yet to get it fully back). No issues for my kids. Everyone is different but you want everyone to think the same? Aye?
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.
Georgia- 19 days early vote and no questions absentee voting.
Biden’s Delaware - no early voting and no absentee voting unless out of State

“Basically, the worst-case scenario is that the state legislature does not like the outcome in a county, takes over and puts in a new board, suspends the existing board, does not certify the elections until they are certifying the election results that they want,” Wan says.
Georgia Has Enacted Sweeping Changes to Its Voting Law | Time

Kemp has a reelection in 2022 and he wants all republicans to win the state, and him included.
MLB moving from Atlanta, which suppresses voters by requiring ID to vote, to Colorado, which empowers voters by requiring ID to vote.
A lie only becomes the truth when Democrats are telling the lie.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.
Georgia- 19 days early vote and no questions absentee voting.
Biden’s Delaware - no early voting and no absentee voting unless out of State

“Basically, the worst-case scenario is that the state legislature does not like the outcome in a county, takes over and puts in a new board, suspends the existing board, does not certify the elections until they are certifying the election results that they want,” Wan says.
Georgia Has Enacted Sweeping Changes to Its Voting Law | Time

Kemp has a reelection in 2022 and he wants all republicans to win the state, and him included.
No.....he wants the voters to decide.....and considering the fact that Biden forced MLB to pull out of Georgia....all they have to do is make sure that the Democrats can't cheat anymore, because Georgia voters hate Democrats now. Even black folks hate the motherfuckers.
Only a Conservative would boo a moment of silence for 400,000 dead

That's not what they were booing at genius.

Afraid it was

Conservatives cheer 550,000 dead and tell us it is no big deal
Truth over facts? We have way fewer deaths from cancer, heart disease and the flu. So it evens out. I guess COVID cured all those illnesses.
So we shouldn’t do anything about COVID until we have cured cancer

Got it
Not what I said at all. It means that we call deaths COVID19 deaths that aren’t that at all.

So you don’t get it.

Truth over Facts
The facts and the truth is that covid 19 weakens the body so that it cannot effectively fight other diseases that need 100% of your body's attention and that you were able to deal with before contracting the covid 19.
So does a common cold.
I am not talking about the common cold, which doesn't compare in any way.
I had it. It is actually very comparable sans the constant runny nose.
That is your experience. I know someone who was in bed with the virus for 6 weeks
and her experience was not that of the common cold. My family had it (all 5 of 'em)
and their experience was not that of the common cold. Everybody is different, aye?
My wife only lost smell and taste (yet to get it fully back). No issues for my kids. Everyone is different but you want everyone to think the same? Aye?
I think that we need to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. And yes, I think
that everyone should think the same in this case.
Funny how all of these corporations, as well as Democrats, that are condemning Georiga have no problem with the Chinese.
Only a Conservative would boo a moment of silence for 400,000 dead

That's not what they were booing at genius.

Afraid it was

Conservatives cheer 550,000 dead and tell us it is no big deal
Truth over facts? We have way fewer deaths from cancer, heart disease and the flu. So it evens out. I guess COVID cured all those illnesses.
So we shouldn’t do anything about COVID until we have cured cancer

Got it
Not what I said at all. It means that we call deaths COVID19 deaths that aren’t that at all.

So you don’t get it.

Truth over Facts
The facts and the truth is that covid 19 weakens the body so that it cannot effectively fight other diseases that need 100% of your body's attention and that you were able to deal with before contracting the covid 19.
So does a common cold.
I am not talking about the common cold, which doesn't compare in any way.
I had it. It is actually very comparable sans the constant runny nose.
That is your experience. I know someone who was in bed with the virus for 6 weeks
and her experience was not that of the common cold. My family had it (all 5 of 'em)
and their experience was not that of the common cold. Everybody is different, aye?
My wife only lost smell and taste (yet to get it fully back). No issues for my kids. Everyone is different but you want everyone to think the same? Aye?
I think that we need to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. And yes, I think
that everyone should think the same in this case.
That is no way to live. So we should wear masks forever, keep kids in remote learning and never shake hands or hug again? It would keep us safer but it’s a shitty way to live. Maybe we should all stop driving too as it would cause way fewer accidents. We should all stop drinking too. Come on man.
I have watched perhaps ten baseball games since the “the strike.” Before “the strike“ I regularly watched baseball.

In the 90's, we had a great team with extremely talented players. While I never went inside to watch them unless we had bad weather, I did listen to the Indians games on the radio because I spend much of my time in the yard during global warming. After all, global warming is short lived here up north.

Today I wouldn't watch them even if they were headed to the world series. Besides the bullshit going on now, the management of the team got politically correct last year, changing the emblems of the team to not offend the four or five Indians that protested outside the stadium on opening day, and now even talk about changing the team name entirely.

If we don't start taking a stand against entertainment that takes a political stance, they will keep doing it. As the old saying goes, money talks.

Teams are named after people, animals or things that are admirable. Fans don’t give their favorite team a name like Cockroaches, Mosquitoes or Perverts.

We live in a time when the democrats hope to divide our nation into tribes that all distrust each other and hate the evil white man. The interesting factor in this movement is the Democratic Party is led by evil white men.

Obviously this divide and conquer tactic hopes to destroy our nation as it is. The question is what do the democrats hope to replace the United States with? I suspect the Dems hope a weak Untied States will enable their wonderful socialist Global Government to emerge and implement policies to fight Global Warming (the Democratic Party’s religion). What is more likely is the Chinese will take over the world and rule it with an iron fist.
Trump has weakened us on the world stage with his bullshit and bluster. Our leadership is being questioned as China has stepped into the void with new trade deals and military aggressive activities. We need to regain that leadership role
through diplomacy. "Talk softly and carry a big stick." We had the big stick but the
talk was mired in aggressive nonsense, leading us into an isolationist state.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.
Georgia- 19 days early vote and no questions absentee voting.
Biden’s Delaware - no early voting and no absentee voting unless out of State

“Basically, the worst-case scenario is that the state legislature does not like the outcome in a county, takes over and puts in a new board, suspends the existing board, does not certify the elections until they are certifying the election results that they want,” Wan says.
Georgia Has Enacted Sweeping Changes to Its Voting Law | Time

Kemp has a reelection in 2022 and he wants all republicans to win the state, and him included.
No.....he wants the voters to decide.....and considering the fact that Biden forced MLB to pull out of Georgia....all they have to do is make sure that the Democrats can't cheat anymore, because Georgia voters hate Democrats now. Even black folks hate the motherfuckers.
Biden didn't have any say about it, the MBA decided themselves to pull out.

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