I Think Biden Has Killed MLB

Yea I have heard of HR1 and what is the problem with it? It's sad that in 2021 we are still talking about the Votings Right Act.

What's wrong with it? It's totally unconstitutional, that's what's wrong with it. The Constitution gives states the right as to how they hold their elections. The communists want to federalize it so only they can win.

That's false and you keep spreading that lie.

Interpretation: Elections Clause | The National Constitution Center
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

I like to disappoint you Bozo, democracy in America and Baseball in America are not rejected by the vast majority of Americans, it is only assholes like you who still find Dumb Donald the demagogue / charlatan as something more than what he is, that being a corrupt, man-child in an empty suit.
It’ll be great and you won’t be satisfied no matter what

In fact I predict you won’t believe the unemployment numbers. A tactic trump used in 2015

The unemployment numbers have to get better. We are vaccinating over 2 million Americans a day now. I think we will be getting very encouraging numbers by the end of this month. So far we've distributed 150 million doses of vaccine with 60 million Americans now totally vaccinated. Even Dementia can't ruin that. Slow it down? Without a doubt. He wants to tax our job creators.

Define job creators. Look before you leap.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.

You may be right, or you may be wrong on this.

But the point is that MLB has decided to become involved in a contentious political issue instead of concerning itself with the legality of the spit ball and the bean ball.

Stupid ass move IMHO. Alienating tens of millions of fans is bad, as well as alienating tens of millions of taxpayers. MLB plays their games largely in government owned facilities and broadcasts their games over the public airwaves.
Alienating tens of millions of fans is bad...

And those fans aren't all republicans or even political....People follow sports as an escape from the world where everything gets made into a political controversy.....Dragging politics into sports is as sure a way to alienate the apolitical as well as anyone else.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.
Pro less restrictive voting rights? Is that even a thing?

Don't you mean anti-voter oppression?

What you really mean is you think most of America wants illegal migrants voting in our elections, right?
Also, you think stealing elections is a right....if you're a Democrat.

Yes I mean what the republicans are doing is suppression of the vote and the all star Baseball league can boycott Atlanta whenever they see fit.

There has been NO PROOF that the election was fraudulent and really tramp did win. Biden won fair and square and TRAMP LOST.
Nobody is suppressing the vote, dingbat.
Yea I have heard of HR1 and what is the problem with it? It's sad that in 2021 we are still talking about the Votings Right Act.

What's wrong with it? It's totally unconstitutional, that's what's wrong with it. The Constitution gives states the right as to how they hold their elections. The communists want to federalize it so only they can win.

That's false and you keep spreading that lie.

Interpretation: Elections Clause | The National Constitution Center

Efforts to suppress the vote has a long history, and equally long the number of amendments which have shot down the efforts of racists and misogynists to suppress their vote.

The current iteration of the Republican Party is a large number of States are seeking to suppress the vote, and that is the naked truth.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.
Pro less restrictive voting rights? Is that even a thing?

Don't you mean anti-voter oppression?

What you really mean is you think most of America wants illegal migrants voting in our elections, right?
Also, you think stealing elections is a right....if you're a Democrat.

Yes I mean what the republicans are doing is suppression of the vote and the all star Baseball league can boycott Atlanta whenever they see fit.

There has been NO PROOF that the election was fraudulent and really tramp did win. Biden won fair and square and TRAMP LOST.
Nobody is suppressing the vote, dingbat.

Idiot-gram ^^^; variety A BIG LIE
Yea I have heard of HR1 and what is the problem with it? It's sad that in 2021 we are still talking about the Votings Right Act.

What's wrong with it? It's totally unconstitutional, that's what's wrong with it. The Constitution gives states the right as to how they hold their elections. The communists want to federalize it so only they can win.

That's false and you keep spreading that lie.

Interpretation: Elections Clause | The National Constitution Center

Efforts to suppress the vote has a long history, and equally long the number of amendments which have shot down the efforts of racists and misogynists to suppress their vote.

The current iteration of the Republican Party is a large number of States are seeking to suppress the vote, and that is the naked truth.

Actually, the D's suppress the vote not the Republicans. They do it by deplatforming and doing their best to shut down debate and communication between the candidates and the people.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Cancel culture!!! And most of American is pro less restrictive voting rights.
Pro less restrictive voting rights? Is that even a thing?

Don't you mean anti-voter oppression?

What you really mean is you think most of America wants illegal migrants voting in our elections, right?
Also, you think stealing elections is a right....if you're a Democrat.

Yes I mean what the republicans are doing is suppression of the vote and the all star Baseball league can boycott Atlanta whenever they see fit.

There has been NO PROOF that the election was fraudulent and really tramp did win. Biden won fair and square and TRAMP LOST.
Saying there's no proof....repeating a lie from the MSM doesn't make it a fact.
What we do have evidence of is Democrats and their friends have not only refused to admit there was election fraud because THEY WON, but they have made it a crime to claim that they cheated.
Why would they make it a crime to say that they cheated?
Well....obviously because they cheated, and now they are fully in control of our government....because of their cheating.
The only folks on your side that will admit to it are claiming falsely that reversing the cheating wouldn't make any difference anyway. This is not true....because of the simple fact that millions of mail-in ballots had no positive control in various states...so nobody could prove if they were totally bogus. But the fact that more votes were cast than there were registered voters in at least one state that I know of. Guess what that means. That means massive cheating was going on.....and mail-in ballots simply made it happen.
Anyone who voted for Trump should have their voting privileges revoked
They obviously do not understand what it means to be American

I'm sure you do believe that. Hitler is looking up from hell giving you the nod of approval. Of course you Nazis want to stop real Americans from voting.

Good example

Should those who voted for Hitler have had their voting privileges revoked?
Hitler is looking up at our social media destruction of individuals and surveillance systems and nodding in amazement. He must be thinking...."I was to early".
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

I like to disappoint you Bozo, democracy in America and Baseball in America are not rejected by the vast majority of Americans, it is only assholes like you who still find Dumb Donald the demagogue / charlatan as something more than what he is, that being a corrupt, man-child in an empty suit.
It's assholes like you who decide on Easter Sunday instead of disagreeing with something and moving on.....you instead throw out insults and prove you're as ignorant as everyone thinks you are.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.


Biden is already a better President than Trump in just two months. But he was already better after two days.

As far as baseball goes. Just watched the Braves, Phillies game. Stands are at capacity allowed, and with the game updates, all of the other stands around the league are at allowed capacity also.

It will be with the All Star game to.

Meanwhile, the biggest loser, cadet bonespurs donny, is whining like the little bitch that he is from his bunker, on the election he got his ass handed to him in, and results that aren't going to change, and the indictments aren't far away now. He might want to save some of that money he managed to con you suckers out of for lawyers fees. He's going to need it.

By the way, how did that NFL boycott work out for panty wastes the last couple of years?
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.

Where did you get that idea from?

So you acknowledge you made that up?
I guess you don't understand the difference between having an opinion and lying.
No surprise there.

You specifically said MOST of America is going to boycott MLB. I just want to know where you get this idea that MOST, being around 165 million people, are going to boycott MLB, that's all.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.

Where did you get that idea from?

So you acknowledge you made that up?
I guess you don't understand the difference between having an opinion and lying.
No surprise there.

You specifically said MOST of America is going to boycott MLB. I just want to know where you get this idea that MOST, being around 165 million people, are going to boycott MLB, that's all.
Quit being ignorant.
Especially since you're a mod.....just knock it off.
Define job creators. Look before you leap.

You know, those rich people who own those companies where common people work at that Dementia wants to tax.

You see, owners get a paycheck like their employees. He or she gets to decide how much money they get, and how much to keep in the company. Given the fact the big guy never loses, he will take more money out of the company to supplement his tax losses when government takes more. Less money in the company means less employment by halting or slowing down new hires.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Isn't it you who declared a few years back that the NFL was dead? You con-spiracy predictions never seem to work out very well.
Most of America is going to boycott MLB.
Baseball still hasn't recovered from 'the strike' decades ago, and this final act (pulling the all-star game out of Georgia) will put a stake in Major League Baseball.

As with everything Biden touches....MLB is history.

Why boycott major league baseball because ex-President Chaos tells you to do that?
Everything he touches dies. Baseball is essentially dead anyway, but why allow Trump to put the final nail in the coffin? Can't any of you think?
Cultists MUST obey!

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