I Think Biden Has Killed MLB

So are you telling us that every idiot........excuse me person that votes republican is smart and politically intelligent.

Not all, but much more than the Democrats. If the politically ignorant were mostly Republican voters, they would be pushing for no Voter-ID, forcing states into all mail-in voting, drop off boxes on the corner of every street.

Who is pushing for that? Folks have been voting in this country for decades without a voter ID and a president has been elected every 4yrs without a problem. Since your savior lost now all of a sudden there is All this voter fraud going on that couldn't be proven in Court. You are pissed that folks turned out in droves for this election and that is why Trump lost, Trump Humpin was rejected by the American people.
It’s funny in one breath these republicans say they aren’t trying to suppress the vote and the next breath they admit less people should be voting.

I absolutely love it that 90% of blacks vote democratic. Coming from a middle class white democrat, I ask you. Are those blacks stupid or voting for the right party?

So if poor and middle class blacks all vote democratic, and a lot of us poor and middle class whites agree with you, perhaps it’s middle class and poor whites who vote Republican who are the idiot. I certainly believe they are.

And we know how they’ve been conned. Racism, guns, religion. Abortion, white privilege, guns, gays.

Clearly it’s poor and middle class republicans who have been duped.
It’ll be great and you won’t be satisfied no matter what

In fact I predict you won’t believe the unemployment numbers. A tactic trump used in 2015

The unemployment numbers have to get better. We are vaccinating over 2 million Americans a day now. I think we will be getting very encouraging numbers by the end of this month. So far we've distributed 150 million doses of vaccine with 60 million Americans now totally vaccinated. Even Dementia can't ruin that. Slow it down? Without a doubt. He wants to tax our job creators.
Virtue signaling is all it is.
As has been pointed out, repeatedly, NY has the same law on their books. As does other states.
And, the entire faux outrage is based on a lie that no one can give out water/food to voters.
It only bans campaigners and organizations pushing votes from doing it.
You can set up unmanned water stations etc. anywhere you want. You just can't man them with people pushing votes.

And it gives Georgians an addition seven (7) days to vote.

Which I don't agree with...but that's for another thread.
It’s funny in one breath these republicans say they aren’t trying to suppress the vote and the next breath they admit less people should be voting.

I absolutely love it that 90% of blacks vote democratic. Coming from a middle class white democrat, I ask you. Are those blacks stupid or voting for the right party?

So if poor and middle class blacks all vote democratic, and a lot of us poor and middle class whites agree with you, perhaps it’s middle class and poor whites who vote Republican who are the idiot. I certainly believe they are.

And we know how they’ve been conned. Racism, guns, religion. Abortion, white privilege, guns, gays.

Clearly it’s poor and middle class republicans who have been duped.

It's the middle-class coming to realize who is against them. If blacks were smart, they would too, but most blacks have no interest in politics.

Thanks to Democrats, our country is being flooded with third-worlders that will be taking our middle-class jobs and reducing pay for middle-class American workers. They will be changing our country even more so we replicate the countries they came from.
Anyone who voted for Trump should have their voting privileges revoked
They obviously do not understand what it means to be American

I'm sure you do believe that. Hitler is looking up from hell giving you the nod of approval. Of course you Nazis want to stop real Americans from voting.

Good example

Should those who voted for Hitler have had their voting privileges revoked?
99 percent of americans really aren't all that interested in politics. Sure, they vote. After that, not so much. This isn't a bad thing.
Good example

Should those who voted for Hitler have had their voting privileges revoked?

My only concern is getting politically informed people to vote. Democrats want our leaders to ultimately be decided by people like this.

I don't care if you vote Democrat or Republican. Only people who know WTF is going on in this country, know what direction we are heading in, and know of the issues that should be voting.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Why boycott major league baseball because ex-President Chaos tells you to do that?
Everything he touches dies. Baseball is essentially dead anyway, but why allow Trump to put the final nail in the coffin? Can't any of you think?
No, we are doing it because they are trying to bully people from participating in Democracy, while they kiss the ass of the CCP. Fuck those hypocrites.
No, not really. The problem is voter suppression, not voter oppression. Immigrants are not an issue for most of us, even though you Trump fanatics argue otherwise as an excuse for your opposition.
The "stealing" of the election was an invention of ex-president Chaos in his effort to steal a fair election that he lost. It amazes me that you fanatics allow ex-president Chaos to control your minds.

Oh the irony. You bring up voter suppression in the same post as saying somebody controls our minds? :auiqs.jpg:
It’s obvious republicans have always been about voter suppression.

1. they didn’t like absentee voting, even during a pandemic. They wanted us to hood together on Election Day. Republicans are dumb.

2. Trump appointed a guy to the post office and he removed high speed sorting machines so votes would come in late on Election Day. And trump didn’t want to count any votes that came in late. Where did late votes come from? Big cities like detroit.

Slick. Clever. but also obvious.

Of course we don't want any absentee voting for the reasons I stated. The only people that should be allowed to vote absentee are those who can't vote in person for medical, business, or military reasons.

It's not voter suppression to demand you get your lazy ass out to the polls if you want to vote. If it's too much trouble, stay home. You obviously aren't that interested in voting anyway.
Who is pushing for that? Folks have been voting in this country for decades without a voter ID and a president has been elected every 4yrs without a problem. Since your savior lost now all of a sudden there is All this voter fraud going on that couldn't be proven in Court. You are pissed that folks turned out in droves for this election and that is why Trump lost, Trump Humpin was rejected by the American people.

Who's for that? Ever hear of HR-1?

Did you just wake up from a coma or something? The Republicans have been pushing for Voter ID well over ten years.

Yea I have heard of HR1 and what is the problem with it? It's sad that in 2021 we are still talking about the Votings Right Act.

MLB requires photo ID to pick up tickets from Will Call, but boycotts Georgia for voter ID law
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

If anything happens it won't be until stadiums are at full capacity. They will be able to find enough woke rubes to fill 10%-50% stadiums up.
Yea I have heard of HR1 and what is the problem with it? It's sad that in 2021 we are still talking about the Votings Right Act.

What's wrong with it? It's totally unconstitutional, that's what's wrong with it. The Constitution gives states the right as to how they hold their elections. The communists want to federalize it so only they can win.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

It's not Biden's fault. MLB did this to themselves. But just like the sinking ratings in football, the sinking ratings in all the Hollywood award shows, they will lose people as well, but have enough people who are fans that care less about their politics.

I for one have never had a football game in my living room in over three years.

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